Through the lands of Mournstead, players will find plenty of trophies in Lords of the Fallen. No matter how big or small, there’s likely something keeping players at bay with getting that pretty platinum award. If you’re going for that prestigious 100% completion, then be warned, as Lords of the Fallen is going to need multiple playthroughs, and it’s very easy to miss all content. However, there are a few tricks up your sleeve you can use to make sure you get all the trophies and achievements in Lords of the Fallen.
To simplify your lives, we have created this Lords of the Fall Trophy Guide, offering players tips, tricks, and suggestions to get all the trophies in the game. We will split all the trophies and achievements into sections so you can easily target what you need to do.
- The Easy to Get / Multiple Run Trophies
- Side Quest Trophies
- Multiplayer Trophies
- Crafting Trophies
- Collectable Achievements
Lords of the Fallen Trophy Guide¶
A guide containing tips, tricks, and other notable playthrough or missable things to help you in our Lords of the Fallen Trophy & Achievement Guide. Image via CI Games.
To start, there are at least three playthroughs you’re going to need to do. The reason for this is because of certain NPC questlines, along with the three main endings in the game. The three endings you must do at least once are the Radiance, Inferno, and Umbral endings. Radiance is unlocked by cleansing at least one beacon, while the Inferno ending requires you not to cleanse any beacons and make your way to Bramis Castle while completing the Damarose questline. The Umbral ending is slightly different as it requires the Revelation Depths to be completed with the Umbral Scouring Clump purchased from Molhu to access the Mother’s Lull from the shrine Dervla guards in Revelations Depths. From there, you get objectives to get items from certain NPCS, which all combine to enter the Umbral and get the Umbral ending.
In addition, you need to do the Radiance and Umbral endings because you need to kill two NPCs, which are bosses, which are Damarose and Adyr, alongside Elianne. Elianne is an Umbral ending boss, while Damarose and Adyr can only be fought by cleansing beacons. Since Damarose is needed for the Umbral ending, killing all bosses in a single playthrough is impossible.
The other reason for multiple playthroughs is because of the need to get all items, armors, throwables, spells, and other parts of character gear. There are items locked away in Remembrances, alongside certain drops for completing certain quests, such as Byron, who completed his quest properly, giving you his set, while completing his quest negatively will give you the pendant and shovel. So, you will naturally need to run multiple endings for certain NPC side quests. The other side quest that requires multiple playthroughs are the Kukajin and the Paladin Isaac. Players need to summon Paladin Isaac for the Lightreaper fight in Upper Calrath, while the Kukajin questline requires you to summon her for all summonable boss battles in the game. Missing a single one on the list will fail her quest. So, you need two runs for those side quests, too, as there’s a conflict between those trophies.
Side Quest Trophies¶
In total, there are many side quest-related trophies, with the vast majority of characters getting a trophy. As mentioned above, you cannot do them all in one playthrough and will need to hit them over a run or two. Below is a table with all the trophies for side quests, and their descriptions, followed by notes on restrictions you ought to be aware of.
NPC | Details | Trophy | Restrictions |
Andreas of Ebb | Find his book and join him in battle. | Antenas’ Legacy | No restriction |
Byron | Find Byron’s amulet and rescue Winterberry. | Moving On | Two endings with different drops, so do a playthrough with you going to Revelations Depths first, and another where you go Upper City first, then look for Winterberry. |
Damarose | Find Damarose’s various locations collect the object, and do the Inferno storyline. | Part of the Divine. | Requires Inferno playthrough. |
Drustan | Find all of Drustan’s locations. | Hero’s Worship | Best done with Radiance ending. |
Exacter Dunmire | Gain all artifacts he asks for and proceed with his final objectives | The Price of Knowledge. | No restrictions. |
Kukajin | Defeat all bosses you can summon NPCS for using Kuklajin | Trace of Venom | Incompatible with Paladin Isaac. |
Paladin Isaac | Find all of Isaac’s memories and defeat the Lightreaper with his assistance. | Vengeful Reflection | Incompatible with Kukajin. |
Sparky & Gerlinda | Free Sparky after finding all three rune tablets. | Travel’s Resumed. | Best done with an Umbral playthrough |
Stomund | Construct the banner and visit Judge Cleric. | Faithful | No restrictions. |
The Iron Wayfarer | Find all of Iron Wayfarer’s locations, and then see his ending. | The Last Step | Umbral Playthrough |
Thehk-Ihir | Find all of Thehk’s locations. | Without Purpose | No restrictions. |
Tortured Prisoner | Find all relevant items related to Calrath and return them to the Tortured Prisoner. | A Queen’s Rest | No restrictions. |
We recommend doing a Radiance playthrough where you get most of the side quests done, alongside. We then advise doing a Inferno ending for the Damarose, and the Kukajin questline. Saving Sparky is also best done with an Umbral playthrough for reasons we won’t go into, but you’ll know when you do it. Saying that you can do it in any other playthrough if you so desire.
You can find links to the respective NPC side quest walkthrough if you need more assistance with them.
Multiplayer Trophies Guide - LOTF¶
Players can find red lanterns that lead to mobs. It is one of the many multiplayer and coop activities in the game.
There are a few trophies for the coop or PvP players to get your hands on. Players can get a variety of trophies for playing coop, with the likes of one for becoming a coop partner, and then defeating a boss in coop. In addition, there are trophies available for invading another player and engaging in PvP.
