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Monster Hunter Wilds

Gore Magala Frenzy Build Guide & Armor

Nathan Garvin
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While the Arkveld and Guardian Arkveld sets are potent potential endgame armor options (and awfully alluring what with those orange rarity 8 icons), depending upon your playstyle there potentially another option - the Gore armor sets. This page will discuss what makes the Gore set so good, what skills and decorations are optimal for it and how to obtain the Gore set in "Monster Hunter" iconMonster Hunter Wilds.

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Unlocking the Gore Armor Set

Most armor sets are named after the monster they’re sourced from, the in this the Gore set is no different - you will need materials carved from a "Gore Magala" iconGore Magala, the penultimate fight in Monster Hunter Wilds. They tend to spawn in the Iceshard Cliffs (and of course in Wounded Hollow), making them somewhat uncommon monsters to find on the field, roughly on par with apex predators. Simply put, you won’t be finding this armor set until late in the game, but after you hunt your first Gore Magala you’ll unlock the "Gore α" iconGore α and "Gore β" iconGore β sets.

Unlike the two pairs of "Arkveld" iconArkveld sets, the Gore sets are aesthetically identical and very similar, skill-wise, with the Gore β set having more decorations slots and the Gore α set having more skills innate to the armor itself.

You will be able to craft the Gore armor set after hunting the Gore Magala.

Crafting Gore Armor

The strength of the Gore set comes from its set bonus skills, Black Eclipse I and Black Eclipse II, the mechanics of which will be discussed below. For now, however, just know that you’re going to need at least two pieces of this set for the first bonus and possibly four pieces for the second, depending on your tastes. If you’re going for the two set bonus skill, Black Eclipse I, "Gore Greaves β" iconGore Greaves β are probably the piece you want to focus on first, as they give the "Antivirus" iconAntivirus skill (useful for the Gore Set Frenzy build - again, discussed in full below) and three decoration slots. After that, things get a bit trickier, as you probably want to mix a two-piece Gore set with something like Arkveld, in which case "Gore Mail α" iconGore Mail α is probably the least painful pick. If you want the four piece bonus skill from the Gore set, Black Eclipse II, the Gore Vambraces are probably the easiest piece to ignore.

In any event, you’re going to need a lot of Gore Magala materials, including:

Fortunately all of these materials can be carved from a vanquished Gore Magala or earned as a hunt reward, with the exception of Frenzy Gems, which are rewarded for destroying wounds. None of these are terribly hard to do, so it’s pure RNG whether you get what you want, which is a blessing and a curse - on one hand, you can just keep hunting Gore Magalas until you get everything you need without having to focus on destroying a specific part to get the drops you want. On the other hand, if you’re just missing one or two materials, there’s not a whole lot else you can do. As usual in Monster Hunter, the solution is simple: hunt, hunt and hunt some more!

(1 of 4) To get the materials for the Gore armor set, you will need to repeatedly hunt Gore Magala.

Gore Armor Frenzy Build

When you equip two or four pieces of the Gore armor set you will get the Black Eclipse I or Black Eclipse II bonus skills, respectively, which automatically inflicts Frenzy on you when you end up in combat with a large monster - most anything you care to hunt. Frenzy is both a blessing and a curse, but with some support skills you can shift this more towards “blessing”, enjoying the damage buffs without suffering the downsides of Frenzy. Frenzy has three states:

  • Frenzy: Onset: You’ll have a sword icon above your health bar that fills up over time. Play aggressively and land attacks to cure Frenzy before it progresses and you’ll move to the Frenzy: Cured status. Fail and you’ll move to the Frenzy: Infected status.
  • Frenzy: Infected: This debuff is inflicted if you don’t cure Frenzy fast enough. You will take more damage and you won’t be able to heal temporary damage (the red section of your health bar).
  • Frenzy: Cured: Marked by a blue icon over the health bar, land enough attacks during the Frenzy: Onset phase and the sword icon will be replaced with this. With the Black Eclipse I skill you will get Affinity +10%, while the Black Eclipse II skill will give you Affinity +10% and +10 Attack. This effect lasts for 60 seconds.

So the gameplay loop with the Gore armor is simple enough, get into a fight with a large monster and you’ll contract Frenzy: Onset. Play aggressively and land hits until it goes away and you will enter the Frenzy: Cured state, getting buffs that increase your Affinity and possibly your Attack for 60 seconds. Fail to cure Frenzy by beating up enemies enough and you’ll suffer from Frenzy: Infected, a less than ideal debuff. After 60 seconds the Frenzy: Cured state will end and you’ll return to the Frenzy: Onset state - rinse, wash, repeat.

On its own, the Gore Frenzy build is a simple enough way to boost your damage - the +10 Attack from Black Eclipse II is roughly comparable to a "Mega Demondrug" iconMega Demondrug, and if you’re diligent the buff uptime should far outweigh the Frenzy: Onset phase. There are two other skills that can make this build even more potent and manageable, however, and fitting them into this build should be strongly considered. First is the Coaselence skill, which gives you buffs every time you cure a debuff. Frenzy: Onset counts as a debuff, and since you’ll be curing that to get the Frenzy: Cured buff, adding "Coalescence" iconCoalescence synergizes perfectly with this build, further boosting your Affinity when a debuff is removed. At Coalescence Lv3 you will gain a +10% Affinity bonus every time you cure the Frenzy: Onset debuff, doubling your effective critical hit rate bonus.

Gore Frenzy Build Bonuses

Skills Effect
Black Eclipse I Affinity +10%
Black Eclipse II Affinity +10%, Attack +10
Black Eclipse I + "Coalescence" iconCoalescence Lv3 Affinity +20%
Black Eclipse II + "Coalescence" iconCoalescence Lv3 Affinity +20%, Attack +10

(1 of 2) Play aggressively and keep attacking while suffering from the Frenzy: Onset debuff,

Play aggressively and keep attacking while suffering from the Frenzy: Onset debuff, (left), and you’ll enter the Frenzy: Cured state, gaining buffs to Affinity and Attack! (right)

Next, and less importantly, is the Antivirus skill, which is provided by some of the Gore armor. This slows the progression of the Frenzy: Onset buildup, making it more likely you will get the Frenzy: Cured buff before time runs out and you suffer from Frenzy: Infected. Your own skill and personal tastes will affect how much of this you care to add to the build, but every rank makes this build more user-friendly. Of course, you can also use Nulberries to slow the progression of Frenzy: Onset.

You will get Coalescence Lv1 from the "Gore Helm α" iconGore Helm α and "Gore Helm β" iconGore Helm β, and the other two levels can be gained from Phoenix Jewels, the Phoenix Charm or splashing a bit of G Fulgur armor into the build (G Fulgur Helm α, G Fulgur Mail α, G Fulgur Greaves α and G Fulgur Greaves β all give a rank of Coalescence). Antivirus, on the other hand, can be found on many Gore armor pieces, including Gore Mail α, "Gore Coil α" iconGore Coil α, "Gore Greaves α" iconGore Greaves α and Gore Greaves β. You can also get ranks of it from the Sanity Charm and from Sane Jewels.

Mix and match Gore armor - either two pieces or four - to get the buffs you want. You can of course go for a hybrid build with Arkveld if you also want skills like "Weakness Exploit" iconWeakness Exploit and "Flayer" iconFlayer, further boosting Affinity and damage when focusing on wounds.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    17 March 2025
  • Guide Author

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