Beginning the Reconstruction of Colony 6¶
To begin the Colony 6 Reconstruction side quest, you must complete either The Road Home or To Colony 6!. The Road Home is available after reaching Sororal Statues in Satoral Marsh, however,if you do not complete the quest before Otharon moves to Alcamoth, then it will expire. You will have a second chance to activate the Colony 6 Reconstruction side quest later in the game, with the quest To Colony 6!.
Reconstruction Level 0¶
Speak to Juju outside the Main Entrance to begin reconstructing Colony 6.
Category | Material Requirements | Gold |
Housing | 2 Spotted Volff Hide, 2 Steel Silk | 9000G |
Commerce | 2 Igna Hide Jacket, 2 Amblygon Turtle | 10000G |
Nature | 2 Sharp Hox Spur, 2 Dark Grape | 5000G |
Special | 1 Light Rain Element, 1 Kneecap Rock | 8000G |
Housing - You can find the Spotted Volff Hide from all Volff on Bionis’ Leg. Alternatively, you can purchase them for 900 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal. The Steel Silk on the other hand can be found as a Collectable in Tephra Cave, trading with Peppino at 3✰ in Colony 9 or can be purchased for 9,200 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal.
Commerce - You’ll find Igna Hide Jackets from any Igna at Satorl Marsh or you can purchase them for 1,400 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal. The Amblygon Turtles are Collectables here in Colony 6, you can trade for them via Arda also found here or you can purchase them for 4,300 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal.
Nature - You can find Sharp Hox Spurs from any Hox on Bionis’ Leg, trade with Matryona here in Colony 6 or by purchasing them for 800 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal. The Dark Grapes are a Collectable in Tephra Cave, or they can be traded for with Dorothy in Colony 9 if you are at 3✰ or by purchasing them for 2,500 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal.
Special - The Light Rain Element can be tricky to find, you’ll need to defeat an Aqua Nebula on Bionis’ Leg when it’s raining or by purchasing it for 1,300 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal. The Kneecap Rock is a Collectable in Tephra Cave, or they can be traded for with Werner at Colony 9 if you are at 2✰ or by purchasing it for 6,700 Noponstones in a Time Attack Portal.
When you reconstruct Colony 6 to level 1, you’ll get the bonus of Street Lights being built along with an Ultra Small Reactor from the residents, this is required to complete The Gem Man’s Invention quest in Colony 9.
Completing all categories to level 1 will get the bonus of Street Lights.
Reconstruction Level 1¶
Category | Material Requirements | Gold |
Housing | 4 Bunnia Scent Wood, 1 Fossil Monkey | 19000G |
Commerce | 3 Hode Plank, 2 Ready Coil | 22000G |
Nature | 2 Quadwing Bag, 3 Empress Beetle | 18000G |
Special | 2 Dust Element, 3 Sea Berry | 25000G |
Housing - You can obtain Bunnia Scent Wood from different Bunnia enemies in Satorl Marsh. You can also trade for them with Bokoko at 1✰ affinity. Fossil Monkey is a collectable found in Colony 6 and Makna Forest. You can trade for it with Berryjammy and Puko at 2✰ affinity, or buy it for 7,900 Noponstones from the Nopon Archsage.
Commerce - You can obtain Hode Planks from Hyle Hodes and Scout Hodes found in Makna Forest. You can also trade for them with Lupa at 3✰ affinity. Ready Coils are a collectable found in Ether Mine, or alternatively, you could trade with Olga for them if you have 1✰ affinity in Colony 6.
Nature - Quadwing Bags are dropped by Coppice Quadwings in Satorl Marsh. They are in particular abundance around Barren Moor and the Nopon Merchant Camp. Empress Beetles are a collectable found in Frontier Village, specifically around Entry Bridge and Underground Store.
Special - Dust Elements are obtained from Caris Nebula in Makna Forest. They can also be traded for with Hoko in Frontier Village at 4✰ affinity. Sea Berries are a collectable found at Eryth Sea. Alternatively, you can trade for them with Vidian and Talia in Alcamoth at 1✰ affinity in the Upper Bionis region.