If you want to go the extra mile, players will find there are two currencies you can grind. The first currency is related to helping players defeat bosses in co-op, and the other is for donating your spoils of war when invading or defending against invading players. If you donate ten of the respective currencies to the shrine in either the Shrine of Adyr for PvP or the Orios Shrine in Skyrest Bridge for the coop boss kill currency, you can get trophies for that too.
Trophy | Description |
Umbral Offerings | Donate 10 Plucked Eyeballs. |
Radiant Offerings | Donate 10 Pilfered Coins |
Infernal Offerings | Donate 10 Severed Hands |
No Mercy | Defeat a player in PvP |
Vengeance of the Fallen | Avenge a fallen player. |
Shared Triumph | Defeat a boss alongside a coop partner. |
Comrades | Beckon a coop partner. |
To engage in multiplayer, feel free to go to a vestige and check the relevant coop or PvP options.
Crafting Trophies¶
You’ll often find Quintessence locations in the Umbral parts of the game’s explorable regions, slightly off the beaten track.
There are plenty of trophies and achievements in Lords of the Fallen related to crafting. To unlock crafting, you need to visit the bottom of the Pilgrim’s Perch as you make your way through towards Forsaken Fen. When you reach the area with the elevator, you can find a cage at the bottom guarded by a few dogs and a Hallowed Knight-type enemy. Defeat the guard and get the key. If you let her out, you will find Gerlinda and Spark arrive in one of the spare forge rooms in the Skyrest Bridge.
From there, you are tasked with finding Runes. Each rune increases the amount of upgrades Gerlinda can do, with you able to fully upgrade at two runes. When you upgrade her blacksmith twice, you can then upgrade a weapon fully. You’ll need to farm chunks and fragments from enemies, alongside item pickups in the mid to late game, to get them. You can read more on that in our dedicated Deralium farming guide.
As for other crafting-related upgrades, the player can upgrade their healing item, alongside the umbral lamp. You can get your hands on Saintly Quintessence locations, spread across all regions in the game. You can also find Antediluvian Chisels located in three areas to Upgrade the Umbral Lamp. We have more detailed location guides on those collectibles if you need them.
Trophy | Description |
Utmost Insight | Fully Socket the ![]() |
Carving Out Victory | Fully upgrade the ![]() |
Rune Master | Fully socket a weapon or shield with 3 runes. |
Rune Novice | Place a rune in a socket for the first time. |
Honed to Perection | Fully upgrade a weapon( 10 upgrades) |
Salvation in Blood | Fully upgrade the ![]() |
Collectable Achievements in Lords of the Fallen¶
(1 of 2) You can easily miss lords of the fallen achievements by completing quests and not checking them, or not doing certain quests.
You can easily miss lords of the fallen achievements by completing quests and not checking them, or not doing certain quests. (left), Completing Drustan’s questline will award many missable trophies in Lords of the Fallen. (right)
There are many collectible-themed trophies and achievements in Lords of the Fallen. The likes of Gestures, all spells, armor, weapons, and equipment will get your trophies. For the most part, you will find all of these very easily by working around them. However, there are some things you will need to be aware of if you intend to get them all.
The main issue with these weapons and equipment trophies is the need for Umbral Scourings. You will likely need to run NG+ and gather the Scoruings again to get them all. The reason why is that there are many armor sets in the Molhu Remembrance stores, alongside some equipment and weapons too. So, you will likely run out of Scourings before you can get all of them. Note, those looking for all spells will need to complete side quests and get traders unlocked like the Tortured Prisoner and Damarose to do the Inferno Spells. So, this is likely something that will require a few runs to get. We also alluded to the different drops depending on how you handle the Byron and Winterberry storyline.
In regards to the find-all Umbral stigmas, it is very easy to miss this if you don’t do the Paladin Isaac questline. The Paladin Isaac questline gives players some extra Lightreaper Stigmas once they defeat the boss using Isaac. Simply visit all of the former Lightreaper arenas in Abandoned Redcopse, Fitzroy Gorge, and the Fief of Winter’s Curse to see them. Other missing Remembrances are scattered around the remaining areas of the game, and you can likely find them all by exploring all the major areas.
As for Gestures, you can easily miss this if you don’t do the Drustan questline. When you visit Drustan’s locations in the right order, you will get gestures from him.
With regard to the Armor, weapons and rings, and amulets. Some of them drop from certain quest rewards or endings. For example, Byron and Drustan have a ring and amulet you may need, depending on how the storyline ends for them. The necklace from Byron drops if he deals with Winterberry himself, and you find Winterberry after. Meanwhile, Drustan carries his brother’s ring on him in Bramis Castle. You must complete the Tortured Prisoner questline to get another ring too. You will also need to do a Radiance and Inferno playthrough for Damrose’s weapon, and then her quest to get both trophies.
Trophy | Description |
Lingering Moments | View all Umbral Stigmas. |
Gesture Collector | Collect all Gestures |
Throwable Collector | Collect all throwables. |
Umbral Adept | Collect all Umbral Spells |
Radiant Adept | Collect all Radiance Spells. |
Inferno Adept | Collect all Inferno Spells |
Ammunition Collector | Collect all ammo types |
Trinket Collector | Collect All Rings and Amulets |
Weapon Collector | Collect all weapons |
What Sights Contained Within | Collect all Umbral Eyes. |
Ironclad | Collect all Armor Pieces |
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