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Lords of the Fallen (2023)

Udirangr Warwolf Builds & Class Guide - Lords of the Fallen

Craig Robinson
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The Udirangr Warwolf is the barbarian archetype class, allowing players to be a light-armored, yet strong and fast character, wielding two-handed weaponry. Players looking to play a Udirangr Warwolf in Lords of the Fallen, can read on to get started on the basics, including starting stats, items, class tips, and build ideas to consider.

Udirangr Warwolf Starting Stats and Items in Lords of the Fallen

Here’s a guide on the Udirangr Warwolf in Lords of the Fallen, featuring starting stats, items, builds, and other tips on playing the class. Image via CI Games.

The Udirangr Warwolf’s starting stats are very impressive in some areas while being middling in others.

Strength Agility Endurance Vitality Radiance Inferno
16 10 13 10 8 8

The general idea behind the Warwolf is that you’re not looking for chains and combos, but, rather an opening to get your slow, yet strong attacks off. This is reflected in the starting stats, with the highest base strength of any class at 16, making it the best starting class in LOTF for your strength-themed playstyles. However, it only has 13 Endurance, compared to a Hallowed Knight‘s 15. You’re also not particularly sturdy either, with a slightly below average Vitality of 10, whereas most have 11. Again it reinforces the idea that the playstyle is all about strong hits while using your Endurance to weave in and out of combat as and when you can, to protect your rather low HP, in the early game. You then weave back in combat to get off a strong strike when an opponent’s combo is over or their guard is down, using your spare Endurance to get either a quick light attack or two, or charge a heavy attack for a huge burst window.

In terms of the starting items for a Uldrangry Warwolf in Lords of the Fallen, you can expect the following:

  • Long Sword
  • Throwing Axes
  • Medium Armor
  • Fire Salts

The Long Sword is a strong weapon with great cleave and swing potentials for mob clearing or big bonks against bosses and other higher-health monsters. These types of weapons will be your go-to for the Warwolf through the course of the game.

Meanwhile, the class has some ranged harassment with Throwing Axes, especially when dealing with annoying casters on harder-to-reach locations, so you don’t struggle against them. They can also be used as a poking tool when a boss is far away, and they will not use a ranged attack against you.

As for your Medium Armor, this allows you to get Medium Encumbrance, allowing you to dodge and roll fairly well.

Fire Salt is a type of consumable that will allow you to set your weapon ablaze, scaling with Inferno. This adds some extra damage to your build, and you can find other salts to apply you your weapon for specific boss strategies, or flavor builds at other times.

Udirangr Warwolf Builds in Lords of the Fallen

While the Udirangr Warwolf is a fairly obvious class in terms of its playstyle, the way the game handles its loot and items makes it a fairly interesting class to learn. For the most part, you’re either going to play the game as a big hulking barbarian with heavy, yet bursty hits and lots of Endurance to Vitality to live and duke when needed, or you can run a dual-wield build and play more fast and aggressive. There’s also plenty of synergy with Inferno-type spells and effects with this game, so, it’s important to look out for these types of builds.

As for the armor, you may consider light to medium armor. However, don’t worry too much about physical defense, as you will likely want the gear that offers you the best status resistance. If you’re in a fire area, look for gear you have with great fire resistance, etc.

Two-Handed Warwolf Build

If you want the classic lightly armored heavy swinging Barbarian build, then that is likely the easier early game playstyle. This grants you access to use throwing axes, grenades, and other equipment rather than locking your second weapon bar away due to a Catalyst. This still grants you ways to fight off annoying mages perched away or archers. As well as grant poke when you need it.

In terms of weapons, there’s one really standout weapon you can get early on, requiring 28 Strength to use. This weapon is called the Faithful Bludgeon. You can get it by going to the Sanctuary Vestige in the Pilgrim’s Perch upper area. Go right from the entrance and look for a ladder and descend. Follow the path and jump across the gaps. Once over, you will come across a route that takes you to an elevator. From the elevator, follow the path it brings you to, and use the lantern near an edge to walk onto a path and drop down to a platform below. This gives you this 28-strength great hammer weapon. It’s pretty much all you need all game if this playstyle is what you want. Remember the soft cap for Strength for 50, so this can scale really well and you can upgrade it early and it will set you for the entire game, unless you pic to Inferno scaling builds.

