Bosses are a large part of souls-like games, with them being powerful optional bosses, worth doing for quests or gear. And then, you have the big bosses, who will block you from progressing further if you cannot beat them. To make sure you’re prepared, we have a list of all bosses in order in Lords of the Fallen, so you know what to expect.
A guide to all the Lords of the Fallen bosses in order, featuring optional, recommended order, and more.
Lords of the Fallen: Bosses in Order¶
Boss | Location | Notes |
Holy Bulwark Otto | Inside the Abandoned Village of Redcopse after escaping the tutorial cave | Tutorial boss on parrying. |
Lightreaper | Straight after the Otto fight | One of four encounters with the boss. You can fail it and still progress. |
Pieta | Atop of the Skyrest Bridge, after going through the ![]() |
Defeating her unlocks a Remembrance and the main quest safe hub. |
Scourged Sister Delyth | Sanctuary, Pilgrim’s Perch | Progression blocker mini-boss in Sanctuary, the main church building you need to enter to progress Pilgrim’s Perch. |
Gaverus, mistress of Hounds | Located at the bottom of Pilgrim’s Perch | Progression blocker boss right before the entrance to Forsaken Fen. |
Congregation of Flesh | Forsaken Fen entrance | Found in a pit immediately after the vestige on the border of Pilgrim’s Perch and Forsaken Fen. |
Mendacious Visage | Forsaken Fen, first village | On a side pathway to the right of the first village after crossing the water bay via the wooden bridge. It requires you to be in Umbral to access it. It’s an optional boss and doesn’t need to be fought. |
The Hushed Saint | Forsaken Fen Beacon | Mandatory main boss as part of the main storyline. |
Crimson Rector Percival | Fitzroy Gorge fort | Optional boss in a fort on the left path of Fitzroy’s Gorge, which leads back to Pilgrim’s Perch via an elevator. |
Ruiner | Fitzroy Gorge | Mandatory mini-boss encounter on the stone bridge from the Fitzroy Gorge cave, leading to Calrath City. |
The Lightreaper | Fitzroy Gorge | Second encounter that you can fail. He appears in the small fort after the Ravager bridge. |
Infernal Enchantress | Calrath City | Fire mage mini-boss guarding the streets after the first Calrath City Vestige. |
Spurned Progeny | Calrath City Slums | At the very top of the Calrath City Slums area. You must beat it to access the next non-linear areas for the Fief and Upper City. |
Boss | Location | Notes |
Bringer of Stillness | Cistern | Wraith mini-boss that blocks the Umbral pathway in the Cistern under water. You need to beat it to head to the Revelations Depths. |
Harrower Dervla | Revelations Depths | A boss you can skip if you don’t go down here, but it is needed if you intend to do the Umbral Ending. |
Elianne the Starved | Mother’s Lull | A place you can enter in Revelations Depths and is required to get the Umbral Ending. |
Skinstealer | Cistern | Boss guards the elevator that grants access to the Upper City of Calrath. |
Kinragr Guardian | Fief of the Chill Curse | Open the Fief door, near the Windmill Vestige, and go through the cave. It will lead you to this boss, which blocks the way to the Fief Vestige. |
Griefbound Rowena | Fief of the Chill Curse | Optional boss located in a small ruin on the other side of the upper chasm near the vestige. |
The Hollow Crow | Fief of the Chill Curse | Main beacon boss of the Fief. |
Lightreaper | Fief of the Chill Curse | As you escape the beacon in the Fief, you come down and enter an arena for another losable encounter with the Lightreaper. |
The Sacred Resonance of Tenacity | Belled Rise (Pilgrim’s Perch) | Progression blocker mini-boss found inside the Belled Rise, accessed via the door at the Bellcave vestige using the Perch Key. This grants access to the elevator that takes you to the Manse. |
Paladin Isaac | Path of Devotion | Optional Boss that unlocks if you accessed the ![]() |
Abiding Defenders | Manse of Hallowed Brothers | Optional boss on a roof protecting a chest in the Manse’s church gardens. |
Carrion Knight | Tower of Penance | A progression blocker mini-boss of the Carrion-plagued knight enemy on the bridge leading to the Tower of Penance. |
Tancred | Tower of Penance | The beacon boss that grants the key to ride the elevator to the beacon atop the tower. |
Abbess | Abbey of Hallowed Sisters | Located just before Vestige for the Abbey. |
Rapturous Huntress of the Dusk | Abbey of Hallowed Saints | Optional boss that spawns only if you defeat Harrower Dervla. |
Judge Cleric | The Empyrean | Beacon boss. |
The Lightreaper | Upper Calrath City | You need to backtrack through the Upper City checkpoint from Skyrest bridge and fight the Lightreaper for real now. |
Andreas of Ebb | Upper City | Mandatory fight right around the corner of the Lightreaper fight. |
The Iron Wayfarer | Upper City | Optional fight only if you killed Harrower Dervla. The fight happens in front of the Vestige for Upper Calrath. |
Damarose | Bramis Castle | Optional Fight that only occurs if you cleanse the beacons. |
The Sundered Monarch | Bramis Castle | Final Beacon Boss. |
Adyr the Bereft Exile | Bramis Castle | Optional end-game boss fight if you cleanse the beacons. |
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