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Monster Hunter Wilds

Crafting - Materials and Recipes

Antony Terence
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Preparing before a fight is the difference between a quick trip and a pyrrhic and drawn-out victory in Monster Hunter Wilds. And in a franchise known for its extensive crafting options, knowing what to look for can make hunts quicker. From hunter buffs to items that let you target the weaknesses of monsters, there’s a lot to sort through. Read on for our comprehensive guide to crafting in Monster Hunter Wilds, from material locations to item recipes.

Find ingredients scattered across the map.

How to craft items

To begin crafting, open the start menu and pick the Crafting List. You can also access this menu from your tent, letting you grab ingredients from your inventory stash. This list will let you scroll through every craftable item in the game. If you’re just seeing a bunch of question marks here, that means you haven’t found the materials necessary for those items. Once you find the right ingredients during your travels, you’ll discover the recipes and what these items do. But if you’re curious, simply scroll down and take a look at our thorough lists.

How to use auto-crafting

If there are some items you tend to craft often, you can set them as favorites. Auto-crafting lets you go one step further and automatically craft items whenever you have enough ingredients for specific items. You can enable this option in the Crafting List. This is triggered only when you have one ingredient and acquire the second ingredient, meaning that your current supply of Herbs and Honey won’t instantly turn into Mega Potions.

We recommend using auto-crafting for items that you’ll use in every hunt. The best items for this are potions, antidotes, cool drinks, hot drinks, armorskin, mega barrel bombs, bowgun ammo, and shock traps. Catalysts are a good choice too since a good number of items require it.

Items require a maximum of two ingredients to make.

Crafting material locations

Now that you know how to craft items, here’s where you can find every crafting material in Monster Hunter Wilds:

Number Crafting Material Used to make How to get
1 Adamant Seed Armorskin, Hardshell Powder, Adamant Pill, Armor Ammo Coral Highlands, Elder’s Recess
2 Antidote Herb Antidote Most regions
3 Bitterbug Broth Catalyst, Immunizer, Deodorant, Luring Pod Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, and Oilwell Basin
4 Blastnut Sticky Ammo Oilwell Basin
5 Blue Mushroom Herbal Medicine, Lifepowder, Recover Ammo Wyveria and Scarlet Forest
6 Chillshroom Cool Drink Oilwell Basin
7 Bomberry Cluster Bomb Windward Plains, Oilwell Basin, and Scarlet Forest
8 Bomb Arowana Scale Sticky Ammo Scarlet Forest and Oilwell Basin
9 Burst Arowana Scale Slicing Ammo Scarlet Forest and Oilwell Basin
10 Dash Extract Dash Juice Aida at Azuz the Everforge, Gypceros in Windward Plains, Oilwell Basin, Iceshard Cliffs, Wyveria
11 Devil’s Blight Mega Barrel Bomb Wyveria and Oilwell Basin
12 Dragonfell Berry Dragon Ammo Most regions
13 Dragonstrike Nut Wyvern Ammo Aida at Azuz the Everforge
14 Dung Dung Pod Most regions
15 Exciteshroom Farcaster, Luring Pod, Exhaust Ammo Wyveria, Iceshard Cliffs, and Scarlet Forest
16 Fire Herb Cleanser, Gunpowder, Barrel Bomb, Flaming Ammo Scarlet Forest, Windward Plains, and Oilwell Basin
17 Flashbug Phosphor Flash Pods Most regions
18 Flowfern Water Ammo Wyveria, Scarlet Forest, Windward Plains, and Oilwell Basin
19 Gloamgrass Bud Dust of Life Wyveria and Scarlet Forest
20 Godbug Essence Cleanser, Lifepowder, Dust of Life, Herbal Powder, Demon Powder, Hardshell Powder Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, Oilwell Basin, and Iceshard Cliffs
21 Gunpowderfish Scale Mega Barrel Bomb Coral Highlands
22 Herb Potion, Mega Potion Most regions
23 Honey Mega Potion, First-aid Med+, Catalyst, Energy Drink Most regions
24 Hot Pepper Hot Drink Iceshard Cliffs
25 Ivy Smoke Bomb, Net Wyveria, Scarlet Forest, and Windward Plains
26 Large Barrel Large Barrel Bomb Purchasable at Provisions Stockpile
27 Mandragora Max Potion, Immunizer Iceshard Cliffs and Scarlet Forest
28 Nitroshroom Energy Drink, Gunpowder, Large Dung Pod Iceshard Cliffs, Scarlet Forest, Windward Plains, and Oilwell Basin
29 Nourishing Extract Ancient Potion, Mega Demondrug, Mega Armorskin Large monsters
30 Parashroom Tinged Meat, Tranq Bomb, Paralysis Ammo Wyveria, Scarlet Forest, Windward Plains, and Oilwell Basin
31 Raw Meat Poisoned Meat, Tinged Meat, Drugged Meat Small monsters
32 Slashberry Slicing Ammo Iceshard Cliffs
33 Sleep Herb Sleep Ammo, Tranq Bomb, Drugged Meat Iceshard Cliffs, Scarlet Forest, and Windward Plains
34 Small Barrel Barrel Bomb Purchasable at Provisions Stockpile
35 Snow Herb Freeze Ammo Scarlet Forest, Iceshard Cliffs, Windward Plains, and Oilwell Basin
36 Spider Web Net Iceshard Cliffs, Oilwell Basin, and Scarlet Forest
37 Throwing Knife Tranq Blade Supply Box
38 Thunderbug Capacitor Shock Traps, Thunder Ammo Windward Plains
39 Toadstool Poison Ammo, Poisoned Meat, Poison Smoke Bombs Iceshard Cliffs, Scarlet Forest, and Oilwell Basin
40 Trap Tool Pitfall and Shock Traps Purchasable at Provisions Stockpile

