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Lords of the Fallen (2023)

10 Best Agility Weapons in Lords of the Fallen

Craig Robinson
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With over 300 weapons in Lords of the Fallen, there’s a lot of mixing and matching to do in the game for various builds. When it comes to Agility, there are many options, with the likes of Agility scaling long-reach weapons, or the more classic bows, daggers, and shorter-range weapons. Yet, working out the best agility weapon is certainly hard work, considering the variety available to acquire at various points of the playthrough. To assist you with learning about the best Agility weapons in Lords of the Fallen, we are covering the list of weapons you should be aiming for, depending on style, starting class, and other factors.

A guide on the best Agility Weapons in Lords of the Fallen, featuring 10 suggested weapon sources for various playstyles.

10 Best Agiliy Weapons in Lords of the Fallen

On this page, we are listing a variety of Polearms, Fist weapons, Short swords, and Daggers you can use in your build. These are primarily the best types for Agility users and the playstyles you encounter. However, there are some more meaty weapons with agility scalings for certain types of Warwolf or Blackfeather Ranger builds, and the odd Flail for any Partisan players. The weapons we are listing are separated into a ToC so you can jump to them at your own leisure. Also, note these weapons are in no particular order of ranking either. You can find the ToC with links that auto-scroll to them as follows.

Lightreaper Weapons

The Lightreaper has quite a few inferno and agility scaling weapons available from its Remembrance, all of which can make a valid build for any agility-type class and playstyle.

The Lightreaper is one of the bosses in Lords of the Fallen, and depending on skill level, you can kill it right at the start of the game. If you didn’t manage it (don’t worry, very few have), then you can defeat it in Fitzroy’s Gorge, The Fief of Winter’s Curse, or at the scripted end-game fight in Upper Calrath once all beacons bosses are defeated. When you defeat the creature, you will get its Remembrance, and get the option you purchase either a left and right-handed dagger, short swords, or a spear and shield combo, with all weapons scaling with Agility and Inferno at a C rating. If you want to run any of those types of weapons, they are likely some of the best weapons you can get for those particular builds.

In addition, these weapons have a secret ability, which apparently unlocks by having these weapons upgraded to 5 and then completing the Paladin Isaac questline to unlock the Dark Crusader. If you complete the quest, then you get extra abilities. You can find the extra abilities showcased by Xilenzed’s YouTube channel for the short swords here.

Damarose’s Cleaver

  • Type: Grand Axe
  • Scalings: Agility: C, Inferno: C, Strength: E
  • Requirements: 14 Strength, 20 Agility and Inferno

For players who want to use Agility and still benefit from the more meaty slaps from great weapons, "Damarose's Cleaver" iconDamarose’s Cleaver is a solid option. This weapon is designed for Agility builds running Inferno, adding burn to the weapon. Ideally, this is the sort of weapon for Lord playthroughs or Udirangr Warwolf builds running Agility, and slight Inferno. Players who started as Mourningstead Infrantymen can also benefit from this weapon too.

To get this weapon, you must play through the Radiance storyline, cleansing the beacons before getting to the gates of Bramis Castle at the end of the game. Damarose will await you if you have not partaken in her storyline. You will likely use this weapon in an NG+ setting, considering its late-game drop and specific ending requirement. So, it is one to plan for certainly.

Blacksmith’s Pride

  • Type: Flail
  • Scalings: Agility C+, Inferno C+
  • Requirements: 16 Agility / Inferno

The "Blacksmith's Pride" iconBlacksmith’s Pride is another example of Agility Flails with a dip into Inferno. Partisan players can likely use this weapon, who have taken some attributes into Inferno. This allows the user to benefit from some Inferno damage scaling that adds Wither to the target. You also get Cold damage bonuses on the weapon, which makes it ideal for a sort of Death Knight-type build. If you’re using Agility and Wither spells, this combination can go well with either an Inferno Weapon or Umbral Weapon spell cast.

Players can acquire this weapon in the Upper City of Calrath, looting the Soul Flay wall creature in the Umbral that is to the left of the Calrath Vestige spot. It means players can begin to create an Umbral Flail-type character around the mid-game.

Eviscerating Spear

Spears are few and far between, but there’s a perfect one at the end of the game to prepare you for an inferno journey in NG+

  • Type: Spear
  • Scalings: Agility: C-, Inferno: C-
  • Requirements: 13 Agility / Inferno

For the poky boys out there, the Eviscerating Spear is an option that Infantrymen starting classes can use. They start with great scaling for Agility and can double down in that playstyle if they want that long-range skirmisher-style combat. The weapon offers bleed ramping damage and additional fire damage on the attack. Combining this with an Infernal Weapon spell and using something like the "Ring of Night's Fire" iconRing of Night’s Fire to get even more fire damage can be a great play. Or, you can use Burn salts and use the "Pendant of Infernal Oblation" iconPendant of Infernal Oblation to benefit from bonus damage to burning enemies, which shall scale with your Inferno spell power, and, thus, the fire damage on the spear.

