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Fire Emblem Engage

All Dishes at Cafe Terrace

Jessica Dillon
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Ordering meals in Fire Emblem Engage is a great way to bond with your allies and get some stat boosts. Each character has different dishes that they cook well, and dishes that they hate and love. It can be a bit hard to keep up with all the various meals in Fire Emblem Engage and the ingredients needed to make them. The guide below lists every meal that you can make in the Fire Emblem Engage, its stat buffs, and what items you need to make it.

Choosing a meal in Cafe Terrace.

How to Make Dishes at Cafe Terrace in Fire Emblem Engage

Once you reach Chapter 6, the ability to make dishes will unlock. To start cooking, simply speak with the party member at the Cafe Terrace Cafe. You can only make one meal in between battles, so make sure you plan out which characters you want to feed carefully.

Every Recipe in Fire Emblem Engage and How to Make Them

The table below lists every recipe in the game, what country they are from, the stats they increase, and the ingredients you will need to make them.


Meal Name Stats Increase Ingredients Needed
"Onion Soup" iconOnion Soup +2 Res "Onion" iconOnion
"Bean and Veggie Consommé" iconBean and Veggie Consommé +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Res "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Beans" iconBeans, "Pork" iconPork
"Potato Soup" iconPotato Soup +2 Res "Potato" iconPotato
"White Sausage" iconWhite Sausage +1 Str +1 Res "Mutton" iconMutton, "Pork" iconPork, "Herb" iconHerb
"Salted-Meat Stew" iconSalted-Meat Stew +1 Str, +1 Def, +2 Res "Spices" iconSpices, "Herb" iconHerb, "Pork" iconPork, "Onion" iconOnion
"Cream Croquette" iconCream Croquette +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Spd "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Smoked Freshwater Eel" iconSmoked Freshwater Eel +2 Spd "Eel" iconEel
"Pickle Herring Rolls" iconPickle Herring Rolls +1 Spd, + 2 Res "Herring" iconHerring, "Onion" iconOnion, "Tomato" iconTomato
"Deep-Fried Carp" iconDeep-Fried Carp +1 Spd, +1 Res "Carp" iconCarp
"Apple Pie" iconApple Pie +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Apple" iconApple, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Pickled Cabbage" iconPickled Cabbage +1 Def, +1 Res "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Spices" iconSpices
"Potato Pancakes" iconPotato Pancakes +1 Mag, +1 Res "Potato" iconPotato, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Steamed Dango" iconSteamed Dango +1 Spd, +1 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour "Milk" iconMilk
"Onion Quiche" iconOnion Quiche +1 Def, +1 Res "Onion" iconOnion, "Pork" iconPork
"Apple and Cheese Toasties" iconApple and Cheese Toasties +1 Spd, +1 Def "Apple" iconApple, "Milk" iconMilk
"Peach Cake" iconPeach Cake +1 Str, +1 Spd, + 1 Def, +1 Mag "Peach" iconPeach, "Milk" iconMilk, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Caramel Nut Cake" iconCaramel Nut Cake +1 Str, +1 Spd, + 1 Def, +1 Mag "Nuts" iconNuts, "Milk" iconMilk, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Syrup-Simmered Berries" iconSyrup-Simmered Berries +1 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Berries" iconBerries, "Grapes" iconGrapes, "Milk" iconMilk
"Jelly Doughnuts" iconJelly Doughnuts +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Orange" iconOrange, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Emperor’s Mess" iconEmperor’s Mess +1 Str, +1 Spd. +2 Res "Berries" iconBerries, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Omelet" iconOmelet +1 Str, +1 Spd, + 1 Res "Tomato" iconTomato, "Eggs" iconEggs, "Milk" iconMilk
Deep-Dish Crepe Pizza +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def, + 1 Res "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Tomato" iconTomato, "Eggs" iconEggs, "Milk" iconMilk
"Steak Fries" iconSteak Fries +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Res "Eggs" iconEggs, "Spices" iconSpices, "Potato" iconPotato


