Strength is a popular stat in souls-likes, with the stat being incredibly strong in terms of outright damage with the benefit of flinging enemies around to destroy their pose. Lords of the Fallen is no different with many meaty hits to come, along with the bigger and tougher enemies getting staggered to no end. If you’re all about that strong meaty hit, nuking health bars after a brief delay or charge up, then you’ll be happy in Lords of the Fallen. In this guide, we list the best strength weapons in Lords of the Fallen.
10 Best Strength Weapons in Lords of the Fallen¶
A look at the best strength weapons in Lords of the Fallen for pure strengths and hybrid playstyles. Image via CI Games.
Below are the ten best Strength weapons we can pick out for various reasons. The first 3 on the list are pretty much the best strength weapons in order, while the remaining seven are for various hybrid builds and niches. So, if you’re looking for maximum damage, consider looking at the top 3 for main build items. But, if you’re running a hybrid, using either Inferno or Radiance, then there are many other suggestions to cater to those styles too.
Also, be advised that there are spoilers on this list, due to the nature of some of the powerful late-game weapons. Some of the items come from bosses, and others from questlines. So, you’ve been warned.
The Iron Wayfarer’s Hammer¶
The Iron Wayfarer’s Hammer is arguably the best Strength weapon in Lords of the Fallen. The weapon surpasses 1000 attack power at its max rank, and it gains an S scaling for Strength when you fully upgrade it. It also comes with Agility, Inferno, and Radiance scalings, which by themselves are not great, but they do add some extra elemental damage to attacks, which can counter and do Wither damage for some extra DPS boosts, depending on what you’re fighting
To get the Iron Wayfarer’s Hammer, you must complete the Iron Wayfarer’s questline. To do so, visit all of these locations in order, and get the Mark of Adyr from the Abbey of Hallowed Sisters. From there, you can fight the boss at the gates to Bramis Castle. Defeating it awards you the Hammer. You can find more information on our Iron Wayfarer Guide here.
Faithful Bludgeon¶
Next on this list, and the best pure strength weapon in the early game, is the Faithful Bludgeon. This is a 28-strength Grand Hammer, which also applies a burn to targets too, which is nice. When you level this weapon up to its max, it can be one of the best damage weapons in the game, even beating out some of the mid and late-game hybrid weapons. In terms of a raw strength weapon, this is a safe bet to acquire and use for the entire game if you are solely running a Strength build, with only being outdone by the Iron Wayfarer’s Hammer, which is an end-game item.
To get the Faithful bludgeon, players need to move through Pilgrim’s Perch. Ideally, start from the Sanctuary Vestige, go through the entrance, then turn right and run through the platform. At the end of the platform is a ladder that goes downwards. Once you reach the bottom of the ladder, continue going forward, jumping across the platforms parkour gaps, and then onwards again. You should reach a walkway, which leads around a bend and goes up an elevator. This elevator will take you to another platform directly below Skyrest Bridge. When you reach a bricked pathway, you’ll notice a blockage on your left and a pathway straight on. Go straight on, then use the Umbral Lamp to walk along a pathway, and then drop down a ledge to get the item, While you’re here, you can also grab the Skyrest Bridge key and get the Tortured Prisoner Quest started too.
Sword of Skin and Tooth¶
The Sword of Skin and Tooth is found in the Calrath City, near the Alehouse Vestige, in a chest behind a false wall bypassed via the Umbral.
The Sword of Skin and Tooth is highly likely the best grand sword in the game, with it being the only major sword whose DPS comes close to the Bludgeon or Iron Wayfarer. The weapon starts with a B- Strength scaling, which is very strong for a base scaling weapon. The other bonus is that it does 200 burn damage, alongside a decent starting attack power. However, it does not match the base attack power stats of the Faithful Bludgeon. Yet, when you upgrade the weapon, it will move to an A+ scaling, and have around 800 attack power, plus 200 burn. It means it gets to that 1000 attack power that the Wayfarer and Bludgeon approach. Ergo is one of the best-strength weapons in Lords of the Fallen. If you like using Swords, then the Sword of Skin and Tooth is likely your pick
To get this blade, you will need to progress into Calrath City. This is one of the early mid-game zones, which makes this weapon fairly achievable and worth using as your main weapon. From the Vestige of the Numb Witch, aka the Alehouse Vestige, run down the bar, and then approach the ledge, where you drop into many traps. Roll through the traps and head up the road. If you turn left, you’ll find a wall you can bypass using the Umbral Lamp. Do so, and you can get the weapon from the inside.
Ebonlight, Abiding Defender Sword¶
Now it’s time for the flavor weapons. If you’re running a Strength and Radiance build, such as the type of build you could expect on a Dark Crusader, then this weapon is likely your best bet. The weapon’s scalings come with a C+ to both Radiance and Strength, which is fairly decent for a late-game hybrid weapon. Moreso, the weapon has a solid attack power starting at 165 but comes with some Wither Damage, cold damage to reduce stamina regen on enemies, and a bleed effect. While its damage output is weaker than the Sword of Skin and Tooth, the weapon’s value is rather powerful with its other modifiers.
