Challenge Name | Difficulty | Rewards |
Uniquely Disadvantaged | 4/4 | Frontier Set |
Wave 1 - Fiora is your leader for this battle and as such, you’ll want to maintain her in High Tension as much as possible to fully exploit her Arts. The first wave is up against a Lv 97 Celluar Bugworm, Lv 98 Shimmering Forte and a Lv 99 Conflagarant Raxeal and you’ll want to focus on the Caterpile first. Try to build up to High Tension and a full Party Gauge but hold off on using them, using her basic Arts to defeat this wave.
Wave 2 - A Lv 100 Gonzalez and Lv 105 Territorial Rotbart are you opponents for this wave. You’ll want to focus on Gonzalez at the start of the battle, using Chain Attacks to keep him Toppled as his Spike Aura will become deadly. This will either kill Gonzalez or leave it near death so finish it off and then focus on Rotbart. You may need to use another Chain Attack at the start but then shift to saving your Party Gauge for the third phase. So long as you get Gonzalez down early, the rest of this Wave shouldn’t pose too many issues.
Wave 3 - The final Wave is a tricky one for sure, you’re up against a Lv 114 Blizzard Belgazas and a Lv 120 Avalanche Abaasy, the game’s ultimate superboss. Thankfully, Abaasy isn’t as tough as when you face him outside of Time Attack but you’ll still have to overcome the massive level difference. Once again, begin battle by enhancing Fiora’s stats and use a Chain Attack to try and deal as much damage to Belgazas as possible. Be sure to avoid using Topple on him however, this will cause it to use it’s Down Spike that will kill you. Once you’re left with just Abaasy and you’ll have to hope that he doesn’t use his Talent Art often, if he does, it will almost certainly kill you so don’t use your Chain Attack gauge until he’s used it at least once as you’ll need it for Revives. Other than that, Chain Attacks and Fiora’s Speed Shifted Auto-attacks are your best bet here. This is an incredibly tough Time Attack, don’t get disheartened at the first sign of failure.
(1 of 3) Target the Caterpile in the first wave
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