The primary way of getting new equipment skills is by equipping different weapons and armor, which have their own unique skills attached them - one might even be so bold as to claim it’s the primary consideration when choosing what to equip! No weapon or armor set is going to have everything you want, however, and that’s where talismans (aka charms) come into play. This page will cover how to unlock, craft and upgrade talismans in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Page Breakdown¶
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Unlocking Talismans |
Crafting and Upgrading Talismans |
Unlocking Talismans¶
Defeat the Uth Duna and complete Chapter 1, after which you’ll travel to Azuz in the Oilwell Basin, where you’ll have quite a bit of chatter and cutscenes to sift through. Once you’re free to roam about Azuz, talk to Gemma and she’ll tell you about Armor Spheres and Talismans, the former of which she can use to upgrade your armor and the latter of which she can forge herself.
Defeat the Uth Duna at the end of Chapter 1, then talk to Gemma in Azuz to unlock talismans.
Crafting and Upgrading Talismans¶
Once unlocked you can visit Gemma any time and pick the “Forge/Upgrade Talismans” option to see a list of the Charms she has available. While you start out with a pretty decent list, most can be unlocked as you progress through the game and encounter new enemies. Charms are good for those handy staples that your armor may not currently provide, including things like elemental resistances, status resistances, defense boosts, evasion enhancers and so on. You can only wear one talisman at a time, but you can swap them out any time you’re in your tent, making it easy to tailor your talisman for the task at hand. Fighting an enemy that deals fire damage? Equip a Fire Charm. Need protection against Paralysis? Use a Paralysis Charm. Sick of getting knocked out of combos so easily? Wear an Impact Charm. Between talismans and [Decorations], your build has a lot of customization potential, and you’ll need to focus on these specific preparations more as time goes on and the monsters you’re hunting become more powerful.
Talismans do have some limitations, however. First, most of the skills they can contain are armor skills, so some things, like Rapid Morph,
Guard Up and
Attack Boost may not be available. They also only boost a skill by one level until upgraded, but most Talismans can be upgraded to Lv3, which is sufficient to prevent most status ailments or provide a generous boost to an elemental resistance, depending on the charm worn. The materials required to create charms varies considerably - expect to have to farm a variety of large monsters, small monsters, endemic life and grab the odd ore or other material. Only one Talisman can be worn at a time.
(1 of 2) Gemma will craft and upgrade talismans, provided you find the required materials,
Gemma will craft and upgrade talismans, provided you find the required materials, (left), and since you can swap out talismans on a whim, it’s a good idea to keep several and use them as needed. (right)
All in all, Talismans are an simple and straight-forward way to get some skills on your build, which can be easily swapped out to best defeat specific monsters.
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