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Lords of the Fallen (2023)

10 Best Radiance Weapons in Lords of the Fallen

Craig Robinson
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Paladins are an archetype in fantasy games, with their religious zealotry, divine aura, and thematic mission statement a very interesting fantasy. While Lords of the Fallen does not directly offer a Paladin-type class, there are certainly many starting classes that can delve into that Cleric, Paladin, Knight, and Priest-type playstyle. No matter which option you go for, you will likely be dipping your toes into either agility or strength, with a huge focus on Radiance for many weapons to you will find along your travels. Here is a closer look at the best Radiance Weapons in Lords of the Fallen that are worth trying in various game stages.

10 Best Radiance Weapons in Lords of the Fallen

A guide to the best Radiance weapons in Lords of the Fallen.

Below are the ten best radiance weapons in Lords of the Fallen. These weapons range from a few early-game pickups, alongside various options for playstyles in both the mid and late-game. Feel free to acquire these at various stages of the game, and upgrade your weapons at your leisure.

Pieta’s Sword

Let’s start with the earliest and arguably the best of the Radiance weapons in Lord of the Fallen. For starters, this is the only weapon that scales exclusively with Radiance attributes. The weapon also applies Smite damage to a target when you stack it enough times. The other benefit is that you get Short Sword-type attacks, which are always very fast, and yet, you get a very long range for the weapon, making it significantly better than many Long Swords and Short Swords alike.

In terms of its acquisition, players can find "Pieta's Sword" iconPieta’s Sword from the Pieta Remembrance. She is the first boss of the game, located on the Skyrest Bridge. You will need a high Radiance stat to wield it, but, when you tunnel your levels into Radiance, you can easily get the weapon and upgrade it from the early game to the end game.

Tancred’s Mancatcher

Another of the boss weapons is the Halberd, Tancre’d Manchacther. This long-range Halberd-type weapon comes with a long-range poke, a combo that spins to win, and some decent damage to match. While its early-level damage is fairly low, you can upgrade it to get the Radiance Scaling to an A in a matter of 5 upgrades, with its damage only improving after that. Will you be hitting the 100s that you get with high high-strength build? No. However, you will be hitting close to 700-800, alongside the added bleed effect of the weapon that can make it a competitive end-game weapon.

To acquire the weapon, you need to be Tancred, which is a mid-to-late game boss found inside the Tower of Penance. You will unlock its Remembrance after defeating it, and then purchase it from Molhu, the same way you get Pieta’s Sword.

Bloody Glory

The Bloody Glory is one of the best weapons in Lords of the Fallen, period.

If Halberds are not your thing, yet you want to make enemies bleed with you the power of holy barbed write, then the "Bloody Glory" iconBloody Glory is a solid weapon to use. Like Tancred’s Mancatcher, you will use a Radiance damage weapon, with a bleed effect on a Grand Sword instead. The result is a solid mid-game damage weapon, with decent bleed damage and application. If you upgrade the weapon, you’ll start getting it to around an A+ Radiance rating by the final cap, and increase its Holy damage dramatically. If you’re running Sterngth, you will make it slightly better, but it will certainly benefit from Radiance more. If you opt into this, you will likely use it for the rest of the game. If you don’t want to upgrade it, then there are things to come in the near future of the game.

To get the weapon, you will need to unlock Belled-Rise, an area of the game that requires the Pilgrim’s Perch key. To get here, simply get the key from Stomund for 18k Vigor, and then open the door next to the Vestige with the elevator in Pilgrim’s Perch. From there, run through the level, and reach the area where the boss must access the Mnasew. From there, go right before the boss room and run the remainder of the level. You will eventually reach an opening that leads to the Path of Devotion. You can find the weapon pickup by the shrine near the exit, guarded by two dogs and a Hallowed Knight enemy.

Devotion’s Might

For the more traditional Paladin players, who like big hammers and big holy justice, then the Devotions Might is the weapon for you. This weapon starts off with a C rating for Strength and Radiance but quickly evolves into a menace with its A-Scalings at max rank. In addition, the weapon offers players some Smite stacking damage bonuses, which is another spell power-modified effect for your Radiance to benefit from. If you like the idea of using Great Hammers with their high stagger, while still benefiting from the Radiance scalings you want to run alongside some strength, then this is a good weapon to use.

To get the weapon, you once again need to visit the Belled Rise, just like the Bloody Glory. This weapon is on the first left in a small room by the crossbowman and the knight. Enter the small room using the Umbral, and then look for item pickups. Make sure to Soul Flay the lootables, as one of them is a mimic moth creature. Doing so allows you to kill the Moth and grab the loot safely. So, do that, and you can get the job done.

Judge Cleric’s Spear

Judge Cleric is kind to offer several weapons for players looking to partake in various forms of magical weaponry. One of those items is Judge Cleric’s Spear, which is an E-scaling Agility Weapon and C-scaling Radiance weapon. Its damage is a bit low, but it is consistent with other spears and halberds at this stage of the game, and it can level up to become very strong scaling-wise by getting an S on Radiance and D on Agility. If you like shaving long-range and jabbing opponents and the Halberd weapon type doesn’t suit you, then the Jusde Cleric’s Spear is likely better over the Tancred Mancatcher. So, players looking for that style of play have choices towards the mid-to-late game.

