Razzle Dazzle is the last side quest for Kanya’s fishing questline in
Monster Hunter Wilds. This time, she’ll ask you to catch a
Grand Escunite. These rare creatures have a shiny, large shell with tentacles coming out of it and can only be found in one place. Read on to find out where to find the Grand
Escunite, and what you need to do to catch it.
The Underground Lake in Scarlet Forest is the perfect fishing spot for the Grand Escunite.
Quest Start¶
This quest can be accepted from Kanya at the Scarlet Forest Base Camp, but you must finish the previous quest, The Catch of a Lifetime!. After speaking to Kanya, you’ll receive the Tentacle Jig lure, making it obvious what lure you’ll need to catch the Grand Escunite.
(1 of 2) The Underground Lake can be reached by heading south in Area 8.
The Underground Lake can be reached by heading south in Area 8. (left), You’ll find a waterfall at the end, concealing the cave. (right)
Grand Escunite Location¶
You can only find the Grand Escunite in the Scarlet Forest, and it will only appear as a rare spawn in a couple of locations. The first place is where we sent you for the previous quest, the Great Lake (Area 17), but this time, you’ll want to change the environment to Inclemency, which will give you the downpour weather.
Any time of day will do for this creature, but it is a rare spawn and isn’t guaranteed to spawn every time. For this reason, we recommend going to our preferred location, the Underground Lake (Area 8), which just happens to have a pop-up tent there.
To reach this hidden cave, make your way to the southern part of Area 12 to find a waterfall, where you’ll find the hidden cave. As you enter the cave, go up the slope to your right to find the pop-up tent location, and then head back to the base camp to have your camp build a tent there. Fast travel back to the Underground Lake, rest in the tent and change the Environment to Inclemency.
(1 of 3) The pop-up tent will be up the slope to your right as you enter the cave.
Exit the tent, and you’ll have two main fishing spots to check in here. The first is to the right of the tent, where you’ll see a ledge reaching into the lake. The other is on the opposite side and requires you to “Dive In” to another piece of land. Here, you’ll find an Ancient Wyvern Coin sitting on a lonely rock.
These disappear quickly, so make sure you pick it up immediately. Walk over to the edge of the rock and look down to see if the Grand Escunite is there. As mentioned earlier, it has a large shiny shell with tentacles reaching out of it.
If it isn’t in either location, go back to the tent, rest (make sure you make it Inclemency each time), and change the time of day. Repeat this process until the Grand Escunites spawn. Note that the smaller Escunites also spawn here, so make sure you get the right one before leaving. When you do spot a Grand Escunite, equip the Tentacle Jig, and throw the line near its tentacles.
Gently tug down on your line to get its attention, and then reel it in. Sometimes, the other fish here will go for your lure too, so we recommend carefully removing them by using your Capture Net on them. These fish will be
Goldenfish and
Platinumfish, with the latter giving you 100 Guild Points. This will cover some cost of resting as well as make you a bit of cash.
(1 of 2) With some luck, the Grand Escunite will spawn.
With some luck, the Grand Escunite will spawn. (left), Reel it in to complete your task! (right)
Once you have the Grand Escunite, it’s time to head back to Kanya in the Scarlet Forest Base Camp one last time. Brag to her about your find, and prepare yourself for the amazing reward… which is, five Jeweled Mullet Roe, three
Gunpowderfish Scale, two
Whetfish Fin, five
Sushifish Scale, and 300 Guild Points. I know, it’s a lot, try to contain yourself! This concludes the fishing questline from Kanya.
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