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Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 - The Hag Walkthrough: Lair, Hair, Boss Fight & More

Craig Robinson

Baldur’s Gate 3 has an optional area you can visit in Act 1, which leads players to the Hag. The Hag is a character that is all about twisted deals, where you technically get what you want, but, it comes at a cost. In this instance, our heroes are offered the Hag’s eye choice. Regardless of if you take it or not, you can explore a lot more further down the line, and so it can become one of the more interesting side pieces of content, filled with potential rewards, and more. Here’s everything you need to know about the Baldur’s Gate 3 Hag side content, including the Rescue Mayrina side quest, and other important information about this entire event.

Potential Act 3 QuestShow Spoiler

There is a hag-related storyline in Act 3 too. So, in case you’re looking for a Walkthrough on that, you can find the Save Vanra quest here. Don’t worry, we won’t spoil it for you if you’re doing the Hag in Act 1 for the first time.

Here is everything you need to know about the hag in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3: The Hag Walkthrough

So, you’ve arrived to the south of the "Blighted Village" iconBlighted Village, and you’ve stumbled into the swampy area. When you walk down the road, you will come across two guys and an old woman talking. Depending on how this goes, you will let the woman get away into the swamp, and the guys will chase her onward. Or, if you roll terribly, you’ll likely have to fight and kill them. If they survive the conversation, they run into the swamp and die to a creature anyway, so it doesn’t matter all too much. Either way, if you loot them, you will find out that they are the brothers of a girl called Mayrina, who is believed to be trapped by The Hag.

Now you are at the hut, the lady will talk to you and Mayrina, and you will get the chance to learn more about a potential cure for your tadpole head. This leads you to a decision the Hag can give you, take the eye deal or not.

The Hag Eye Choice: Have You Paid the Price?

You can learn more about the tadpole if you take The Hag Eye deal in BG3.

If, for science, you are interested in taking the Hag’s offer to cure you of your tadpole, then you need to give her one of your eyes. It doesn’t really matter which one. If you decide to take her up on your deal, you will gain nothing good for it - the Hag wouldn’t have it any other way. The reason why is the Hag refuses to work on removing the tadpole after realizing that it has Netherese magic on it, and therefore tampered. It’s a handy note for advancing the story, mind you, for you and your party, but it is not something you need to know.

However, the Hag still gets her side of the deal. For those who take the deal, you will get a permanent debuff on your character called “Paid the Price”. This debuff grants you +1 to intimidation checks. However, you lose the ability to crit on your attacks, which is huge. Obviously, the cons greatly out risk the slight benefit you get to intimidation checks, no matter the character. So, we highly recommended not taking the Hag’s eye offer in BG3.

No matter which avenue you take here, the Hag will eventually disappear, with her green spirit going behind the fireplace. If you so choose to go down the fireplace, you will head into the Hag’s lair, and find out what is really going on with the girl, and what other trickery is afoot.

Baldur’s Gate 3: The Hag’s Lair

Finding the Hag’s Lair in BG3 lead you to the creatures she tricked.

Once you make it into the Hag’s lair, there are plenty of things to uncover. In the basement area, you will find a plethora of creatures that were foolish or desperate enough to take a deal with a Hag, which ended up unfavorable to them, as they always are.

For the most part, these are largely just role-play interactions. However, there are a few you can interact with. If you smash the mirror, for example, you will be cursed with bane, at least until your long rest. Meanwhile, there is a petrified Dwarf, a man stuck and surrounded by mirrors, and other creatures. There is one block, where there is a door near the guy stuck with the mirrors. Make sure to look for an alternate way in, as you will realize the door is just a glamor, and you can walk straight through it.

As you get into this next section, you will find servants of the Hag. These creatures are controlled by something called Whispering Masks. You have the option to wear one, and use them to sneak around with. But, they come with constant roll checks to see if you can get away disguised as one.

However, if you come across a creature wearing one, they will be hostile, at least until the Hag is defeated, as these masks are controlled by her, forcing the wearer to do her bidding.

As you explore the Hag Lair in Baldur’s Gate 3, you will find a cavern filled with Gas, making travelling difficult.