When you reconstruct Colony 6 up to level 2, you’ll get the bonus of Street Lights being built along with an Exp Up III gem as a gift.
Reconstruction Level 2¶
Category | Material Requirements | Gold |
Housing | 1 Eks Iron Heart, 4 Sturdy Armour, 2 Oil Branch | 55000G |
Commerce | 3 Shiny Kromar Hide, 2 Slick Kromar Stone, 2 Blue Ladybird | 55000G |
Nature | 3 Jagged Tail, 2 Despair Clover, 2 Ice Cabbage | 40000G |
Special | 2 Squall Element, 2 Snow Element, 3 Lemonade Sky | 50000G |
Housing - You can obtain an Eks Iron Heart from different Eks enemies in Makna Forest. You can also trade for them with Nelo in Alcamoth at 2✰ affinity. Sturdy Armour is a material dropped by Flavel Andos at Eryth Sea. You can also trade for it with Jer’ell and Galdo in Alcamoth at 1✰ affinity. Oil Branches are a collectable found across Eryth Sea. You may also trade for some with Ricoth and Scarlen in Alcamoth at 2✰ affinity.
Commerce - You can obtain Shiny Kromar Hide from Kromar at Eryth Sea and they are most commonly found around Hovering Reef 8. You can also trade for them with Arielle in Alcamoth at 2✰ affinity. Slick Kromar Stone are a dropped by Maleza Kromar and Flute Kromar at Eryth Sea. Alternatively, you could trade with Yura for them if you have 2✰ affinity in Alcamoth. You will also need to find some Blue Ladybirds, which are collectables found in the High Entia Tomb.
Nature - Jagged Tails are dropped by Eryth Hilns and Eryth Ansels at Eryth Sea. You can also trade for them with Kuralth at 1✰ affinity in Alcamoth. Despair Clover are a collectable found in Colony 6 and Eryth Sea. Ice Cabbages are one of the rarest collectables in the game so finding two will definitely be tricky. They spawn on Valak Mountain. They can be traded for with Yura when he is found on Valak Mountain. You may be inclined to just wait until Yura can be found at Valak Mountain before attempting to collect Ice Cabbages, because of how rare they are.
Special - Squall Elements are obtained from Bono Nebulae at Eryth Sea and Emeraude Nebulae on Prison Island. They can also be traded for with Nelo in Alcamoth at 3✰ affinity. Snow Elements are a material dropped by Vague Barbas and Reef Nebulae on Valak Mountain. Both are found regularly around Nagul Waterfall. Alternatively, you can overtrade with Yura (only when he is on Valak Mountain) for them. Lemonade Skies are a collectable found in Colony 6 and Makna Forest. You may also trade for them with Kilaki and Rono at 3✰ affinity in Frontier Village.
Completing all reconstruction categories up to level 3 will result in the residents gifting you a Topple Plus IV gem. You will also receive the bonus of Street Lights when completing all of the reconstruction categories up to level 3.
The completion of reconstruction up to level 3 will trigger a brief cut scene showing all of your hard work in helping the town.
Reconstruction Level 3¶
Category | Material Requirements | Gold |
Housing | 5 Ponio Hoof Seal, 3 Royal Volff Hide, 3 Warning Lamp, 2 Retro Diode | 120,000G |
Commerce | 5 Piranhax Fishmeal, 8 Silver Antol Fibre, 3 Sour Turnip, 2 Mossy Panel | 100,000G |
Nature | 3 Caterpile Silk, 3 Hox Daylight Spur, 3 Oil Oyster, 3 White Plum | 99,000G |
Special | 3 Flexible Selua, 3 Steel Selua, 2 Rainbow Slug, 2 Azure Hollycock | 130,000G |
Housing - Ponio Hoof Seals are a drop obtained from Ponios on the Fallen Arm. They are found in abundance around the Giant Mechon Debris landmark during the day. Caelum Volffs which drop Royal Volff Hides are found in around the same area, except they spawn at night instead. Both are relatively easy enemies to farm, however if you’d prefer to trade, then you can grab Ponio Hoof Seals from Eleqa and Royal Volff Hides from Xekit at 5✰ affinity. Warning Lamps are a collectable found across the Fallen Arm, but they can be traded with Karlos at 5✰ affinity as well. Retro Diodes are also a collectable, however they are found in the Mechonis Field.
