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Finding All Emblem Weapons in Fire Emblem Engage is a challenge to say the least, but what do they all do? Specifically, which Emblem Weapons stand out in terms of abilities and statistics? Whilst these factors are ultimately subjective based on the units a player wants to build, this information needs tor be easy to access. That’s where we come in with all Emblem Weapons in Fire Emblem Engage in one handy guide for players.

Whilst placing each weapon type into its own table, it will also be accompanied by the Weapon Name, Description and Ranking. Need more information/ Just click on the Weapon name to be taken to its relevant database entry for all available statistics. Which weapons are effective against others? Whilst Fire Emblem Engage gave a tutorial on this subject, it can be hard to remember especially for new players.

All Emblem Weapons In Fire Emblem Engage

Cause enemy units to break by exploiting their weapon weaknesses in !Fire Emblem Engage.

Breaking enemy units is a key part of Fire Emblem Engage gameplay, with all Emblem Weapons in Fire Emblem Engage being able to cause the counter-canceling action. The weakness chain can be seen above, which shows Axes > Lances > Swords alongside Arts trumping Daggers, Bows and Tomes. The fun doesn’t end there though, with Bows being effective against flying opponents and Tomes being effective against heavily armed units being two top examples. The best way to find out about all of these strengths and weaknesses is to get straight into gameplay, but the aforementioned strategies will cause a Break and stop enemy units from counter attacking. Let’s get straight into the breakdowns for all Emblem Weapons in Fire Emblem Engage:

Emblem Arts: All Emblem Weapons In Fire Emblem Engage

Art Description Rank
"Vajra-Mushti" iconVajra-Mushti Gauntlets wielded by Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. Uses lowest of foe’s Def/Res. D
"Vajra-Mushti (Normal)" iconVajra-Mushti (Normal) Gauntlets wielded by Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. Uses lowest of foe’s Def/Res. D
"Dragon's Fist (Alear)" iconDragon’s Fist (Alear) Magical attack wielded by Emblem "Alear" iconAlear. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. (Uses Mag.)
"Dragon's Fist (Alear) (Normal)" iconDragon’s Fist (Alear) (Normal) Magical attack wielded by Emblem "Alear" iconAlear. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. (Uses Mag.) D

Emblem Axes: All Emblem Weapons In Fire Emblem Engage

Axe Description Rank
"Killer Axe" iconKiller Axe Axe wielded by Emblem "Leif" iconLeif. Easily inflicts fatal wounds. D
"Killer Axe (Leif)" iconKiller Axe (Leif) Axe wielded by Emblem "Leif" iconLeif. Easily inflicts fatal wounds. D
"Killer Axe (Leif) (Normal)" iconKiller Axe (Leif) (Normal) An Emblem’s axe. Easy to inflict a fatal wound with. D
"Hammer" iconHammer "Hammer" iconHammer of Emblem "Ike" iconIke. Smashes foes. Cannot follow up, or strike first if initiating combat. Eff: Armored. D
"Hammer (Ike)" iconHammer (Ike) "Hammer" iconHammer of Emblem "Ike" iconIke. Smashes foes. Cannot follow up, or strike first if initiating combat. Eff: Armored. D
"Hammer (Ike) (Normal)" iconHammer (Ike) (Normal) "Hammer" iconHammer of Emblem "Ike" iconIke. Smashes foes. Cannot follow up, or strike first if initiating combat. Eff: Armored. D
"Urvan (Ike)" iconUrvan (Ike) Heirloom axe wielded by Emblem "Ike" iconIke. Grants Res+3. D
"Urvan (Ike) (Normal)" iconUrvan (Ike) (Normal) Heirloom axe wielded by Emblem "Ike" iconIke. Grants Res+3. D
"Aymr" iconAymr Axe of Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. Smashes foes. Cannot follow up, or strike first if initiating combat. Eff: Dragon. D

Emblem Bows

Bow Description Rank
"Master Bow" iconMaster Bow D
"Parthia" iconParthia Bow wielded by Emblem "Lucina" iconLucina. Doubles user’s earned experience. Grants Res+5. Effective: Flying. D
"Parthia (Normal)" iconParthia (Normal) Bow wielded by Emblem "Lucina" iconLucina. Doubles user’s earned experience. Grants Res+5. Effective: Flying. D
"Killer Bow (Lyn)" iconKiller Bow (Lyn) Bow wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Easily inflicts fatal wounds. Effective: Flying. D
"Killer Bow (Lyn) (Normal)" iconKiller Bow (Lyn) (Normal) Bow wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Effective: Flying. D
"Killer Bow (Lyn) (Chapter 10)" iconKiller Bow (Lyn) (Chapter 10) An Emblem’s bow. Easy to inflict a fatal wound with. Effective: Flying. D
"Mulagir" iconMulagir Mighty bow wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Grants Spd+5. Effective: Flying, Dragon. D
"Mulagir (Normal)" iconMulagir (Normal) Mighty bow wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Grants Spd+5. Effective: Flying, Dragon. D
"Failnaught" iconFailnaught Bow wielded by Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. If user initiates combat, grants Avo+20. Effective: Dragon, Flying. D

