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Fire Emblem Engage

How to Learn Weapon Proficiencies in Fire Emblem Engage

Nathan Garvin
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Different classes and Emblems specialize in different weapons, and to different degrees, and this is represented by two types of weapon proficiencies. One of these proficiencies is weapon level, which is mostly derived from a character’s current class and determines what weapons said character can wield, while the other is innate knowledge gained from Emblems, and determines what classes a character can change to. This page will cover weapon proficiency grades by class, and how to learn new proficiencies from Emblems.

How to Learn Proficiencies From Emblems in Fire Emblem Engage

To promote to various classes, you’ll need to have earned proficiencies in the weapons those classes can use. For example, to promote to a "Sage" iconSage you must possess proficiencies in tomes and staves, to promote to a "Warrior" iconWarrior you must have proficiencies in both axes and bows, and to promote to a "Swordmaster" iconSwordmaster you must… well, you know.

Unlike weapon levels (see below), there are no grades to proficiencies. You either have them, or you don’t. All characters possess one weapon they’re especially proficient in (see below) by default, and in addition to potentially giving them some weapon level bonuses when they promote to certain advanced classes, this innate aptitude counts as proficiency with their select weapon for terms of determining what classes they can promote into. "Alear" iconAlear, for example, is proficient with swords by default, and can promote to a "Divine Dragon" iconDivine Dragon and Swordmaster. If she wanted to promote to other classes, however, she’d have to learn other proficiencies.

You can learn new weapon proficiencies by increasing your Bond Level with various emblems. "Marth" iconMarth grants Sword Proficiency at Bond Level 8, "Sigurd" iconSigurd bestows Lance Proficiency at Bond Level 6, and so on. Again, once a proficiency is unlocked via an Emblem, that character keeps that proficiency unlocked for the rest of the game, even without having the source Emblem Ring equipped. The easiest way to acquire weapon proficiencies from Emblem Rings is by spending Bond Fragments at the Arena, which will directly increase your Bond Level.

Below you’ll find a table listing the game’s various Emblems and what proficiencies you can learn from each one:

Emblem Proficiencies
"Alear" iconAlear Sword, Arts
"Byleth" iconByleth Sword, Arts
"Celica" iconCelica Sword, Tome
"Corrin" iconCorrin Sword
Edelgard Lance, Axe, Bow
Eirika Sword, Lance
"Ike" iconIke Sword, Axe
"Leif" iconLeif Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Staff, Dagger
"Lucina" iconLucina Sword, Bow
"Lyn" iconLyn Sword, Bow
"Marth" iconMarth Sword
"Micaiah" iconMicaiah Tome, Staff, Dagger
"Roy" iconRoy Sword
"Sigurd" iconSigurd Sword, Lance
"Tiki" iconTiki Arts

Weapon Level by Class

Graded weapon skills are nothing new for Fire Emblem, in fact, it’s the other sort of proficiency that’s an innovation. Unlike in Fire Emblem Three Houses, you don’t train up your weapon level in Fire Emblem Engage, your weapon is mostly determined by your class, and largely serves to limit what weapons you can equip.

Your weapon level is graded in four ranks, from worst to best: C, B, A and S. Likewise, weapons are graded with the same ranks, technically starting at rank D (no class with access to a weapon is restricted to rank D weapons) and moving up through C, B, A and S. If your weapon weapon level is equal to or higher than the grade on a weapon, you can equip it, if not, not.

Most base classes that specialize in a single weapon (the overwhelming majority of them) have a rank of B with their preferred weapon, allowing them to use iron, steel and silver variants (among others). Advanced Classes are more diverse, but decidedly superior, as they typically have access to more weapon types and have a greater level of overall proficiency. In many cases, the advanced class will have a primary weapon who can equip rank A weapons, and a secondary class that can equip rank C weapons, but there are some outliers who are even more generalized (like the "High Priest" iconHigh Priest) or specialists like the Swordmaster.

Below you’ll find a table listing all the weapon levels by base class (including special classes):

Below you’ll find a table listing all the weapon levels by advanced class:

Advanced Class Weapon Level
"Avenir" iconAvenir Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Berserker" iconBerserker Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Bow Knight Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Cupido" iconCupido Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Divine Dragon" iconDivine Dragon Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
General Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Great Knight Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Griffin Knight Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Halberdier" iconHalberdier Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Hero Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"High Priest" iconHigh Priest Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Lindwurm" iconLindwurm Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Mage Knight Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Martial Master" iconMartial Master Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Paladin Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Picket" iconPicket Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Royal Knight" iconRoyal Knight Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Sage" iconSage Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Sleipnir Rider" iconSleipnir Rider Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Sniper" iconSniper Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Successeur" iconSuccesseur Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Swordmaster" iconSwordmaster Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Tireur d’elite Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Vidame" iconVidame Fire Emblem Engage Screenshot Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
"Warrior" iconWarrior Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Wolf Knight Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot
Wyvern Knight Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot or Fire Emblem Engage ScreenshotFire Emblem Engage Screenshot

Weapon Level by Character

While a character’s class will do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to determining their overall weapon level, each character has their own innate aptitude which may sway things a bit. Alear, for example, is skilled in the use of swords, and she may have a higher weapon level with swords with some advanced classes than the default, while "Alfred" iconAlfred is more skilled with lances and "Boucheron" iconBoucheron is more capable with axes. With their respective proficiencies, they’d have a weapon level of A as a Wolf Knight, Wyvern Knight or "Mage" iconMage Knight instead of the usual B rank. Keep in mind that this does not apply universally; for whatever reason, Alear does not get a boost to her weapon level with swords as a Hero or "Royal Knight" iconRoyal Knight, and these bonuses are limited to advanced classes. You can tell when a character’s innate proficiency with a weapon is improving their weapon level, as the grade icon will be blue.

Below is a list of every character and the weapon they’re proficient with:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Adventure, Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    7 February 2023
    Version History
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