Gore Magala Large Monsters
Monsters draped in great wings like a black overcoat. They have no eyes, so instead they use a scattering of fine scales to locate prey.
Monsters that drape themselves in their great wings, like a black overcoat. They have no eye sensory organs, so instead they use a scattering of fine scales from their wings to locate prey. When their sensory capacity increases, antennae appear on their heads and they unfurl their wings, entering the aggressive Frenzy State. Their black scales can Frenzy other creatures as well, making them fearsome adversaries.
Helpful Hints
Gore Magala will use its wings to attack anything it detects with its sensory scales without abandon. If a hunter contracts the Frenzy, their natural healing will decrease and any damage taken will increase, but an experienced hunter knows to keep attacking to raise their metabolism before the virus takes to avoid negative effects. Target the head to put a stop to Gore Magala’s Frenzy.

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