Emblem Lances

Lance Description Rank
Ridersbane Lance wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. Effective: Cavalry. D
"Ridersbane (Sigurd)" iconRidersbane (Sigurd) Lance wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. Effective: Cavalry. D
"Ridersbane (Sigurd) (Normal)" iconRidersbane (Sigurd) (Normal) Lance wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. Effective: Cavalry. D
"Brave Lance" iconBrave Lance Lance wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. D
"Brave Lance (Sigurd)" iconBrave Lance (Sigurd) Lance wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. D
"Brave Lance (Sigurd) (Normal)" iconBrave Lance (Sigurd) (Normal) Lance wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. D
"Master Lance" iconMaster Lance Lance wielded by Emblem "Leif" iconLeif. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. Can strike close or at range. D
"Master Lance (Normal)" iconMaster Lance (Normal) Lance wielded by Emblem "Leif" iconLeif. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. Can strike close or at range. D
"Master Lance (Chapter 8)" iconMaster Lance (Chapter 8) An Emblem’s lance that can strike from a distance. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. D
"Lúin" iconLúin Lance wielded by Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. Raises damage based on user’s Spd. Effective: Dragon. D
"Lúin (Chapter 10)" iconLúin (Chapter 10) An Emblem’s lance. Raises damage based on user’s Spd. Effective: Dragon. D
"Areadbhar" iconAreadbhar Lance wielded by Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. If user initiates combat, grants Mt+50%. D
"Siegmund" iconSiegmund Paired lance wielded by Emblem Ephraim. Effective: Corrupted. D

Emblem Staves

Stave Description Rank
"Recover" iconRecover Staff wielded by Emblem "Celica" iconCelica. Recovers a great deal of HP. D
"Recover" iconRecover (Normal) Staff wielded by Emblem "Celica" iconCelica. Recovers a great deal of HP. D
Sacrifice -
Sacrifice (Armor) -
Sacrifice (Qi) (Adept) -
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance -
Diabolical Dance -