Meal Name Stats Increase Ingredients Needed
"Mutton and Cabbage Stew" iconMutton and Cabbage Stew +1 Str, +1 Res "Mutton" iconMutton, "Cabbage" iconCabbage
"Crispy Roasted Pork Belly" iconCrispy Roasted Pork Belly +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Res "Pork" iconPork
"Braised Lamb Shank" iconBraised Lamb Shank +1 Str, +1 Res "Mutton" iconMutton, "Spices" iconSpices
"Fruit Pie" iconFruit Pie +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Mag + 1 Res "Apple" iconApple, "Grapes" iconGrapes, "Orange" iconOranges
"Braised Beef in Grape Sauce" iconBraised Beef in Grape Sauce +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Mag + 1 Res "Beef" iconBeef, "Onion" iconOnion, "Grapes" iconGrapes, "Spices" iconSpices
"Cod Boil" iconCod Boil +2 Spd "Cod" iconCod
"Creamy Fish Chowder" iconCreamy Fish Chowder +2 Spd "Minced Fish" iconMinced Fish, "Milk" iconMilk
"Meat Dango in Cream Sauce" iconMeat Dango in Cream Sauce +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def, +1 Mag + "Chicken" iconChicken, "Grapes" iconGrapes, "Milk" iconMilk
"Marinated Salmon" iconMarinated Salmon +1 Spd, +3 Res "Salmon" iconSalmon, "Onion" iconOnion, "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Herb" iconHerb
"Crisp Bread" iconCrisp Bread +2 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Sour Cream Congee" iconSour Cream Congee +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Res "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Herb" iconHerb
"Crêpe Pancakes" iconCrêpe Pancakes +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def, +1 Mag + "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Jam Cake" iconJam Cake +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def, +1 Mag + "Berries" iconBerries, "Grapes" iconGrapes
"Tree Cake" iconTree Cake +1 Str, +1 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Fish Dango" iconFish Dango +2 Spd "Minced Fish" iconMinced Fish
"Cheese Wedge" iconCheese Wedge +2 Spd "Milk" iconMilk
"Oatmeal" iconOatmeal +1 Spd, +1 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk
"Baked Potato" iconBaked Potato +1 Str, +1 Spd "Milk" iconMilk, "Potato" iconPotato, "Beans" iconBeans
"Nut Compote" iconNut Compote +1 Spd, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Nuts" iconNuts, "Milk" iconMilk
"Traveler's Egg" iconTraveler’s Egg +2 Def "Beef" iconBeef, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Chicken Tomato Curry" iconChicken Tomato Curry +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Res "Chicken" iconChicken, "Tomato" iconTomato, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Haggis" iconHaggis +1 Str, +1 Res "Mutton" iconMutton, "Herb" iconHerb, "Onion" iconOnion
"Crumble Cake" iconCrumble Cake +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Berries" iconBerries, "Grapes" iconGrapes
"Marinated Herring" iconMarinated Herring +1 Spd, +1 Res "Herring" iconHerring, "Onion" iconOnion
"Meat Pie" iconMeat Pie +1 Str, +2 Res "Beef" iconBeef, "Onion" iconOnion, "Potato" iconPotato


