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Lords of the Fallen (2023)

All Shield Locations - Lords of the Fallen

Matt Chard
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One of the more overlooked pieces of equipment in Lords of the Fallen are Shields. They not only provide respectable defense when blocking, but when upgraded, you can unlock up to three rune slots, and these runes will offer a different passive skill than when they’re placed into a weapon; some of them being extremely powerful. Even if you’re not using a shield for its main function, it’s worth taking a light shield, putting it on your back, and using it just for the rune skills. Here, we will provide a list of all the shields in Lords of the Fallen, and where you can find them.

The Shield of Whispers is just one of the many shields you can get.

All Light Shields in Lords of the Fallen

These shields are best taken if you don’t want a shield, but still want access to the powerful rune skills. If you’re playing with a Grand Sword, then you should look here due to weight concerns.

Icon Name Block Protection Req. Slot Types Location
"Blackfeather Ranger Shield" iconBlackfeather Ranger Shield Physical: 33% Holy: 30% Fire: 30% Wither: 25% Stability: 28% Strength: 8 Agility: 8 AGI/STR/AGI Skyrest: Starting equipment for the Blackfeather Ranger Class, or purchase from Gerlinde at the Skyrest Hub.
"Boar’s Head Shield" iconBoar’s Head Shield Physical: 32% Holy: 29% Fire: 29% Wither: 24% Stability: 26% Strength: 10 STR/STR/STR Bramis Castle: Starting equipment for the Blackfeather Ranger Class, or purchase from Gerlinde at the Skyrest Hub.
"Envenomed Shield" iconEnvenomed Shield Physical: 35% Holy: 35% Fire: 23% Wither: 23% Stability: 42% Agility: 10 AGI/AGI/AGI Complete the Petrified Woman/Kukajin’s Quest Line.
"Lightreaper’s Shield" iconLightreaper’s Shield Physical: 37% Holy: 24% Fire: 50% Wither: 23% Stability: 33% Inferno: 11 INF/ANY/ANY Skyrest: Purchased from Molhu after acquiring the Remembrance of the Lightreaper.
"Mournstead Infantry Shield" iconMournstead Infantry Shield Physical: 38% Holy: 34% Fire: 34% Wither: 29% Stability: 34% Strength: 8 Agility: 9 AGI/STR/AGI Skyrest: Purchased from Stomund at the Skyrest Hub.
"Orian Preacher Shield" iconOrian Preacher Shield Physical: 30% Holy: 30% Fire: 25% Wither: 20% Stability: 25% Radiance: 8 RAD/STR/AGI Skyrest: Starting equipment for the Orian Preacher Class, or purchase from Stomund at the Skyrest Hub. Also found near the Marco the Axe Vestige in the Abandoned Redcopse area.
"Pureblade Shield" iconPureblade Shield Physical: 34% Holy: 47% Fire: 21% Wither: 20% Stability: 29% Radiance: 9 RAD/AGI/STR Skyrest Bridge: Found on a corpse by a tower in the back part of Skyrest Bridge which can be accessed by exiting the Path of Devotion. Head to the gate in the courtyard, and proceed through the nearby hole. Follow the tower to the top to find the corpse. Also found as a loot drop from defeated Pureblade enemies predominantly found at Pilgrim’s Perch (Belled Rise), Manse of the Hallowed Brothers, and Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
"Sanctified Huntress Shield" iconSanctified Huntress Shield Physical: 38% Holy: 50% Fire: 24% Wither: 23% Stability: 34% Radiance: 10 RAD/RAD/RAD The Empyrean: From the Iorelo the Cursed Knight Vestige, head through the large doors, and up the stairs to the back of the area where you’ll find a Sanctified Huntress. Defeat them for a chance to obtain the shield.
"Shield of Thunder" iconShield of Thunder Physical: 44% Holy: 25% Fire: 25% Wither: 20% Stability: 27% Strength: 9 Agility: 8 ANY/AGI/STR Fief Chill of Curse: Just past the mini boss, Griefbound Rowena, there is a chest. Simply, follow the path to the end, and jump over the wooden platforms to reach it when you reach the wall. It’s directly above the shortcut gate near the Vestige of Svornil.
"Skinstealer Shield" iconSkinstealer Shield Physical: 37% Holy: 16% Fire: 64% Wither: 17% Stability: 33% Inferno: 10 INF/INF/INF Drops from the Skinstealer enemy which can be found in Sunless Skein Hoist/Cistern (Boss) Upper Calrath, and Bramis Castle.