To get the Ebonlight sword, players need to make it to the Manse of Hallowed Brothers. Proceed through the dirt track into the Manse proper, get the key to get into the Kitchen, and then make your way to the other side towards the temple area. As you go through the outer area of the church, you will find a garden area, where players can find a staircase to enter the temple on the outside. If you choose to go right, you will walk along a flat roof above another building. When you enter, you will fight two statue bosses called the Abiding Defenders. Defeat the two bosses to get the weapon.
Queen’s Head Hammer¶
The Queen’s Head Hammer is the boss weapon from the Sundered Monarch.
If you’re a strength and Inferno player, then the Queen’s Head Hammer is a solid option. The weapon can get to around 1000 Attack Power fully upgraded, with A- Strength and Inferno scalings. It’s one of those weapons that Warwolf players who dipped into Inferno for shouts can benefit from massively, or Pyric and Lord players who went into Strength too while maintaining their Inferno stat to be very high.
To get the weapon, players will need to beat the Sundered Monarch, which is one of the final bosses in the game in Bramis Castle. While you’re likely not going to make the most out of the weapon, you will instead be able to use it for any remaining final boss, or a NG+0 playthrough where you keep your items and upgrades and go for a completionist run and move on from there.
Devotion’s Might¶
Similarly to the Queen’s Head, the Devotion’s Might is a decent weapon for strength and radiance builds who want to use a Mace. The weapon starts with a C scaling for both Radiance and Strength, which makes it fairly decent for stating stats. You also get 209 attack power from the start, which again is nice for a mid-game weapon, with half of it physical and the other Holy. It also grants 100 Smite damage too, so it can do some bonus damage fairly consistently. If you fully upgrade it, expect to get A- scaling ratings for both Strength and Radiance.
To get the weapon, you’ll need to get the Pilgrim’s Perch Key and open the door next to the vestige in the Pilgrim Perch cave with the elevator. From there, open the door, go forward turn left, and cross into the umbral to get through the door where the praying person is. You can find the item inside the room, but be careful of the fake item with the moth, so, soul-flay the objects to ensure you survive.
Sword of the Flayed¶
Another option for Infernal builds running strength and use Swords is this weapon. Players looking for this playstyle can expect C scalings for both Strength and Inferno to start with, and around half of the damage to scale with physical and fire damage. The more spell power you have, the more the fire scales too, pushing to likely around 55-60% ratio, depending on soft caps. When you improve the weapon, the scalings go to around A for both stats and will push it towards that 1000 attack power, with a great split for physical, and fire damage.
To get the weapon, players must wait for the end game, and go to Bramis Castle. You can find it in the dining room behind the head of the table in the dining room part of the castle. You will need the key to open the door to get to this point.
Bloody Glory¶
The Bloody Glory weapon in Lords of the Fallen is a strong great sword with a bleed status effect for radiance builds.
The Bloody Glory is a really good mid-game weapon, with strong damage for its pick-up, and a great bleed effect on it. It’s the type of weapon that you can replace low-level improved weapons for the strength of its bleed and early-game attack power. However, it does get out scaled by other weapons that are improved on the list. So, this weapon is something to consider if you want to run a bleed weapon in the mid-game.
The Bloody Glory is a mid-game weapon, which you can grab once you have opened the door to the Belled Rise in Pilgrim’s Perch. Run through the door, go over the platform area with the archers, then through the remaining parts of the cave, the ledge, Umbral path into the next cave, and through towards the boss area. Instead of going to the boss, run right and make your way through the remaining pathways and cave areas, till you reach a moth that leads to the Path of Devotion. You can find the sword in that room guarded by the knight and dogs before leading outside to the Path.
Marco’s Axe¶
Marco’s Axe is likely the best axe in the game if you like that sort of playstyle. However, it is significantly weaker than the 1000~ attack power weapons on the list. In terms of scaling, this weapon can reach A+ with an attack power just shy of 800. The downside is that the weapon gets no other additional benefits in status effects or damage modifiers apart from around 200 Wither. The Wither burst damage can make up for some shortcomings, though, with the Wither mechanic essentially offering more damage on the flowing successive hit to give it that extra reach.
If this Wither and Physical Axe interests you, then you can get it from the Cistern. The Cistern is the area in the game that you access on the way to Upper Calrath. To get here, you will need to go down the Cistern, first accessed from the Sunless Skien on the way to Upper City. Defeat the boss before the elevator, and then grab the key. Go into the umbral do the Umbral platforming, and then empty the water. When you get to the point where you fight the reaper boss, you’ll find some more platforming and a soul flay object on the wall to get the item.
Angel’s Axe¶
The Angel’s Axe is another Axe weapon making the list. By the end game, it falls short, with its damage lower than the Marco Axe. However, the axe has solid starting scalings with a C- minus and fairly decent starting attack power. The weapon makes for a great Axe for the early mid-game if you’re looking for that pure-strength axe fantasy.
To get the axe, continue from the vestige at the start of the Fen, and go along the path, over the bridge, then wade through the water with the mosquito mage and the zombies. When you make it through the area, looking at the first Fen village, look left, and you’ll see a large flooded area. Enter the Umbral here walk down to Soul Flay the wall creature, and get the axe. Be mindful of the moth ladies.
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