As you escape through the Whispering Masks users, you will come across a cavern filled with gas. This bit will require some jumping, trap disarming, and a few long rests if you intend to reach the end of the Hag’s Lair. Simply follow the path the best you can, and avoid taking as much damage as possible from the gas. Feel free to use a fire spell to detonate the gas, as managing the burns can be more manageable than the gas effects. When you need to long rest, make sure to find the secret exit from the Acrid Workshop (next paragraph down.)

Eventually, you’ll reach an area of the Hag’s Lair, where you can see Mayrina hanging from a prison cage. When you reach this point, ensure you are ready for a fight, as this is the point where you will fight the boss. If you choose to go into the final room before proceeding up the round path where Mayrina is hanging, then you will find the Acrid Workshop. We recommend doing this, as you can find a secret escape route, so you can long rest and heal up before the fight. Also you can find plenty of Hag-related treasures if you do this first. One such reward is the Staff of the Crone, a magical quality item, which you can use to feed "Gale" iconGale of his ailment, or, you can give it a wizard-type character. Moreso, there is a collection of potions on the side of the room, all of which with mysterious effects.

The Hag Potions

Here is a look at some of the possible Hag Potions in BG3, informing you of what they all do.

On a side note, the Hag Potions are all rather dangerous potions, as you might expect. Some of the effects of these potions you may find are as follows:

  • Bitter Divorce - To avoid spoilers, this item is used as a spell item and is part of the Rescue Mayrina questline. More on this later.
  • Broken Promise - 50 Turn, Increases Strength by 2 until next long rest. Once the effect wears off, you lose 1 strength permanently.
  • Faltering Will - Disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws until next rest
  • Heart of Stone - "Resistance" iconResistance to poison until next rest
  • "Insanity's Kiss" iconInsanity’s Kiss - Become hostile to everyone for four turns.
  • Lost Time - Lose 2 AC and unable to take reactions for 50 turns or until the next long rest.
  • Lover’s Avarice - Lowers Wisdom by 1 until the next full rest
  • Missing Pets - Lowers advantage on ability checks and attack rolls for 3 turns.
  • Mother’s Loathing - Gain Bite, a 2d4 skill for 50 turns or until the next long rest
  • Stillborn - Roll 1d6 piercing at the end of each turn for turns, as you suffer from internal bleeding.
  • Wilted Dreams - Creatures watch you from the shadows for 50 turns or until the next long rest.

Baldur’s Gate 3 The Hag Boss Fight & Strategy

Have your frontline position around here to start the Hag boss fight in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Now you’re done with the Hag’s Lair, you can begin the fight. Put all characters into stealth mode, and proceed one character up on the right side of the room, if you’re facing from the Acrid Workshop. The Hag is invisible along the path, near the orange ball that controls Mayrina’s cage. We recommend putting one of your ranged characters on the platform just further down, and then having one character near the cage, and another one at the top left circle. This secures you’re ready to handle all the mirror images. Once all characters are in position, have the one character you want in the face of the Hag ready to engage and start the fight.

Once the Hag gets its first go, it will cast "Mirror Image" iconMirror Image, placing three mirrors of itself. You need to take care of these as fast as possible, as they have strong poison spells, and can all cast "Hold Person" iconHold Person. If they take any form of damage, they will disappear. If you attack the real one, then it will take damage and call you a “clever bugger”. They typically spawn on one of the elevated platforms, one in front of the cage, and another at the top of the circle, more often than not, hence why we recommend to position your characters around these locations.

Also, one of the skills the Hag casts is to mirror Mayrina, and teleport her closer to the real Hag. We recommend using a very low-damage skill on one of the two Mayrinas. The reason why is that you can very easily kill her using a normal attack, as she only has 8 HP. Something like Astarion’s off-hand attack works fine, presuming he doesn’t crit. Or you can throw an "Acid" iconAcid Veil at her, and then have a healing spell ready to heal her if you chose correctly. Either way, the girl will likely survive, and you know who the fake one is.

