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Fire Emblem Engage

Best Anna Builds in Fire Emblem Engage

Ben Chard
Nathan Garvin
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Fire Emblem’s mascot is here again, the thrifty "Anna" iconAnna will join you when you complete the first Paralogue in Fire Emblem Engage. As such, you’ll have her for the majority of the game, and she has a unique personal skill that makes farming Gold a bit easier. This page will discuss Anna’s strengths and weaknesses, including her starting stats, stat maximums, and stat growths, and suggest the best classes and Emblem Rings for Anna.

You’ll need to recruit Anna in her Paralogue if you want to make use of her services.

Anna’s Stats and Stat Growths

Anna joins the party as a Level 4 "Axe Fighter" iconAxe Fighter in her Paralogue, but make sure you speak with her as "Alear" iconAlear to complete the recruitment. She’s a bit of an odd character early on, as the Axe Fighter Class doesn’t really benefit her underlying growth stats, of which she has the highest in the game for Mag at 50%. This, then, suggests that you really want to be making the most out of that stat, regardless of if you keep her as a melee unit or a magic-based unit.

If you’re using Anna though, you’ll want to get her Lck stat as high as possible to make the best use of her "Make a Killing" iconMake a Killing Personal Skill, one of the main reasons to take her. As such, Emblems like "Tiki" iconTiki (if you have the DLC) are ideal for it.

Stat Base Max Growth Lvl 40
HP 29 55% 48.8
BLD 5 5% 6.8
STR 10 15% 15.4
MAG 2 +1 50% 22
DEX 9 +1 50% 27
SPD 7 +1 50% 25
DEF 4 -2 20% 11.2
RES 5 -1 35% 17.6
LCK 3 +1 45% 19.2

Best Classes for Anna

This question is one that is up for debate, as most players who sees her Mag growth (the highest in the game) will naturally look to reclass her and get her to "Sage" iconSage eventually. However, if you want to keep her as a melee, you should look to get her to a "Bow Knight (Axe, Bow)" iconBow Knight (Axe, Bow) so you can make use of "Radiant Bow" iconRadiant Bows and "Hurricane Axe" iconHurricane Axes. Below, we’ll deal with both of these suggestions and point how the pros and cons for both.

Bow Knight (Axe, Bow)

If you’re not looking into the nuances of Anna to see that she has high Mag growth, and instead look at her at face value, this is the path you’ll most likely be on from her Axe Fighter Class. You’ll need to make sure you pick up Bow Proficiency from an Emblem such as "Leif" iconLeif, "Lyn" iconLyn, or "Lucina" iconLucina first, however. Once you have it, Master Seal into "Warrior" iconWarrior and then Second Seal to Bow Knight (Axe, Bow).

You won’t get the extra Mag growth from a magic class, but her natural high Mag growth rate should help there. What you will get though, is even better SPD growth, meaning she’ll double hit most encounters. Add the ability to use Radiant Bows and Hurricane Bows, which use the Mag stat, and Anna becomes incredibly powerful.


For those of you who have delved into Anna’s stat growths, you’ll have noticed that Mag growth, the highest in the game. As such, she’s ideal to make into a Sage so that you have the highest Proficiency and can use the best spells. This requires a lot more work to achieve though, and you’ll have to deal with her low Mag stat to begin with.

To begin with, reclass Anna into a "Mage" iconMage and get her to Level 10 and take her to an Advanced Class. Be sure to keep "Micaiah" iconMicaiah equipped to her so that she can learn the Staff and Tome Proficiencies and then Second Seal her into a Sage once done. With access to the highest Tomes and even higher Mag growth, Anna can hit the cap on Mag and deal devastating damage to her foes.

High Priest

Similar to the Sage class, above, the "High Priest" iconHigh Priest is a more gold-farming friendly version of the same build. You’ll sacrifice 3 points of MAG (if you even bother to hit the cap, that is) and lose access to A grade and S grade tomes, but in return you’ll gain higher stat caps in everything save for DEX (-4) and DEF (even). Most importantly you’ll get an 8 point higher LCK cap, which translates directly into a higher chance of finding gold. Consider the High Priest as an option for Anna if you want a more durable approach to farming gold faster, albeit as the cost of some offense.

Best Emblem Rings for Anna

What Emblem Rings you choose for Anna purely depends on what kind of character you build her to be, a magic focused one or a melee unit. She has low DEF, so giving her someone like "Sigurd" iconSigurd is risky, but there are other great Rings that be put to good use.


You’ll need the Expansion Pass for this one, but Tiki is great if you want to make the most out of her Gold Farming abilities with her Personal Skill (which triggers based on Luck). Syncing with Tiki will grant ever increasing bonuses to Lck as you increase your Bond level with her.


If you’re going the melee route, Lyn is useful as Anna has naturally high SPD and getting increases to that is always useful. Alacrity will allow Anna to follow-up before an enemy can attack if Anna has a 9+ Spd advantage over the enemy, which, with her excellent growth rates and Speedtaker, she has a fair chance of doing.


If you’re going the magic route as a Sage for Anna, you’ll already have Micaiah at Level 10 for the proficiencies but she’s a good pair in general for her. Having the ability to heal at range when Engaged is always a useful extra tool and you’ll get some nice Mag upgrades while synced in general.

Best Skills for Anna

As with most characters, especially while leveling still, you should learn and inherit the standard leveling skills: "Lineage" iconLineage from Edelgard (substitute with "Mentorship" iconMentorship from "Byleth" iconByleth if you don’t have access to it) and Starsphere from Tiki.

Other than that, "Celica" iconCelica’s "Resonance" iconResonance skills are useful for a Sage Anna, as you’ll deal more damage each turn at the expense of 1 HP for that turn. If you’re melee focused, you can look to learn Lyn’s Alacrity and Speedtaker abilities to benefit from those without having Lyn equipped. Tiki’s HP/Lck+ skills are also useful, both for keeping Anna alive and for boosting her gold find chances - a High Priest with max LCK and HP/Lck+10 will have around a 50% chance of getting 500G every kill. That adds up. Byleth’s much cheaper "Luck +6" iconLuck +6 is also an option, especially for those who don’t have the Expansion "Pass" iconPass.

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Adventure, Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    7 February 2023
    Version History
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