Emblem Swords

Sword Description Rank
"Rapier" iconRapier Sword wielded by Emblem "Marth" iconMarth. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Rapier (Normal)" iconRapier (Normal) Sword wielded by Emblem "Marth" iconMarth. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Mercurius" iconMercurius Sword wielded by Emblem "Marth" iconMarth. Doubles user’s earned experience. D
"Mercurius (Normal)" iconMercurius (Normal) Sword wielded by Emblem "Marth" iconMarth. Doubles user’s earned experience. D
"Falchion" iconFalchion Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Marth" iconMarth. Effective: Dragon. D
"Falchion (Normal)" iconFalchion (Normal) Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Marth" iconMarth. Effective: Dragon. D
"Falchion (Prologue)" iconFalchion (Prologue) An exalted legendary weapon. Effective: Dragon. D
"Tyrfing" iconTyrfing Sword wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. Grants Res+5. D
"Tyrfing (Normal)" iconTyrfing (Normal) Sword wielded by Emblem "Sigurd" iconSigurd. D
"Lancereaver" iconLancereaver Unusual sword wielded by Emblem "Roy" iconRoy. Grants advantage vs. lances but disadvantage vs. axes. D
"Lancereaver (Normal)" iconLancereaver (Normal) Unusual sword wielded by Emblem "Roy" iconRoy. Grants advantage vs. lances but disadvantage vs. axes. D
"Wyrmslayer" iconWyrmslayer Sword wielded by Emblem "Roy" iconRoy. Effective: Dragon. D
"Wyrmslayer (Normal)" iconWyrmslayer (Normal) Sword wielded by Emblem "Roy" iconRoy. Effective: Dragon. D
"Binding Blade" iconBinding Blade Famous sword wielded by Emblem "Roy" iconRoy. Grants Def/Res+5. Can strike close or at range. D
"Binding Blade (Normal)" iconBinding Blade (Normal) Famous sword wielded by Emblem "Roy" iconRoy. Grants Def/Res+5. Can strike close or at range. D
"Light Brand" iconLight Brand Magical sword wielded by Emblem "Leif" iconLeif. Grants Lck+10. Can strike close or at range. D
"Light Brand (Normal)" iconLight Brand (Normal) Magical sword wielded by Emblem "Leif" iconLeif. Grants Lck+10. Can strike close or at range. D
"Noble Rapier" iconNoble Rapier Sword wielded by Emblem "Lucina" iconLucina. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Noble Rapier (Normal)" iconNoble Rapier (Normal) Sword wielded by Emblem "Lucina" iconLucina. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Noble Rapier (Chapter 7)" iconNoble Rapier (Chapter 7) An Emblem’s sword. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Parallel Falchion" iconParallel Falchion Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Lucina" iconLucina. Effective: Dragon. D
"Parallel Falchion (Normal)" iconParallel Falchion (Normal) Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Lucina" iconLucina. Effective: Dragon. D
"Mani Katti" iconMani Katti Divine sword wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Mani Katti (Normal)" iconMani Katti (Normal) Divine sword wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Mani Katti" iconMani Katti Divine sword wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Mani Katti (Doubles)" iconMani Katti (Doubles) Divine sword wielded by Emblem "Lyn" iconLyn. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Ragnell" iconRagnell Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Ike" iconIke. Grants Def+5. Can strike close or at range. D
"Ragnell (Normal)" iconRagnell (Normal) Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Ike" iconIke. Grants Def+5. Can strike close or at range. D
"Blutgang" iconBlutgang Magical sword wielded by Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. Effective: Dragon, Cavalry. D
"Blutgang (Normal)" iconBlutgang (Normal) Magical sword wielded by Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. Effective: Dragon, Cavalry. D
"Sword of the Creator" iconSword of the Creator Sword of Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. Raises damage with user’s Mag. Can strike close or at range. Effective: Dragon Sword D
"Sword of the Creator (Normal)" iconSword of the Creator (Normal) Sword of Emblem "Byleth" iconByleth. Raises damage with user’s Mag. Can strike close or at range. Effective: Dragon D
"Sword of the Creator (Chapter 14)" iconSword of the Creator (Chapter 14) An Emblem’s sword. Raises damage with user’s Mag. Can strike close or at range. Effective: Dragon D
"Dual Katana" iconDual Katana Unusual sword wielded by Emblem "Corrin" iconCorrin. Grants advantage vs. lances but disadvantage vs. axes. D
"Dual Katana (Normal)" iconDual Katana (Normal) Unusual sword wielded by Emblem "Corrin" iconCorrin. Grants advantage vs. lances but disadvantage vs. axes. D
"Wakizashi" iconWakizashi Throwing sword wielded by Emblem "Corrin" iconCorrin. Can only strike at range, not close up. D
"Wakizashi (Normal)" iconWakizashi (Normal) Throwing sword wielded by Emblem "Corrin" iconCorrin. Can only strike at range, not close up. D
"Yato" iconYato Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Corrin" iconCorrin. D
"Yato (Normal)" iconYato (Normal) Sacred sword wielded by Emblem "Corrin" iconCorrin. D
"Rapier" iconRapier Sword wielded by Emblem Eirika. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Wind Sword" iconWind Sword Magical sword wielded by Emblem Eirika. Can strike close or at range. Effective: Flying. D
"Wind Sword (Normal)" iconWind Sword (Normal) Magical sword wielded by Emblem Eirika. Can strike close or at range. Effective: Flying. D
"Sieglinde" iconSieglinde Paired sword wielded by Emblem Eirika. Effective: Corrupted. D
"Sieglinde (Normal)" iconSieglinde (Normal) Paired sword wielded by Emblem Eirika. Effective: Corrupted. D
"Oligoludia (Alear)" iconOligoludia (Alear) Sword wielded by Emblem "Alear" iconAlear. Effective: Corrupted. D
"Oligoludia (Alear) (Normal)" iconOligoludia (Alear) (Normal) Sword wielded by Emblem "Alear" iconAlear. Effective: Corrupted. D
"Lyrátion (Alear)" iconLyrátion (Alear) Sword of Emblem "Alear" iconAlear. If user defeats foe in player phase, fills adjacent allies’ engage meters by 1. D
"Lyrátion (Alear) (Normal)" iconLyrátion (Alear) (Normal) Sword of Emblem "Alear" iconAlear. If user defeats foe in player phase, fills adjacent allies’ engage meters by 1. D

Emblem Tomes

Tome Description Rank
"Ragnarok" iconRagnarok Mighty fire tome wielded by Emblem "Celica" iconCelica. D
"Ragnarok (Normal)" iconRagnarok (Normal) Mighty fire tome wielded by Emblem "Celica" iconCelica. D
"Shine" iconShine Light tome wielded by Emblem "Micaiah" iconMicaiah. Illuminates a 5-space radius (shrinks one space per turn). D
"Shine (Normal)" iconShine (Normal) Light tome wielded by Emblem "Micaiah" iconMicaiah. Illuminates a 5-space radius (shrinks one space per turn). D
"Nosferatu" iconNosferatu Light tome wielded by Emblem "Micaiah" iconMicaiah. User recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt. D
"Nosferatu (Normal)" iconNosferatu (Normal) Light tome wielded by Emblem "Micaiah" iconMicaiah. User recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt. D
"Thani" iconThani Mighty light tome wielded by Emblem "Micaiah" iconMicaiah. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
"Thani (Normal)" iconThani (Normal) Mighty light tome wielded by Emblem "Micaiah" iconMicaiah. Effective: Cavalry, Armored. D
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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Adventure, Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    7 February 2023
    Version History
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