Udirangr Warwolf Shout Barbarian Build

The Ady’s Rage spell can work into Udirangr Warwolf builds in Lords of the Fallen very easily.

If you like the sound of a typical Shout Barbarian build, akin to something from Diablo, then this playstyle works. There are two Inferno spells that make this work, meaning you’re going to need to run an Infernal Catalyst of some kind. These are Adyr’s Authority and Adyr’s Rage.
Adyr’s Rage, which enables you to get stronger physical damage on your attacks. It unlocks after you find the trade just before the Huntress boss in the Bellroom area of Pilgrim’s Perch. Requires 22 Inferno to use.
Adyr’s Authority: Does an AOE shout that can also stagger lower-tier enemies around you if you find yourself trapped. You can acquire it from the Blacksmithing area of Calrath City.

This build will likely come online around the time you beat the Calrath City boss. The reason why is that you’re going to need an Umbral Catalyst since Inferno Catalysts seem rare to find. You’ll then need the Charred Ring from the Remembrance for beating the Calrath City Slums boss to use Inferno Magic in non-inferno catalyst items. Once you get an Infernal Catalyst, you free up a ring slot. If this build is something you fancy, then it works better to start as a Pyric Cultist so you get early access to the Inferno Catalyst and better starting Inferno. But, the Warwolf does scale better for this type of build later on due to better strength and endurance expectations.

To make this build work, you will likely need to have your Inferno to level 20 around the midpoint of Fitzroy Gorge. This is so you can start using the Ravager Axe as mentioned. You can then get it to level 22 for the Rage spell at the end of the Calrath Slums boss to work the build. You will also need 12 points in Radiance to equip the earliest Umbral Catalyst possible. You can push it to 25 too if you fancy using the Crushing Gaze, which adds Radiance and Inferno scalings to Umbral damage on the weapon, which is also a key weapon in this playstyle if you so choose to dislike the Ravager Axe.

The rest of your stats will go into Vitality, Endurance, and Strength. The first soft cap for Vitality and Endurance is around level 20, so early games don’t exceed those stat blocks. Level these points as freely as necessary, depending on how you’re finding your progress against certain enemies and what you’re struggling to keep stamina up for health issues with. The rest of your points you want to place in Strength. Don’t forget to use Fire Salts or other consumes to buff your spellpower damage thanks to Inferno spellpower scalings.

Tips & Build Ideas For Warwolf Players

In this section, we’ll cover general playstyle tips for the Warwolf:

  • Stagger: Due to the weapon types that heavy strength builds can carry, you will likely find your combo or charged heavy will do heavy stagger. If you can pull this off, you find plenty of Grievous blows, making fighting even the stronger monsters on your travels much easier. Abusing this is a major part of the class’ design. It’s also very good for pushing and interrupting actions from some of the heavier enemy types, which can make combat more engaging against the Knights and Paladin-type enemies you will encounter.
  • Use Soul Flay in Combat: Soul Flay is a skill from your Umbral Lamp that drags the creature’s soul from its body. Hitting a soul applies Wither damage to a creature, replacing its HP bar with a Grey Health bar, depending on how much damage you did to it. Considering Wither damage is slightly higher than normal damage, you can nuke an opponent’s HP bar by building it up and popping it after Soul Flay’s duration expires. It’s an effective strategy, especially against the more elite monsters, or against certain bosses that allow it.
  • Level Vitality: The Warwolf has low Vitality, and is a big stat to improve as you play through the game. Doing so will make you stronger, and give you more breathing space if you’re hit by an enemy while you’re in your swing animation. You should do this regardless of playstyle.
  • Endurance: Whether you’re dual-wielding or using two-handed, you will go through Endurance fast. You’ll also need to dodge a lot due to the Warwolf struggling with armor early weight early on. If you use two-handed, a good gauging point is around 23 as that offers enough for a combo attack and a dodge.

If you have any other tips to share regarding the Udirangr Warwolf in Lords of the Fallen, feel free to let us know in the comments section below!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CI Games
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    8 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game. After an age of the cruelest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever.

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