Commerce - Piranhax Fishmeal is dropped by Fair Piranhax, which can be found on Radiocarpea Coast on the Fallen Arm. It is a relatively rare drop, and there’s no available trade option, so you may have to farm for a while. Alternatively, if you are able to buy items from the Arch Nopon Sage, then you can buy Piranhax Fishmeal for 2,900 Noponstones. Silver Antol Fibres are a rare drop obtained from slaying Antols on the Fallen Arm. There are a fair few in the 5th Pulse Zone, however, you are able to trade for them with Shilx at 3✰ affinity, so it may be easier to just trade for this particular item, as you need 8 of them. Sour Turnips are a collectable and they are also found on the Fallen Arm. You may also trade for them with Eleqa at 3✰ affinity with Hidden Village. And finally, you will need 2 Mossy Panels, which are collectables found in the Mechonis Field.
Nature - If you would like to progress sooner rather than later with the reconstruction of Colony 6 then it is advised that you occasionally turn on Casual Mode, which makes combat far easier and allows you to fight enemies with far higher levels than yourself. For instance, you require 3 Hox Daylight Spurs and 3 Caterpile Silks, both of which are obtained from high level enemies on the Bionis’ Leg. The Caterpile Silks are dropped by level 75 Royal Caterpile in the Windy Cave. The Hox Daylight Spurs are obtained from defeating level 75 Dark Hox and White Hox found near Raguel Bridge. If you feel vastly underlevelled you could try using Casual Mode so that you can progress faster through the reconstruction. Alternatively, you can obtain Caterpile Silks through overtrading with Sylviane in Colony 9, and you can trade Hox Daylight Spurs from Bozatrox in Machina Refuge (Mechonis Field) at 4✰ affinity. Oil Oysters and White Plums are fairly common collectables across the Fallen Arm. However, you can also trade for the Oil Oysters with Shilx at 3✰ affinity. The White Plums can be traded for with Prox at 3✰ affinity too.
Special - Rainbow Slugs and Azure Hollycocks are both collectables. Rainbow Slugs can be found on the Fallen Arm, whilst Azure Hollycock are found in Mechonis Field. Flexible Selua and Steel Selua are materials obtained from Selua enemies only found in the Bionis’ Interior. You may only access the specific area of the Bionis’ Interior where these enemies are located after you have travelled there in the main story quest. This is a late game area and is accessible a little after the events at the Mechonis Core. The Steel Selua is dropped only by Wool Selua and the Unique enemy, Victorious Gross. They are exclusively found at the Pars Sympathica Tower landmark. It is a bit of a rarer drop, so you may have to fast travel to the landmark using the map repeatedly, so the enemies respawn. Flexible Selua are dropped by Largo Selua, which are found across the Bionis’ Interior. They are most common south of the Interior Landing Site landmark, and west of the Spinal Nerve Tower landmark.
Completing all reconstruction categories up to level 4 will result in the residents gifting you a Debuff Resist V gem. You will also receive the bonus of Street Lights when completing all of the reconstruction categories up to level 4.
After you have upgraded all of the categories up to level 4, the town is really starting to take shape!
Reconstruction Level 4¶
Category | Material Requirements | Gold |
Housing | 2 Vang Star Wing, 2 Black Styrene, 3 Rainbow Zirconia, 3 Gogol Horn, 2 Red Frontier | 300,000G |
Commerce | 1 Ocean Elixir of Life, 4 Ancient Sardi Meat, 4 Hill Firefly, 2 Art Core Coil, 1 Fortune Feather | 250,000G |
Nature | 3 Ardun Elder Beard, 1 Tokilos King Egg, 2 Lewisia Silver, 2 Black Liver Bean, 2 Black Beetle | 280,000G |
Special | 2 Inferno Element, 3 Blue Light Amp, 2 Angel Engine X, 3 Rabbit Diode, 2 Bolt Element | 400,000G |
- Housing - Vang Star Wings are a drop obtained from Tempest Vangs in the Windy Cave on the Bionis’ Leg. Gogol Horns are dropped by Gogols in Satorl Marsh and on the Bionis’ Leg. South of Sororal Statues in Satorl Marsh are many Baelzeb Gogol that can drop a Gogol Horn upon defeat. Black Styrene is a collectable found across Central Factory, but they will also spawn in Colony 6 when you have reached level 4 in the Special category. Rainbow Zirconia are also a collectable, and they are found in Colony 9. Alternatively, you can trade for them with Dionysis at 1✰ affinity with Colony 9. Red Frontier are a collectable found in Sword Valley. If you no longer have access to Sword Valley, and you do not have the required amount of Red Frontiers, then head to Junks on the Fallen Arm and trade with Rizaka at 5✰ affinity with Hidden Village residents.
