The Catch of a Lifetime! Is the fourth fishing side quest in Monster Hunter Wilds. This time, Kanya will want you to fish up a whopper, which changes up the fishing mini-game. Read on to find out where you can find whoppers, and what you need to do to reel one in.
It’s time for you to go for your biggest fish yet!
Quest Start¶
This quest follows on from the Fishing for Flavor side quest and it’ll be your biggest test yet! Kanya, at the Scarlet Forest Base Camp, will ask you to fish up a Whopper. Before you get confused, a whopper isn’t a fish, but a type of fish. Whoppers are any large fish that requires the new fishing minigame to reel it in. This includes Swordfish, Tuna, and Gastronome Tuna to name a few. Along with the quest, she’ll give you a couple of baits to achieve this, with the baits being, Duster Rig, and Tuff Joint.
You can find a hidden camp to the east of the Great Lake by climbing the vines. Use this as your base of operations.
Whopper Location¶
The easiest way to get a whopper is to travel to the Area 17 area of Scarlet Forest (the place where you fought Uth Duna). To the east of the Great Lake is a pop-up tent, simply climb up the vines on top of the debris to find it, and use it as your Base of Operations. Go inside your tent and change the time of day to Morning, and the environment to Plenty.
Now, go back to Area 17, and head to the southwestern edge, between the two Loch Ruins environmental traps. At the back (off the map), you’ll find several large fish making quite the splash. Equip your fishing rod, select the Tuff Joint Bait, and throw your line in next to the large fish. You may need to wiggle the line or reel it in slowly to get them to bite.
(1 of 2) Head to Area 17 of Scarlet Forest in the morning, with the environment being plenty.
Head to Area 17 of Scarlet Forest in the morning, with the environment being plenty. (left), Reel in a large fish to meet the conditions of your quest. (right)
When they do, be prepared for a new mini-game, where you’ll need to tire out the fish before you can reel it in. Simply aim your rod in the direction the fish is swimming, and if it jumps out press the direction of its jump and then press /
to restrain it. When the fish slows down, move your stick up and down to reel it in.
The fish you’ll get here with the recommended bait will either be the Tuna or Gastronome Tuna, and that will more than suffice for the quest. If the fish don’t appear here, go to another map, and then return to the area and try again, but make sure the time and environment are Morning and Plenty.
Like most of the quests thus far, your reward will be lackluster. You’ll get a measly five Gunpowerfish Scales, and five Honey, as well as 200 Guild Points. However, this will unlock another quest from Kanya.
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