Paralogues are extra chapters that you can do to unlock new characters and increase the level cap with your Emblems. The Lady of The Plains is Lyn’s Paralogue chapter and is honestly pretty difficult if you don’t prepare in advance. Not only can you no longer Engage with Lyn in this chapter, but the terrain is hard to navigate, and you start out with your army divided into three different locations. The guide below goes over how to clear this Paralogue and defeat Lyn in Fire Emblem Engage.
Lyn and Alear speaking before their battle.
How to Find Lyn’s Paralogue: The Lady of The Plains in Fire Emblem Engage¶
You will unlock Lyn’s Paralogue, The Lady of The Plains, after you reach Chapter 13. Unlike other Paralogues, this one won’t be located near you. Instead, you will need to travel back to Firene to start The Lady of The Plains.
How to Defeat Lyn¶
Getting to and then defeating Lyn can feel really overwhelming for a few reasons. First off, you can only move across bridges unless you have a flying unit, and they cut up the map into tiny chunks of land. Secondly, if you don’t destroy the tent, then when you get near Lyn, the field will be swarming with enemies, including in the area where you have to fight Lyn. Finally, your army isn’t all together. They are split up into three groups.
The first thing you can do to make this chapter much easier is to place Ivy and
Chloé as they can freely move around. This map is also loaded with Bow Knights, so
Alcryst, and
Fogado are all especially useful units. Lyn herself can easily be taken down by Melee units when she begins using her bow. For the most part, if you surround her and attack at once, you can take her down quickly. She will heal herself only once, so if your units are placed perfectly, you may be able to take her out in a single turn.
The most important thing to note is that you will need to take out the tents around the field before facing her. There are six tents, all guarded by mages and bow knights. Take out these enemies and then gather your army together to face Lyn. Make sure you focus on taking out the guards near her as well, or she will summon a small army to surround her out of the nearby tents.
Once you complete The Lady of The Plains, Lyn’s max Bond Level will be unlocked.
All Treasure in The Lady of The Plains¶
The treasure on this map is all money-related. Defeat the tent guards will give you 500 G each, and Lyn herself will drop 2000 G. This is a great map to play if you want to grind out a bit of extra money.
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