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Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 - Cure The Poisoned Gnome - How to Get the Boots of Speed

Nathan Garvin
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Fungus and feet usually don’t mix, but in the Myconid Colony you can get your hands on - and subsequently your feet into - an iconic pair of boots beloved by Baldur’s Gate veterans, the "Boots of Speed" iconBoots of Speed. This page will provide the location of the Boots of Speed in Baldur’s Gate 3, information about how to obtain them and what their stats and effects are, and whether you should give them back to original owner, Sergeant Thrinn.

(1 of 2) Best the Bulette and make your way through its hunting grounds, then jump a gap,

Best the Bulette and make your way through its hunting grounds, then jump a gap, (left), and clear a field full of Torchstalk and Timmask. (right)

Where to Find the Boots of Speed in Baldur’s Gate 3

In the middle of the "Underdark" iconUnderdark map you’ll find the Myconid Colony - you can reach it by crossing through the Bulette’s hunting grounds, jumping a gap, then destroying a field of Torchstalk and Timmask fungus. Once the way is clear, continue north across the now-barren field and you’ll be accosted by some myconids, who are on edge after a duergar attack. After this introductory conversation, you’ll need to meet with the myconid sovereign, and since that’s where our Boots of Speed are, we might as well go and kill two birds with one stone.

Continue northwest through the colony to find the Myconid Colony waypoint, and from here ascend some stepped mushrooms to the west to find the large shroom on which the myconid sovereign resides. You’ll find a gnome named Thulla at around x=81, y=-98, but you’ll likely need to talk to Sovereign Spaw first, as it’s itching to speak with you and will strike up a conversation the moment you get close enough. After the chat with Sovereign Spaw is over, talk to Thulla.

(1 of 3) Meet with the myconid leader, Sovereign Spaw,

How to Get the Boots of Speed from Thulla

Talk to Thulla and you’ll find that she’s in a bad way - you’ll automatically attempt a [Nature 7] check to determine that she’s been poisoned, which will give you several options. First, you can ask “Who did this to you?”, which will bring up a [Medicine 15] check you can make with Advantage, but all this reveals is that the duergar poison Thulla is afflicted with is not some unique concoction that requires a specific antidote. With this info, you should feel safe giving Thulla an Antidote (many merchants sell these) or casting a "Lesser Restoration" iconLesser Restoration spell on her. After Thulla recovers she’ll ask you to rescue some of her friends when it becomes clear that she can’t do it in her condition, and will hand off the Boots of speed. She stole them from duergar, so it’s only fitting they aid in the demise of some duergar.

Alternatively you can attempt a [Persuasion 15] check to convince Thulla to let you put her out of her misery, which she’ll consent to should you pass the aforementioned check. The myconids - who suffered at the hands of the duergar in Thulla’s defense - won’t be so keen on this outcome, however, and you’ll need to pass an [Insight 15], [Deception 15] or [Persuasion 15] check to keep the peace. That said, they’ll turn hostile if they catch you looting Thulla’s body, so this isn’t a great way of getting the Boots of Speed, despite its cold-blooded directness.

Finally, you can pass an [Investigation 10] check to spot any valuables she possesses, the boots being the obvious standouts. She’s in no position to resist, so you can just pluck them off her feet over her feeble protestations. You monster. Ironically the myconids don’t care about you stealing the Boots of Speed from a living Thulla, but view robbing her corpse as grounds for violence. Mushrooms, amirite?

(1 of 2) The Boots of Speed allow you to double your movement speed by expending a Bonus Action,

The Boots of Speed allow you to double your movement speed by expending a Bonus Action, (left), which, on the wrong feet, can allow some characters to move a silly distance each turn. (right)

Boots of Speed Stats

The Boots of Speed are lovely items that, at the expense of a Bonus Action, will double the wearer’s movement speed. This will grant the following movement speeds:

Race Movement Speed Boots of Speed Boots + "Dash" iconDash
Dragonborn, Drow, Elf, Githyanki, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Human 9m 18m 36m
Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling 7.5m 15m 30m
Wood Elf, Wood Half-Elf 10.5m 21m 42m

Obviously this is a significant boon for any character, but taller races and especially Wood Elves and Wood Half-Elves benefit the most. That said, benefit also varies depending on class, as some classes make use of Bonus Actions more often. A dual-wielding rogue like "Astarion" iconAstarion might want to keep his Bonus Action to attack with an offhand weapon, or a Warlock like Wyll may want to use the Bonus Action to apply/reapply "Hex" iconHex. Any character with Polearm Mastery won’t gladly part with the extra attack they get, and generally characters with a high Strength score can already augment their movement well enough by just jumping. On the other hand, a !Warlock being able to position themselves to better punt enemies off ledges with "Eldritch Blast" iconEldritch Blast, warriors who specialize in headhunting enemy spellcasters, and your own spellcasters who want to ensure they always keep out of reach are tempting recipients for these boots. It’s both a tactical tradeoff and a significant boon at the same time.

(1 of 2) In Grymforge you’ll meet Sergeant Thrinn, the former owner of the Boots of Speed.

In Grymforge you’ll meet Sergeant Thrinn, the former owner of the Boots of Speed. (left), If you give her back the Boots of Speed, she’ll reward you with either Armor of the Uninhibited Kushigo, or a Bracing Band. (right)

Choice - Should You Give the Boots of Speed Back to Sergeant Thrinn

You can run into the duergar whom Thull robbed these boots from in the "Grymforge" iconGrymforge area. This duergar - Sergeant Thrinn - is notable for her lack of footwear. Dwarf feet are just made different. When you talk to her you can pick the option “Bare feet, I see. I nabbed these boots from a runaway gnome - yours, perhaps?”., which will cause you to forfeit the Boots of Speed in exchange for your choice of reward - either the Armor of Uninhibited Kushigo or the "Bracing Band" iconBracing Band. Neither of these are as good as the Boots of Speed, in our opinion, so obviously you should just not mention Sergeant Thrinn’s bare feet and hope she doesn’t look at you shiny new shoes… right?

Well… Sergeant Thrinn is part (albeit a minor part) of the Nere questline, and long story short, when you free Nere you’re in for a fight. Depending on your choices, this fight could involve Sergeant Thrinn, and if you kill her (or let her die at the hands of a mutual foe) you can just loot the Boots of Speed off her, potentially scoring you both the reward she offers and the Boots of Speed. As painful as it is to be separated from these wonderful soles, it’s the most lucrative option. In fact, the odds of Sergeant Thrinn surviving this encounter are quite low, requiring a very specific and somewhat contradictory set of circumstances:

  • You must free Nere from his predicament (if you fast travel or take a Long Rest, he could die).
  • You must conspire with Elder Brithvar against Nere.
  • Once freed, you must intervene and stop Nere from killing the gnomes.
  • After stopping Nere and conspiring against him with Elder Brithvar, you must turn on Elder Brithvar and help Nere punish the rebellious duergar.

So yeah, most of the time Sergeant Thrinn is toast. Lucrative, bootless toast. Giving her boots back is a good idea, under the condition that you’re going to end up killing her (or letting her die, as the case may be) and reclaiming them. Now that you have some snappy new boots that’ll get you around with a quickness, zoom over to the following Underdark pages and continue your adventure:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Larian Studios
  • Platforms,
    Mac, PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    5 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    14 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is an immersive roleplaying game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It features a rich story with multiple outcomes for almost every encounter, and plenty of character customization features including more races, classes, subclasses and party combinations than you are ever likely to explore. The seemingly endless possibilities and numerous choices that you can make throughout your journey make a helping hand always welcome, and that’s where we come in! This guide features the following:

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