The Mindflayers didn’t seem to be particularly discerning when it came to infecting others with their tadpoles, and in the wake of the Nautiloid’s crash you’ll encounter numerous fellow abductees, some of whom are more cooperative than others. This page will cover how to find and recruit
Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3.
You’ll find Astarion on a trail west of the crashed Nautiloid.
Where Can You Find Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3?¶
Astarion is one of the first earliest companions you’ll encounter, shortly after you reunite with Shadowheart following the crash of the Nautiloid. Make your way north and northeast along the beach and eventually head west into some crashed ruins of the Nautiloid, where you’ll need to dispatch a trio of Intellect Devourers. Cull them, exit to the southwest, then follow a trail uphill to the northwest until you find Astarion calling out - he’ll be standing at around x=167, y=288.
(1 of 3) If you look for the Intellect Devourer you’ll need to succeed at a Perception check,
How to Recruit Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3¶
When you approach, Astarion will prompt you to kill an Intellect Devourer hiding in the tall grass. If you pick the first option “Easily. Stand back.” you’ll take the bait and will have to pass a [Perception 15] check to avoid getting pounced upon - literally. If you pick the second option “Kill it yourself - you look capable enough.” or just try to leave… well, you’ll also get attacked, but these lead to different bits of conversation.
Only by succeeding at the aforementioned Perception 15 check can you avoid a tussle with Astarion, in which case you can be as snotty or informative as you wish. Either way, tadpole interference will cause you to find common ground, and all you have to do is eventually pick the “We can start by traveling together? Better odds, I’d say.” or “And I need company for the read. Why not come with me?” options to get Astarion to join you. Alternatively you can say “I need to get moving, but you can shelter at my camp.” to send him back to your Camp, where you can visit and recruit Astarion properly whenever you find it convenient.
If you failed the aforementioned [Perception 15] check or you left or brushed him off, you’ll end up grappling with Astarion. Depending on how you ended up in this predicament you’ll get various options for cooperating with Astarion by answering his questions or resisting. In the latter case you’ll get [Strength 10] or [Strength 15] checks, a [Dexterity 10] check or a [Melee Attack 14] check. You might even get a class-specific attack! These decisions are all just flavor, however, and just result in the tadpole interfering and resolving the dispute.
However much you lie and struggle or tell the truth and remain compliant, you’ll get the opportunity to recruit Astarion at no risk to yourself. The only dialog option of serious note is after the tadpole’s interference, where you can say “Apology accepted. I might have done the same were the roles reserved.” Shadowheart approves of this response, and there’s no downside, so you might as well be combative enough to appease her.
Walkthroughs for recruiting other companions can be found here:
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