Stock up on bowgun ammo before a hunt.

Item recipes and functions

With all the materials merely a gathering trip away, here are all the crafting recipes and their ingredients in Monster Hunter Wilds:

Number Item Recipe Function
1 Potion Herb Restores a small amount of health.
2 Mega Potion Herb + Honey Restores a moderate amount of health.
3 First-aid Med+ First-aid Med + Honey Restores a moderate amount of health. Returned after quest completion.
4 Antidote Antidote Herb A cure for the poison effect.
5 Herbal Medicine Antidote + Blue Mushroom Removes all traces of poison and restores a slight amount of health.
6 Deodorant Smokenut + Bitterbug Broth Produces cleansing smoke that cures blastblight and stench.
7 Cleanser Fire Herb + Godbug Essence Immediately removes frost or webbing from the body.
8 Max Potion Catalyst + Mandragora Fully restores health and temporarily maximizes the size of your hunter’s Health Gauge.
9 Catalyst Bitterbug Broth + Honey Works with other materials to enhance their effects.
10 Immunizer Bitterbug Broth + Mandragora Temporarily boosts your natural ability to recover health.
11 Ancient Potion Immunizer + Nourishing Extract Fully restores health and temporarily maximizes the size of your Health and Stamina gauges.
12 Lifepowder Godbug Essence + Blue Mushroom Produces a cloud that heals you and any allies nearby.
13 Dust of Life Godbug Essence + Gloamgrass Bud Produces a cloud that restores a large amount of health for you and any allies nearby.
14 Herbal Powder Godbug Essence + Herbal Medicine Produces a cloud that cures poison and heals your hunter a bit.
15 Energy Drink Nitroshroom + Honey A Guild-approved beverage that boosts your hunter’s stamina.
16 Cool Drink Chillshroom Provides temporary relief from extreme heat.
17 Hot Drink Hot Pepper Provides temporary relief from extreme cold.
18 Dash Juice Catalyst + Dash Extract Recovers stamina and also temporarily reduces stamina depletion when performing actions.
19 Demondrug Catalyst + Might Seed Temporarily boosts your attack power by filling you with demonic strength.
20 Mega Demondrug Nourishing Extract + Demondrug Temporarily boosts your attack power even more than regular Demondrug.
21 Demon Powder Godbug Essence + Might Seed A mysterious powder that produces a cloud around the area that temporarily strengthens attacks.
22 Might Pill Immunizer + Might Seed Temporarily endows you with the strength of a mighty god. Potent!
23 Armorskin Catalyst + Adamant Seed Temporarily boosts your defense by turning your skin as hard as rock.
24 Mega Armorskin Nourishing Extract + Armorskin Temporarily boosts your defense even more than regular Armorskin.
25 Hardshell Powder Godbug Essence + Adamant Seed A mysterious powder; when dispersed, temporarily strengthens defense.
26 Adamant Pill Immunizer + Adamant Seed Temporarily makes your skin as hard as adamant. Potent!
27 Farcaster Smokenut + Exciteshroom Call for a wingdrake to transport you to the nearest camp. Can also be used during combat.
28 Gunpowder Fire Herb + Nitroshroom A dangerous substance that explodes when struck or heated. Used in Large Barrel Bombs.
29 Barrel Bomb Fire Herb + Small Barrel A small time bomb.
30 Large Barrel Bomb Gunpowder + Large Barrel A bomb that can be rolled after placing it on the ground. Strike it to trigger a powerful blast.
31 Mega Barrel Bomb Devil’s Blight + Large Barrel Bomb An upgraded large barrel bomb. Effective against large monsters. Can be rolled after placement.
32 Mega Barrel Bomb Gunpowder Fish + Large Barrel Bomb An upgraded large barrel bomb. Effective against large monsters. Can be rolled after placement.
33 Smoke Bomb Smokenut + Ivy Creates a large cloud of smoke when thrown against the ground that can hide you from a monster’s sight.
34 Poison Smoke Bomb Smokenut + Toadstool Releases a cloud of toxic mist when used. Also popular as a household bug bomb.