All Medium Shields in Lords of the Fallen

If you want a bit more protection, but not at the cost of weight, then the Medium Shield is for you. These shields give you modest protection at a respectable weight.

Icon Name Block Protection Req. Slot Types Location
"Crimson Rector Shield" iconCrimson Rector Shield Physical: 45% Holy: 57% Fire: 31% Wither: 30% Stability: 40% Strength: 11 Radiance: 9 RAD/STR/RAD Skyrest Bridge: Next to Exacter Dunmire, you’ll find an iron gate you can pass through with the "Umbral Lamp" iconUmbral Lamp. Follow the stairs down where you’ll find a corpse with the shield. This gate may be locked if you haven’t been here before. If that’s the case, you’ll need to come around the back way via Pilgrim’s Perch from Fitzroy’s Gorge where you’ll find an elevator in Percival’s boss arena.
"Hallowed Knight Shield" iconHallowed Knight Shield Physical: 46% Holy: 42% Fire: 42% Wither: 37% Stability: 42% Strength: 12 Agility: 8 STR/AGI/STR Skyrest: Start as a Hallowed Knight Class or purchase from Stomund at the beginning of the game.
"Lucent Sword Shield" iconLucent Sword Shield Physical: 35% Holy: 35% Fire: 23% Wither: 23% Stability: 42% Strength: 12 STR/ANY/ANY The Empyrean: Head into the church proper with The "Empyrean Church Key" iconEmpyrean Church Key found above, and head to the back of the room while hugging the left side. Here, you’ll find the shield being guarded by two Abiding Defenders in front of an altar.
Pale Eye Shield Physical: 45% Holy: 34% Fire: 34% Wither: 52% Stability: 43% Radiance: 13 Inferno: 13 RAD/INF/ANY Pilgrim’s Perch: From the Vestige of Chabui, head down the stairs to go outside. Take a left and head up the stairs then immediately turn right and drop onto the beam. Enter the Umbral Realm, and follow the beam onto the large hand. Follow this around until you find the Umbral Belly to Soul Flay which will have the shield.
Partisan Shield Physical: 42% Holy: 38% Fire: 38% Wither: 33% Stability: 37% Strength: 10 Agility: 9 STR/AGI/STR Skyrest: Start as the Partisan Class or purchase from Stomund at the Skyrest Hub.
"Plain Shield" iconPlain Shield Physical: 43% Holy: 39% Fire: 39% Wither: 34% Stability: 38% Strength: 11 Agility: 9 STR/AGI/STR Pilgrim’s Perch: From the Vestige of Chabui, make your way to Scourge Sister Delyth’s (flail boss) boss arena and follow the path out of the opposite door. Follow this until you head outside, and climb the ladder to your right. This will take you to another cave where you’ll have the "Pilgrim's Perch Key" iconPilgrim’s Perch Key door and a Bed of Flowers. Exit the cave, and follow the path until you reach the Ardent Penitent enemy (spiked helmet). Behind him, is a ladder to the right which you can climb up. Do so, defeat the nearby Pilgrim Mage, and you’ll find the shield on the corner of the platform.