To get this spear, you must make your way inside Bramis Castle. This is the game’s final area, so this is likely a weapon to use for a fire-themed agility spear build in NG+. It’s worth it if you like the idea of it, especially with NG+ having harder enemies, so the extra spear range for a Pyric Cultist or Infantrymen can undoubtedly help the build and playstyle out.

Serrated Staff

  • Type: Polearm
  • Scalings: Strength: D, Agility C-
  • Requirement Strength: 14, Agility: 18

For your more classic Polearm-type weapon, the "Serrated Staff" iconSerrated Staff is a solid choice. The weapon offers your classic polearm cleaving and long-range jabbing, alongside the added bleed effect on the weapon. Stacking bleed allows you to do bonus damage when you hit a bleeding target, adding a nice damage bonus to your play style. If you combine this with the "Bloodbane Ring" iconBloodbane Ring, you can apply Poison to your weapon by using "Poison Salts" iconPoison Salts or the Poison Weapon spell from an Umbral Catalyst. With that done, you’ll start to easily ramp poison and bleed effects on the target for a safe and secure ramping damage playstyle.

To get this weapon, you must progress through the Calrath City area, and make it to the vestige in the Alehouse. From there, continue traversing the city, until you escape through the fountain area with the large Ravager-type creature. This should allow you to start climbing further up the city, which shall follow more road area, eventually leading onto a street guarded by a fire mage-type enemy by a large bonfire. Along that area is a wall you can cross using the "Umbral Lamp" iconUmbral Lamp, containing the item inside.


  • Type: Short Sword
  • Scaling: Agility: C, Inferno: C
  • Requirement: 13 Agility and Inferno

The "Bloodlust" iconBloodlust is a short sword, which has the unique effect of restoring HP to your character when you defeat an enemy. It also applies a minor bleed and burn effect to the target, allowing you to benefit from your Inferno scalings, and also some nice bonus damage when the bleed pops and you hit a bleeding target. This is easily one of the best agility weapons in Lords of the Fallen, simply down to the double status effects, healing, and more. We recommend combing this with the Poison Weapon spell from the Umbral Catalyst or using Poison Salts farmed via the Forsaken Fen. You should also use the Bloodbane Ring to get additional bleed status when you poison a foe, with the option of running the Ring of Infernal Devotion, which builds ignite while inflicting burn from the weapon. You’ll easily be able to ramp up your status effects to the target, and can therefore take advantage of using the "Pendant of Burden" iconPendant of Burden too, which increases your damage against a target per status effect on them. Note that Infernal Devotion drops from the Bramis Castle, so, this is your end-game goal to get this ring, or one to use in a NG+ setting.

To get this weapon, you will need to beat the Crimson Rector Paladin mini-boss in Fitzroy Gorge. When you enter Fitzroy from the final Forsaken Fen Vestige, follow the road up the hill, then take the path on the left towards the fort in the distance. You’ll find the fort leads to a boss battle, with it guarding a chest at the back of the room containing the item. Considering you can get this weapon in the early game, this makes it a very powerful weapon for the remainder of the game.


  • Type: Fists
  • Scalings: Agility: C, Radiance: C
  • Requirements: 12 Agility and Radiance

The Bloodletter is a solid option for the holy boys out there looking for close-range weapons. The weapon provides a minor bleed to the target and grants some additional Holy damage on weapon hit. You’re very likely to want to run Radiance Weapon for this to buff its Holy Damage, offering you, even more, spell power scaling to add to your damage potential of this weapon. It is likely an option for a Hallowed Knight or Partisan, or perhaps an Exiled Stalker who dips into Radiance slightly. Consider pairing this weapon with the "Hallowed Triptych" iconHallowed Triptych, which is an amulet that grants poise damage when you deal Radiance damage, which should assist you with staggering the big guys. Since you’re using a fist weapon with low poise damage, the combo enables you to have an easier time whittling and staggering bosses and foes alike. You may consider dual-wielding this with "Pieta's Sword" iconPieta’s Sword or running a shield as potential synergies with this weapon.

To get this weapon, you must progress through the Belled Rise, a sub-area of Pilgrim’s Perch, requiring the Pilgrim’s Perch key to open the door next to the Bellcave Vestige. From there, progress through the area, and defeat the boss. This grants access to some higher secluded areas of Pilgrim’s Perch, which takes you to an elevator leading to the Manse of Hallowed Brothers. When you’re next to the elevator, you’ll find a few Crossbowmen guarded by a Hallowed Knight-type enemy. The door they guard contains a Crimson Rector Paladin, alongside the loot you need.

Kinrangr Hunter Dagger

You can farm the hunters in the Fief near the vestige to farm one of the few cold-inflicting weapons in the game.