When you reach Level 5 in Housing you will be gifted Oriental Glasses.
- Commerce - Ocean Elixir of Life is dropped by Kyel Lexos, which can be found near the Freight Road in Colony 6 after the events at the Mechonis Core. Alternatively, if you are able to buy items from the Arch Nopon Sage, then you can buy it for 7,900 Noponstones. Ancient Sardi Meat is a rare drop obtained from slaying Throne Sardi in Colony 9. There are a few near Hazzai Cape, but you’ll likely need to save/reload to respawn the enemies a few times to obtain the required amount. Hill Fireflies are a collectable and they are found on the Bionis’ Leg. Fortune Feathers are a collectable located in Agniratha and Art Core Coils are a collectable found in Galahad Fortress. If you no longer have access to Galahad Fortress, you can obtain Art Core Coils from near Hope Farm in Colony 6, after the events at the Mechonis Core, provided you have reached Special level 2.
When you reach Level 5 in Commerce you will be gifted Titan Arms.
- Nature - Ardun Elder Beards are dropped by Magnis Ardun found near Kamos Guidepost on the Bionis’ Leg. Leg Tokilos are also found on the Bionis’ Leg, and they can drop Tokilos King Eggs. They are found in common numbers near the Zax Guidepost landmark on the Upper level of the Bionis’ Leg. Lewisia Silver is a collectable found in Agniratha, it will also spawn in Colony 6 after reaching Special level 4. Alternatively, you can trade with Berryjammy in Colony 6 if you have a 5✰ affinity with its residents. Black Liver Beans are a notoriously rare collectable found in the Bionis’ Interior. They are known for their rarity throughout the Xenoblade community, so if you’re having issues finding 2 of them, consider waiting until you can buy them from the Noponsage for 23,400 Noponstones. And finally, Black Beetles are a collectable found in the Ether Mine. If you would prefer though, you can trade for them with Norara at 1✰ affinity in Colony 6.
When you reach Level 5 in Nature you will be gifted an EXP UP IV gem.
- Special - Inferno Elements and Bolt Elements can only be obtained once you have access to the second part of Prison Island, post-Mechonis Core. Inferno Elements are dropped by Cratere Nebulae and the unique monster, Inferno Heinrich, which are both found in the Kitchen area of Prison Island. Bolt Elements are dropped by Solare Nebulae, two of which can be found in the Corridor of Silence on the Fifth Floor. Blue Light Amps are a collectable found in Agniratha, or alternatively, you can trade for them with Oleksiy in Colony 6 at 5✰ affinity. Rabbit Diodes are also a collectable and they can be found easily enough in Colony 9 or you can trade for them with Moritz at 1✰ affinity with Colony 9 residents. And finally, Angel Engine X are a collectable found in Central Factory. You could also choose to trade for them with Shilx when he lives in Colony 6 at 5✰ affinity.
When you reach Level 5 in Special you will be gifted Master Glasses.
Completing all reconstruction categories up to level 5 will result in the residents gifting you the Titan Plate armour piece. When you complete all categories, you will trigger the final reconstruction quest, Defend Colony 6 - Demon. You must complete that quest and have a maximum population of 150 before it shows as being 100% completed. To see the immigration list, go to the Colony 6 NPC page.
Reconstructing Colony 6 to completion is one of the most rewarding experiences in the game.
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