Shield of the First of the Beasts Physical: 45% Holy: 33% Fire: 33% Wither: 52% Stability: 40% Radiance: 10 Inferno: 10 STR/RAD/INF Bramis Castle: When you reach the castle proper, you’ll need to head to the area where the large spiral stairs with the Ravager are on your left. Go through the door on the left, next to the staircase, and enter the Umbral Realm to bypass the fire on the stairs. Defeat the nearby Infernal Enchantress, and continue to the top where you’ll find a door that requires the "Royal Key" iconRoyal Key. Unlock the door, and head down the left stairs into the dining room. Here, about halfway down, you’ll find three chests, two opened, and one closed. Unlock the chest to obtain the shield and a "Hilvit" iconHilvit Rune. "Royal Key" iconRoyal Key is in front of the bookshelf at the top of the spiral stairs.
Trinity Shield Physical: 46% Holy: 42% Fire: 42% Wither: 37% Stability: 42% Strength: 12 Agility: 8 RAD/STR/AGI Manse of the Hallowed Brothers: From the Brother Jeremiah Vestige, head out the door opposite, and defeat the nearby Holy Bulwark for the "Manse Kitchen Key" iconManse Kitchen Key. With Key in hand, enter the nearby door (opposite vestige) to enter the kitchen. Run forward up the ramp while defeating the two Marksmen, then enter the nearby door (this is locked at first, and you’ll have to make your way around). Head straight past the numerous enemies and turn right at the end. In this wide corridor, head up the stairs to your right where you’ll find three mages. Defeat them and take the left stairs up then head straight forward through two doorways to reach a balcony. The shield will be leaning up against the statue to your left, but a Holy Bulwark will be protecting it.
Shield of the Moonlit Emissary Physical: 53% Holy: 33% Fire: 33% Wither: 28% Stability: 38% Agility: 12 AGI/AGI/ANY The Empyrean: From the Vestige of Iorelo the Cursed Knight, run up the stairs and take out the enemies in the area. Now make your way back to the stairs where you’ll find a destroyed tower on the left. Enter the Umbral Realm, and head up the stairs, and follow the makeshift bridge into a room with a Stigma. The shield will be on the nearby desk.
Stomund’s Shield Physical: 50% Holy: 62% Fire: 36% Wither: 35% Stability: 47% Strength: 12 Agility: 10 STR/AGI/ANY The Empyrean: Complete Stomund’s quest. After giving him the damaged standard and tattered banner in the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters, he’ll disappear for good. When you reach The Empyrean, you’ll find his corpse impaled on the restored banner just outside the building. Loot the corpse for his shield among other equipment.