To get your hands on the weapon, a player must first defeat Judger Cleric at the Beacon in the Empyrean. This is the final Beacon Boss in the main questline, which is housed in the Abbey of Hallowed Sisters. Defeat the boss, and then you can use her Remembrance at Molhui to acquire the weapon.

Judge Cleric’s Radiant Sword

Next on the list of Judge Cleric’s remembrance items is the Judge Cleric’s Radiant Sword. This is a Long Sword weapon, which offers the player some low Agility scaling at D+ and the standard C-rated Radiance starting stat. When improved, you can expect it to get to A on Radiance and B on Agility. There are not many Agility and Radiance-themed weapons, so this is something that a Hallowed Knight with a shield or someone who started as a Partisan can look forward to.

To get the weapon, you once again need to purchase it from the Molhu after defeating the boss using the Remembrance.

Ebonlight, Abiding Defender Sword

The Ebonlight Sword has C- scalings for both Strength and Radiance, offering players a really good scaling sword in the mid-game they can later upgrade.

If a player wants a mixture of Wither, Radiance, and strength, then look no further to the Ebonlight, Abiding Defender Sword. This weapon seriously dips into that Dark Crusader archetype, using the power of a holy warrior, with a touch of the dark side that the Dark Crusaders use. The joy of this weapon is that it grants a decent starting attack power, alongside Wither and Cold damage as a status effect, alongside some Bleed effects. When you improve it, the scalings only increase to B+ from its C- minus, but you get so many variables with the weapon it is quite useful, making up for its slightly lower strength.

To get the weapon, players must arrive at the Manse of Hallowed Brothers by defeating the boss in Belled Rise. From there, you can climb the remaining area, and reach an elevator to access the Manse. From there, enter the Manse, and make your way through the castle grounds till you reach a garden space on the far side of the temple area. In that garden area, you can find an outdoor stone stop, with a pathway leading left to the temple, and another one to the right that leads to the boss’s encounter on a roof guarding some chests.


If your build opts more to Strength, while dipping your toes into Radiance for spell accessibility, you may consider running "Justice" iconJustice. Justice is a sword with a much stronger focus on strength, yet its Radiance effects grant Smite and part of its attack power dips into Holy damage. When you upgrade the weapon, you’ll find the Radiance settles on D, while the Strength moves to A+. Again, it’s an option for Radiance builds only using it to get certain spells, then the rest goes on Strength.

To get the Justice sword, you must go to Revelations Depths. This requires unlocking the Cistern to its fullest by draining the water and exploring the area. From there, go through the tunnels in the Revelations Depths, and you’ll come across a knight enemy near some stone structures. These stone structures house a makeshift camp with a few marksmen around. Behind some boxes is an item pickup.

Ravager Gregory’s Sword

Acquire this item from Calrath City, and return it to Dunmire in Skyrest Bridge to get one of the best Grand Swords for the Dark Crusader.

Another C-rated weapon for Strength and Radiance enjoyers is the "Ravager Gregory's Sword" iconRavager Gregory’s Sword. When you upgrade it to its max level, you can get the Scalings to A- and push it to around 800 damage. Realistically, you’ll do a little more since the weapon also applies a minor amount of Wither, which increases your damage potential at the trade of the enemy restoring their HP. If you put an elemental rune, scaling improvement, and a charged attack rune in, you can really push that damage much further. If this is the type of weapon you want, then you can use it for the entire game if you so desire.

To get the weapon, players need to get "Ravager Gregory's Rosary" iconRavager Gregory’s Rosary, which is located in Calrath City. Start from the Alehouse Vestige and work through the city streets as normal. At the top of the road, you will find a pathway to move right and enter another small section of the city. From here, look for a wooden ramp going up to an area, and you’ll find a door you can bypass with the Umbral lamp. This route doubles back to the vestige for a shortcut. Partway along, you’ll find an impaled soldier along some stairs, and the item will be Ravager Gregory’s Rosary. Once you have it, return to Skyrest Bridge and hand it over to Dunmire. Giving it to Dunmire will offer the sword in his store, along with other items.

Righteous Pulverizer

The last of the best radiance weapons in Lords of the Fallen is the Righteous Pulverizer. This is a slightly worse version of the "Devotion's Might" iconDevotion’s Might, but it instead grants you a bleed effect. The scalings when you reach max go to B- on Strength and A- minus for Radiance, so it is something to keep in mind. Yet, if your build is running a bleed and radiance combo, then it is something to look into if you want the mace gameplay and the Bloody Glory or Devotion’s Might doesn’t interest you.

To get the weapon, players can purchase it from Thehk-ihir. You will be able to unlock it when you find him in the Path of Devotion.

That concludes our list of best Radiance weapons in Lords of the Fallen. You now know what weapons to look for with this playstyle. If you’re looking for other best-of lists, feel free to check out our guides on inferno, strength, and agility weapons below.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CI Games
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    8 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game. After an age of the cruelest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever.

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