Once all the mirror images are dealt with, you can focus on killing the Hag. Once you get her down to around 10 HP or less, and all mirrors of her are dead, you can get a special cutscene.

The Hag Hair & Ability Score Options

If you take the deal where the Hag flees, you can get a Ability Score upgrade, by consuming an Hag Hair of your choice

If you successfully get the cutscene with the Hag, you are presented with a few options. You can take a new deal with the Hag. However, this time it’s actually good for you. You can either take a deal, in which she awards you with the Hag Hair, which grants an ability score improvement, or you can pick which one you want. However, only one character can get it, so make sure you have selected the character you want it on, then take the reward.

However, choosing the Hag Hair Ability Score option from the Hag means she takes the girl. So, that’s the trade-off. So, you either get the girl, or the ability score, more often than not. However, there are certain options where you get both. You need to get a 20 on Persuasion or Intimidation to make this happen.

Ideally, you will want the character with great Persuasion or Intimidation to get the final hit before the cutscene takes place, as the one who gets the last hit will be the one The Hag speaks to. So, delay turns and manage the final few attacks accordingly.

Resurrecting Mayrina’s Husband

(1 of 2) You need to get this item from the Workshop of you intend to finish the Mayrina Husband part of the quest in Baldur’s Gate 3.

You need to get this item from the Workshop of you intend to finish the Mayrina Husband part of the quest in Baldur’s Gate 3. (left), If things go right, you can resurrect Mayrina’s Husband in Baldur’s Gate 3. (right)

If you take the option or get lucky and get the girl and the ability score hag hair, then you can now deal with Mayrina’s husband. Go into the Acrid Workshop, and make sure to grab the Bitter Divorce, an item on the bench where the Hag’s notes and the Pig’s Heads are. Now go through the mushroom portal at the back of the Workshop, and you will see Mayrina overlooking her husband’s coffin. If you speak to her, you can tell her about the bundle you found, which has her husband’s name engraved on it, (you can see this in the description)

Let her know you think it works, and use it, and you will resurrect Mayrina’s Husband. However, one final Hag Tricks happens, and he returns a zombie. You can now decide to kill it, give her the wand, or keep the wand and keep the zombie as a pet. The options are entirely up to you.

If you opt to give Mayrina her husband’s wand, then she will take him to Baldur’s Gate. Chances are in the full release, you will see the zombie and Mayrina wandering at some point.

This concludes everything you need to know about the Hag in Baldur’s Gate 3. You now know everything that can possibly happen in this quest chain, featuring how to get the Hag Hair, Ability Score Upgrades from the Hag, the bad that comes with the deals of the Hag, and, importantly, a boss strategy if you’re struggling with the boss.

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I didn't get the cutscene with the Hag. :( Could it be because I chose the easiest game mode? She took my eye, so I took the girl's husband... Very rude not to give me the new offer before I crushed her.

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I don't think difficulty or the eye affects it. It can be finicky to get it going. Typically, you need to kill the Hag's clones, then bring her to around 1-15 HP. You may need to kill two batches of the hag's clones. I've played an early coop save on Patch 3 (current patch at the time of writing) and can confirm this still works. The character closest to her should get the dialogue to speak to her. I hope that helps?

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I didn't get the cutscene with the Hag. :( Could it be because I chose the easiest game mode? She took my eye, so I took the girl's husband... Very rude not to give me the new offer before I crushed her.

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I don't think difficulty or the eye affects it. It can be finicky to get it going. Typically, you need to kill the Hag's clones, then bring her to around 1-15 HP. You may need to kill two batches of the hag's clones. I've played an early coop save on Patch 3 (current patch at the time of writing) and can confirm this still works. The character closest to her should get the dialogue to speak to her. I hope that helps?

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Larian Studios
  • Platforms,
    Mac, PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    5 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    14 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is an immersive roleplaying game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It features a rich story with multiple outcomes for almost every encounter, and plenty of character customization features including more races, classes, subclasses and party combinations than you are ever likely to explore. The seemingly endless possibilities and numerous choices that you can make throughout your journey make a helping hand always welcome, and that’s where we come in! This guide features the following:

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