All Heavy Shields in Lords of the Fallen

Heavy Shields are for people who value defense over anything else. These large shields offer you the most protection, at the cost of weight.

Icon Name Block Protection Req. Slot Types Location
Angel’s Aegis Physical: 70% Holy: 70% Fire: 70% Wither: 70% Stability: 72% Strength: 30 ANY/ANY/ANY Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters: Head to the Vestige of Rosamund, and if you have been exhausting the dialogue of Thehk-Ihir throughout the game, he’ll be here. Access his shop, and purchase the shield from him. Note, this will be the last time you can purchase his goods.
Church of Orian Radiance Greatshield Physical: 59% Holy: 71% Fire: 45% Wither: 44% Stability: 59% Strength: 18 Radiance: 8 STR/RAD/ANY Manse of the Hallowed Brothers: Purchased from Stomund at the entrance to the Abbey of the Hallowed Sister (next to Tower of Penance) provided you’ve been progressing his quest.
Fulvirano Shield Physical: 73% Holy: 52% Fire: 52% Wither: 48% Stability: 61% Strength: 22 Agility: 8 AGI/STR/ANY Sunless Skein: From the Hooded Antuli Vestige, and run past the enemies through the gate (this is a shortcut). Just past the gate, on your left, you’ll find a ladder. Climb the ladder, face the hallway you just came from, and jump the gap. Follow the tunnel while defeating the Enslaved Miner, and pick up the shield at the end of the ledge.
"Garish Display" iconGarish Display Physical: 58% Holy: 54% Fire: 54% Wither: 49% Stability: 58% Strength: 20 STR/STR/STR Calrath: From the Vestige of Lydia the Numb Witch, head up the ladder to the left of the Vestige (if you’re looking at it) and follow the walkway around until you reach a closed door. Shine your lamp at the door, and pass through it, and then turn right at the back of the room where you’ll find a Fire Swordsman. Defeat it, head down the stairs, and follow the path to the end until you reach a blazing fire to your right. Head down the nearby ramp, and defeat the enemies at the bottom (Infernal Enchantress is here.) At the bottom of the ramp, you’ll see a tent behind the bonfire; enter the tent, and pick up the shield in the corner.
Heavy Memento Physical: 80% Holy: 70% Fire: 90% Wither: 75% Stability: 78% Strength: 40 ANY/ANY/ANY Skyrest: Purchased from Molhu back at the hub after acquiring the Remembrance of the Sundered Monarch (Bramis Castle).
"Miner's Desperation" iconMiner’s Desperation Physical: 60% Holy: 41% Fire: 41% Wither: 81% Stability: 60% Strength: 14 Radiance: 15 Inferno: 15 INF/RAD/ANY Revelation Depths: On the opposite side of the shortcut gate next to the Vestige of Catrin, but you’ll have to unlock the gate from Revelation Depths. Make your way down the depths, and you’ll find an elevator shortcut leading up to the Catrin Vestige with the shield on a corpse beside it. The shortcut is in the area with the two Enslaved Miners and a Pilgrim Mage all protected by a parasite.
Ravager Greatshield Physical: 71% Holy: 80% Fire: 71% Wither: 71% Stability: 73% Strength: 35 ANY/ANY/ANY Skyrest: Purchased from Exacter Dunmire after handing him the "Ravager Gregory's Rosary" iconRavager Gregory’s Rosary which can be obtained in Lower Calrath. Must progress Dunmire’s quest to hand the item over to him.
"Ruiner Shield" iconRuiner Shield Physical: 64% Holy: 42% Fire: 90% Wither: 43% Stability: 65% Strength: 25 Inferno: 10 INF/INF/ANY Fitzroy’s Gorge: Defeat the Ruiner Boss to obtain the shield. Follow the right path toward Calrath, and progress the level until you reach a large ominous bridge. When you step on the bridge, the fight will begin.
Shield of the Hushed Saint Physical: 66% Holy: 52% Fire: 52% Wither: 72% Stability: 67% Strength: 25 Radiance: 8 Inferno: 8 RAD/INF/ANY Skyrest: Purchased from Molhu after defeating The Hushed Saint in the Forsaken Fen by handing over the remembrance.
"Shield of Whispers" iconShield of Whispers Physical: 72% Holy: 74% Fire: 74% Wither: 85% Stability: 74% Strength: 35 ANY/ANY/ANY Sunless Skein: From the Hooded Antuli Vestige, and run past the enemies through the gate (this is a shortcut). Proceed forward until you reach a locked gate, and then head up the tunnel to your right where you’ll encounter two barred doorways. Shine your lamp on them to pass through, and drop into the poisoned water below. Follow the tunnel left, and then keep heading right until you find the shield lying next to some green skulls.
Tancred’s Shield Physical: 62% Holy: 57% Fire: 57% Wither: 52% Stability: 63% Strength: 18 Agility: 18 STR/ANY/ANY Skyrest: Purchased from Molhu after defeating Tancred in the Tower of Penance by handing over the remembrance.
Shield of Piercing Light Physical: 56% Holy: 81% Fire: 33% Wither: 34% Stability: 56% Strength: 15 Agility: 15 Radiance: 8 RAD/RAD/ANY Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters Next to the two Holy Bulwark Enemies who are guarding the lever to the large gate shortcut.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CI Games
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    8 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game. After an age of the cruelest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever.

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