35 Flash Pod Flashbug Phosphor Slinger ammo that causes a violent flash on impact. Will temporarily blind monsters if used in front of them.
36 Dung Pod Dung Slinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact. Causes certain monsters to flee.
37 Dung Pod Rolled-up Dung Slinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact. Causes certain monsters to flee.
38 Large Dung Pod Dung Pod + Nitroshroom Slinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact, causing any surrounding monsters to flee.
39 Luring Pod Excite Shroom + Bitterbug Broth Slinger ammo that can be used to lure monsters toward yourself.
40 Poisoned Meat Raw Meat + Toadstool Raw meat that poisons whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
41 Tinged Meat Raw Meat + Parashroom Raw meat that paralyzes whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
42 Drugged Meat Raw Meat + Sleep Herb Raw meat that puts whatever eats it to sleep. Makes great bait for traps.
43 Net Ivy + Spider Web A sturdy net that supports a certain amount of weight without breaking. Perfect for pitfall traps.
44 Pitfall Trap Trap Tool + Net A trap for catching large monsters. It is tripped by heavy weight.
45 Shock Trap Trap Tool + Thunderbug Capacitor A trap that immobilizes a target. Use it to capture monsters.
46 Tranq Bomb Sleep Herb + Parashroom A hand grenade used to capture monsters ensnared in traps. Can be slammed against the ground.
47 Tranq Ammo Tranq Bomb + Normal Ammo Ammo used to capture monsters ensnared in traps.
48 Tranq Blade Tranq Bomb + Throwing Knife A knife coated with a tranquilizer that can be shot from your Slinger to put trapped monsters to sleep.
49 Sticky Ammo Blastnut Powerful ammo that lodges in a target and explodes. Headshots stun.
50 Sticky Ammo Normal Ammo + Bomb Arowana Scales Powerful ammo that lodges in a target and explodes. Headshots stun.
51 Cluster Bomb Bomberry Ammo that fragments into multiple shells upon impact. Beware of friendly fire!
52 Slicing Ammo Slashberry Ammo that ejects sharp blades on impact, which can sever tails.
53 Slicing Ammo Normal Ammo + Burst Arowana Scales Ammo that ejects sharp blades on impact, which can sever tails.
54 Flaming Ammo Normal Ammo + Fire Herb Ammo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to fire.
55 Water Ammo Normal Ammo + Flowfern Ammo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to water.
56 Thunder Ammo Normal Ammo + Thunderbug Capacitor Ammo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to thunder.
57 Freeze Ammo Normal Ammo + Snow Herb Ammo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to ice.
58 Dragon Ammo Normal Ammo + Dragonfell Berry Ammo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to dragon.
59 Poison Ammo Normal Ammo + Toadstool Ammo that inflicts poison. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
60 Paralysis Ammo Normal Ammo + Parashroom Ammo that causes paralysis. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
61 Sleep Ammo Normal Ammo + Sleep Herb Ammo that causes sleep. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
62 Exhaust Ammo Normal Ammo + Exciteshroom Ammo that drains a monster’s stamina.
63 Recover Ammo Normal Ammo + Blue Mushroom Ammo that produces a healing cloud in the impact zone of where it lands.
64 Demon Ammo Normal Ammo + Might Seed Ammo that produces a cloud that temporarily strengthens attacks in the impact zone of where it lands.
65 Armor Ammo Normal Ammo + Adamant seed Ammo that produces a cloud that temporarily strengthens defense in the impact zone of where it lands.
66 Wyvern Ammo Dragonstrike Nut Ammo created through years of research into Wyvern’s Fire. Short ranged but destructive.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    17 March 2025
  • Guide Author

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