Zoh Shia Large Monsters
A Guardian created to be Wyveria’s savior. It was feeding off the Dragontorch, drawing from the vast stores of energy while it slumbered.
A massive Guardian that has been feeding off the Dragontorch’s energy. Its body is encased in crystallized Wyvern Milk, allowing it to regenerate. Zoh Shia, like other Guardians, excels at energy attacks and can produce repeated explosions to crystallize the whole area. Beneath its white Guardian coat, its body pulses with dark recollection—which you may see, should it reveal its full power from the days of yore.
Helpful Hints
Zoh Shia share the same basic traits of other Guardians. The crystals on their wings and heads can be stripped away to deplete their energy stores. The white crystals on their bodies will grow back weaker, making them easier to destroy a second time. The crystals they create will detonate if they take elemental damage, but a talented hunter can use elemental Slinger ammo and smart maneuvering to make good use of them.

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