  • Type: Daggers
  • Scalings: D- Strength and Agility
  • Requirements: 9 Strength, 10 Agility

While the Kinragr Hunter Dagger is rather low damage and scalings for a weapon on the best agility weapons in Lords of the Fallen list, it does come with a few unique advantages. The first is that it is the only weapon that really seems to apply Cold damage to targets. Applying Cold damage is important, as it does a nice chunk of burst damage, and it reduces the enemy’s stamina bar greatly. This is important, as an enemy with low Stamina has lower attack rates, offering more time for a dagger player to trade with harder-to-kill foes. This makes it very interesting to use. You can also combine this weapon with the Poison Weapon spell, and use the Bloodbane Ring to grant bleed charges, allowing you to benefit from a chilled enemy, that’s slowly getting easier to kill with its ramping DoT and damage bonuses applied. If you dual-wield this weapon with another dagger, you also benefit from very fast attacks, along with a sudden dash forward to make it very easy to keep up or duke enemies and quickly get back in range. You should consider dual-wielding it with one of the Lightreaper daggers, since they apply burn to the target for another source of damage over time, helping you wither away the boss’ health pool. You can also get a regular dagger under the Tower of Penance bridge using the Umbral to get it. It is a strong late-game dagger, but it offers nothing special outside of decent damage. You can also farm multiple Hunter Daggers too, if that is something that interests you.

Players need to farm the dagger from the stealth archers in the Fief of Winter’s Chill to get this weapon. This is something that Exiled Stalker builds may consider picking and equipping at least one in their weapon slots. Other high agility-focused classes may consider using the daggers too, if they want.

Final Whisper

  • Type: Fist
  • Scalings: Agility B
  • Requirements: 13 Agility

In terms of raw agility scaling, the Final Whisper is the best base agility scaling weapon in the game. The weapon has a B- rating, making it incredibly easy to ramp this with upgrades to get some incredible Agility damage on the weapon. And, for a Fist weapon, it starts with 76 Attack power, with half of it being Wither damage, compared to the typical close-range agility weapon damage of around 60 damage. With its incredibly strong scaling and wither damage, you can pair this with another higher damage-dealing agility weapon and create strong extended combs where you melt HP bars due to the way Wither works. Consider using Elianna, the Starved’s Sword for Umbral synergy, or stick to other Fist weapons for the Fist combo. The Bloodletter is a good second-fist option since you can use the Ring of Night’s Fey to increase fire and wither damage, which both this and the Bloodletter do for the most effectiveness. You can find notes on this weapon two places above on the list.

To grab this weapon, you will need to visit the Manse of Hallowed Brothers and complete the area by grabbing the Abbot Vernoff key from the chapel. When you have the key, go into the garden near the Hallowed Knight enemies and use the key on the door on the left side of the garden. When the door opens, you can destroy some destructible items on the right, which leads to a tiny passageway, where you can destroy more objects and then cross the fence using the Umbral Lamp. Inside the small, red space is the Final Penance. Feel free to open the door and create a shortcut to the roof above the Vestige while you’re there.


  • Type: Fist Weapon
  • Scalings: D- Strength, C+ Agility
  • Requirements: 9 Strength, 13 Agility

The "Talon" iconTalon is the strongest base damage weapon of all the shorter-range agility weapons in Lords of the Fallen. The weapon has a whopping 88 Physical baseline damage, beating Bloodlust, a short sword on 86, and coming close to the Blacksmith’s, but not beating the polearm weapons for obvious reasons. If you want a pure high-damage fist weapon with no funny business, along with solid scalings, then this weapon can be a great choice for a dual-wield fist weapon build. We recommend running it with the Final Whisper and using the Umbral Weapon spell effect or Wither Salt to make both weapons tap heavily into Wither. Don’t forget Wither health bars increase the damage further, as there’s a risk to an enemy getting their HP back. However, since Fist weapons attack fast, you can quickly minimize the risk of gray health restoration on an enemy and reap all the bonus physical damage on a target in a physical damage agility build.

Players can find this weapon in the underwater village in the Fief of Winter Curse. Progress through the level as normal by solving the portcullis barrier in the ruined vestige, going down its path and heading right through the ice cave. Follow the ice cave to a snowy basin, follow it down more paths, and round to a castle area. When inside the castle, it will take you to a village with many flooded and ruined houses. As you explore the city, you want to get to a rooftop with an item beside the chimney. You should be able to see the spot from the tower, allowing you to parkour over rooftops and ruined upstairs to reach the building.

This concludes our best agility weapons in Lords of the Fallen. You should now have an idea of build ideas, potential necklace and ring suggestions to match, and any other combo or synergy we can find. If you feel we missed a great agility weapon, feel free to leave a comment below and how you’re using the weapon

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CI Games
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    8 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game. After an age of the cruelest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever.

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