Reaching Act 3 is a feat in itself, and as you draw close to the walls of Baldur’s Gate, it may feel like the culmination of your struggles thus far. Despite the stakes being higher than ever, however, there’s plenty of quests - both significant and trivial - vie for your attention. One such task can be found in the town of Rivington, just outside of Baldur’s Gate. The safe, reliable and timely delivery of the mail is of paramount importance, and while a rampaging army of cultists can cause understandable complications, even the most reliable animal known to man - pigeons - are coming up short. This page will provide a walkthrough for the quest
Find the Missing Letters in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Talk to Danzo in the Sword Coast Couriers building to start this quest.
How to Start Find the Missing Letters in BG3¶
To start this quest you’ll need to visit the Sword Coast Couriers building in Rivington, which is along the northern edge of town, just south of the South Span Checkpoint bridge and east of the Open Hand Temple. Head inside and talk to Danzo Arkwright (x=15, y=10), who seems unusually chipper despite the difficulties his business is facing. Namely, his normally stalwart pigeons have become unreliable and the birds - and the mail they were carrying - has gone missing. If you pass an automatic [Insight] check you’ll be able to pick the option “Level with me. What’s really going on here?” to learn that among the missing mail is some of Danzo’s own personal correspondence, hence his eagerness to get to the bottom of the situation. After that you can pass a [Persuasion 18] check to convince him to pay you up front, a healthy 329 gold. This marks the quest as complete in your journal, however, and there’s no good reason to fuss over these checks - just pick the option “I’d be happy to take a look.” to get the ball rolling on this one.
(1 of 4) Make your way to the balcony outside the kitchen of the Open Hand Temple and climb some Knotted Roots to reach the roof,
Where to Find the Missing Letters in BG3¶
Before you do anything else, make sure Gale is in your party - having him around will give you more options. Once done, head across the street and into the Open Hand Temple. Go through the northeastern door to reach a kitchen, then exit through another door to the north to reach a balcony. Head downstairs and search the corner to find some Knotted Roots you can climb (x=50, y=10) to reach the roof.
Once on the roof head north and you’ll find a tressym in its nest. What’s a tressym? A cat with wings, essentially the perfect predator of pigeons. If you brought Gale along, he’ll recognize the feline, identifying it as Tara, and you’ll just have to ask Gale to ask the tressym to stop eating the pigeons to achieve your objective. You’ll also obtain a Ring of Blink for your troubles. If you didn’t bring Gale along, this encounter is a bit more complicated. To start out, pick the option “Quite a nice ring you have there. What are you going to do with it?” and pass a [Persuasion 15] check to convince the winged cat to hand the Ring of Blink over. Once that’s done, pass any combination of two [Deception 15 | Intimidation 15 | Persuasion 15] checks to get the tressym to admit it ate the pigeons, then agree to stop preying on the birds going forward. Whatever checks you succeed at, the tressym will feign indifference at the loss of its hunting grounds and offer to sell you some items that have caught its eye at some undisclosed point in the future.
(1 of 2) Either deliver the Bundle of Letters to Danzo unopened for a reward,
Either deliver the Bundle of Letters to Danzo unopened for a reward, (left), or open them to find out that he collaborates with the Zhentarim, information you can use to blackmail Danzo for nearly double the normal reward. (right)
Should You Open Danzo’s Mail in BG3?¶
Now that the tressym is gone - one way or another - you’ll be free to loot the letters the cat accumulated in its quest for pigeon flesh. In its nest you’ll find a Bundle of Letters, while to the east you’ll find the Postmaster Shipment Enquiry. The latter you’ll read just by interacting with it, and it is not the letters Danzo wishes to remain sealed… but it does expose Danzo’s ties to the Zhentarim. Not a good look. If you head back to Danzo and fork over the letters without snooping he’ll pay you 329 gold for your trouble, while if you haggle for more money he’ll give you… 329 gold. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t set a price up front.
Alternatively, you can open the Bundle of Letters, destroying it to create three standalone letters, including another Postmaster Shipment Enquiry. Read it and it’ll discuss some Iron Flask that was stolen by the Zhentarim - an item that is more than meets the eye. Since Danzo is an evil Zhent-dealing scumbag, reading his correspondence shouldn’t weigh too heavily on you, and when you talk to him you’ll have no choice but to reveal what you did, which leads to him offering to buy your silence. Accept and you’ll get… 329 gold. He thinks you’re a chump, so pass a [Deception 18 | Intimidate 18 | Persuasion 18] check instead to hold him up for more money, in which case you’ll get 669 gold. Hey! An improvement.
Given how quickly you can resolve this quest and score a healthy sum of cash and a new magic ring, this is a pretty worthwhile little diversion. For more quests in and around Rivington, check out the following pages:
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