Meal Name Stats Increase Ingredients Needed
"Nut Milk Pie" iconNut Milk Pie +1 Def, +1 Mag "Nuts" iconNuts, "Milk" iconMilk, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Nut Rice Pudding" iconNut Rice Pudding +1 Spd, +1 Mag, +1 Def "Rice" iconRice, "Milk" iconMilk, "Nuts" iconNuts
"Dome Bread" iconDome Bread +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def, +1 Mag "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs, "Nuts" iconNuts
"Chilled Vegetable Soup" iconChilled Vegetable Soup + Mag, +1 Res "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Apple" iconApple, "Tomato" iconTomato
"Prosciutto" iconProsciutto +1 Str, +1 Def "Pork" iconPork
"Kebabs" iconKebabs +1 Str, +1 Def "Chicken" iconChicken, "Spices" iconSpices
"Seafood Paella" iconSeafood Paella +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def, +1 Res "Rice" iconRice, "Sashimi" iconSashimi, "Tomato" iconTomato, "Herb" iconHerb
"Meatballs and Beans" iconMeatballs and Beans +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Res "Pork" iconPork, "Beans" iconBeans, "Onion" iconOnion
"Tiramisu" iconTiramisu +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Res "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Berry Sauce Panna Cotta" iconBerry Sauce Panna Cotta +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Res "Berries" iconBerries, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Seafood Medley with Garlic" iconSeafood Medley with Garlic +1 Def, +1 Spd, +1 Res "Sardines" iconSardines, "Spices" iconSpices, "Tomato" iconTomato, "Eel" iconEel
"Fried Sardines" iconFried Sardines +1 Spd, +1 Def "Sardines" iconSardines
"Vegetable Stir-Fry" iconVegetable Stir-Fry +1 Def, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Spices" iconSpices
"Tomatoes in Sweet Vinegar" iconTomatoes in Sweet Vinegar +1 Def, +2 Res "Tomato" iconTomato, "Onion" iconOnion, "Spices" iconSpices
"Crème Brûlée" iconCrème Brûlée +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Churros" iconChurros +2 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
Soft Candies +1 Str, +1 Mag "Nuts" iconNuts, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Classic Pizza" iconClassic Pizza +1 Spd, +1 Def, +2 Res "Tomato" iconTomato, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs, "Herb" iconHerb
"Risotto" iconRisotto +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Res "Rice" iconRice, "Milk" iconMilk, "Spices" iconSpices
"Rice Croquettes" iconRice Croquettes +1 Str, +1 Spd, +2 Def "Rice" iconRice, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Rosetta Bread" iconRosetta Bread +2 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Acqua Pazza" iconAcqua Pazza +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Res "Carp" iconCarp, "Tomato" iconTomato, "Spices" iconSpices
"Veal Rolls" iconVeal Rolls +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def "Beef" iconBeef, "Spices" iconSpices, "Milk" iconMilk
"Salt Pork" iconSalt Pork +1 Str, +1 Spd +1 Def "Pork" iconPork, "Spices" iconSpices, "Herb" iconHerb


Meal Name Stats Increase Ingredients Needed
"Blood Sausage" iconBlood Sausage +1 Str, +1 Def "Pork" iconPork, "Beef" iconBeef
"Meat-Filled Potato Roll" iconMeat-Filled Potato Roll +1 Str, +2 Def "Pork" iconPork, "Onion" iconOnion, "Potato" iconPotato
"Potted Casserole" iconPotted Casserole +2 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Res "Dried Fish" iconDried Fish, "Onion" iconOnion, "Potato" iconPotato, "Milk" iconMilk
"Mushy Peas" iconMushy Peas +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def "Beans" iconBeans, "Milk" iconMilk
"Sandwich Cake" iconSandwich Cake +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Sashimi" iconSashimi, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Roast Salmon" iconRoast Salmon +2 Def "Salmon" iconSalmon
"Mashed Potato Stew" iconMashed Potato Stew +1 Spd, +2 Res "Potato" iconPotato, "Herb" iconHerb, "Milk" iconMilk
"Salmon Potato Gratin" iconSalmon Potato Gratin +1 Str, +1 Spd, +2 Res "Salmon" iconSalmon, "Potato" iconPotato, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Clover Salad" iconClover Salad +2 Res "Herb" iconHerb
"Fish-and-Bacon Pocket Bun" iconFish-and-Bacon Pocket Bun +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def "Dried Fish" iconDried Fish, "Pork" iconPork, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Jam Thumbprint Cookies" iconJam Thumbprint Cookies +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Berries" iconBerries, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk
"Cinnamon Roll" iconCinnamon Roll +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Berries" iconBerries, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk
"Cabbage-and-Nut Salad" iconCabbage-and-Nut Salad +1 Mag, +1 Def "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Nuts" iconNuts
"Open-Faced Sandwich" iconOpen-Faced Sandwich +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Res "Salmon" iconSalmon, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Apple Pudding Pie" iconApple Pudding Pie +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Apple" iconApple, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk
"Puffy Pancakes" iconPuffy Pancakes +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def Flour, "Eggs" iconEggs, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Sautéed Apples with Bacon" iconSautéed Apples with Bacon +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Pork" iconPork, "Apple" iconApple, "Spices" iconSpices
"Berry Jelly" iconBerry Jelly +1 Spd, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Berries" iconBerries, "Milk" iconMilk
"Soda Bread" iconSoda Bread +1 Def, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Grapes" iconGrapes, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk
"Sashimi Moriawase" iconSashimi Moriawase +2 Spd "Sashimi" iconSashimi
"Miso Soup" iconMiso Soup +1 Str, +1 Def "Beans" iconBeans
"Uiro" iconUiro +2 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Anmitsu" iconAnmitsu +1 Mag, +1 Def "Orange" iconOrange, "Beans" iconBeans, "Peach" iconPeach
"Rice with Egg" iconRice with Egg +1 Str, +1 Def "Rice" iconRice, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Candied Fruits" iconCandied Fruits +2 Spd, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Apple" iconApple, "Grapes" iconGrapes, "Orange" iconOrange, "Peach" iconPeach
"Fruit Smoothie" iconFruit Smoothie +1 Spd, +1 Mag, +1 Res "Orange" iconOrange, "Peach" iconPeach, "Grapes" iconGrapes
"Apple Compote" iconApple Compote +1 Mag, +1 Res "Apple" iconApple
"Orange Marmalade" iconOrange Marmalade +1 Mag, +1 Res "Orange" iconOrange
"Veggie Sticks" iconVeggie Sticks +2 Def "Cabbage" iconCabbage


Meal Name Stats Increase Ingredients Needed
"Peasant Bread" iconPeasant Bread +2 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour
"Croissant" iconCroissant +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Mutton Stew" iconMutton Stew +1 Str, +2 Res "Mutton" iconMutton, "Potato" iconPotato, "Onion" iconOnion
"Very Veggie Stew" iconVery Veggie Stew +3 Res "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Tomato" iconTomato, "Potato" iconPotato, "Onion" iconOnion
"Cod Dip" iconCod Dip +2 Spd, +1 Res "Cod" iconCod, "Milk" iconMilk, "Potato" iconPotato
"Hot Crêpe" iconHot Crêpe +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Orange" iconOrange, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Berry Custard Tart" iconBerry Custard Tart +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Berries" iconBerries, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Peach Sorbet" iconPeach Sorbet +1 Mag, +1 Def "Peach" iconPeach
"Apple Beignets" iconApple Beignets +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Apple" iconApple, "Wheat Flour" iconWheat Flour, "Milk" iconMilk, "Eggs" iconEggs
"Chocolate Orange" iconChocolate Orange +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Orange" iconOrange, "Milk" iconMilk, "Nuts" iconNuts


Meal Name Stats Increase Ingredients Needed
"Chili Salad" iconChili Salad +1 Spd, +1 Mag, +1 Def "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Apple" iconApple, "Spices" iconSpices, "Milk" iconMilk
"Chili-Covered Fruit Sticks" iconChili-Covered Fruit Sticks +1 Spd, +1 Mag, +1 Def "Apple" iconApple, "Spices" iconSpices, "Orange" iconOrange
"Peach Sorbet with Chili Sauce" iconPeach Sorbet with Chili Sauce +1 Mag, +1 Def "Peach" iconPeach, "Spices" iconSpices
Pickled Chilies +1 Str, +1 Def, +1 Mag "Spices" iconSpices
"Chicken Tom Yum Soup" iconChicken Tom Yum Soup +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Res "Chicken" iconChicken, "Herb" iconHerb, "Milk" iconMilk, "Spices" iconSpices
"Chili-Cheese Stew" iconChili-Cheese Stew +1 Spd, +1 Res "Milk" iconMilk, "Spices" iconSpices, "Tomato" iconTomato
"Red Mapo Tofu" iconRed Mapo Tofu +1 Str, +1 Res "Beef" iconBeef, "Beans" iconBeans, "Spices" iconSpices
"Pork and Kimchi Stir-Fry" iconPork and Kimchi Stir-Fry +1 Str, +2 Res "Cabbage" iconCabbage, "Pork" iconPork, "Spices" iconSpices, "Onion" iconOnion
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Adventure, Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    7 February 2023
    Version History
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