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Baldur's Gate 3

Lorroakan or Nightsong in BG3

Matt Chard
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When you reach Ramazith’s Tower in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll have a very important decision to make, Lorroakan, or Nightsong. Before you can even get this choice, you’ll need to get an audience with Lorroakan first. Read below to find out how to get access to Lorroakan, and who you should choose between the two.

You’ll have a critical decision to make with Lorroakan and Nightsong.

Finding Ramazith’s Tower

This whole encounter is tied to the Find Nightsong quest, so depending on your choices there, the outcome may change. The first thing you’ll need to do is find Ramazith’s Tower which is where Lorroakan is situated. If you’ve just entered Act 3, you’ll need to make it to the Lower City which can be done various ways, although following the Murder Mystery quest in the Open Hand Temple is the most linear method to get there.

When you reach the Lower City, you’ll be in the northeast of the map at "Basilisk Gate" iconBasilisk Gate, and you will want to head southwest to find Sorcerous Sundries which is the shop that hides Ramazith’s Tower. When you get to the shop, the receptionist may look familiar to you. It’s Rolan from the Emerald Grove and if you didn’t Rescue the Tieflings from Moonrise Towers in Act 2, he’ll be a shadow of his former self where the only thing that matters to him is Lorroakan. This will also play a part later, but for now, you can purchase some good equipment from him if you like, and you can also tell him that you’re here to give information on Nightsong, and he’ll tell you to head upstairs.

(1 of 2) From the Basilisk Gate in the Lower City, head southwest to find Sorcerous Sundries which is where you’ll find Ramazith’s Tower

From the Basilisk Gate in the Lower City, head southwest to find Sorcerous Sundries which is where you’ll find Ramazith’s Tower (left), Ramazith’s Tower is above Sorcerous Sundries, but you’ll need to prove to Lorroakan that you have information he needs. (right)

Lorroakan Portal Puzzle

As you approach the top of the stairs, you’ll be met by Lorroakan’s projection, and it’ll ask you to prove your knowledge of Nightsong then four portals will appear in this order, white, orange, green, and purple. Next to the portals are some plaques, two on either side of the room, and these will tell you what each portal represents, click on the first white portal as Nightsong is an Immortal Being, a child of deity. This will place you in Ramazith’s Tower with Lorroakan where you’ll get a scene.

On the second floor, you’ll need to choose the correct portal to go through. Select the first white one on the left to meet Lorroakan.

Should you help Lorroakan or Nightsong

During the scene, you’ll have to tell Lorroakan that Nightsong is a she in some way or form, and you’ll also have to admit to seeing her. The next choice you get is really important. You can deceive Lorroakan by telling Nightsong is either still trapped in the Shadowfell, or that she was killed there. These choices obviously favor Nightsong and your party will approve, but you’ll need to overcome a DC 15 CHA check for both of them.

Or, you could play along with Lorroakan, and choose the other choices until you agree to bring her here, but this will cause the party to disapprove. Either way, you’re not sold on the choice you make just yet as you’ll have to go to camp to tell Nightsong about the contract out on her. The choices with her don’t matter as she’ll head to tear Lorroakan apart regardless. Quickly get back to the tower, and enter the portal then after a few seconds, Nightsong will appear and you’ll get a scene.

(1 of 3) If you choose either of the Deception options, you’ll keep Nightsong’s location hidden from Lorroakan.

This is where the choice matters, you can tell Lorroakan some variation of that he’s going to die, or tell Aylin (Nightsong) to come quietly which will result in a fight, either against Lorroakan, or Nightsong. This will update the “Gather Allies” quest with either Lorroakan and the Razmith’s Tower, or Nightsong and Isobel. So, what do each of them offer you? Read below.

Choosing Nightsong

Luring Lorroakan into a trap, and defeating him will reward you with the following:

  • Gather your Allies - Nightsong and Isobel. You’ll also get a scene of the two back at the camp after the ordeal.
  • Inspiration - Stopping the Repetition of History (Sage); How High They Fall (Haunted One)
  • Lorroakan’s Weapon - Despair of Athkatla: 9-19 damage; 1d8(1d6)+7; +1d4 "Fire" iconFire; +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls; +2 weapon enchantment; "Topple" iconTopple Action
  • Lorroakan’s Armor - Shelter of Athkatla: +10 AC; Spell Resistance: Advantage on Saving Throws against spells; "Mirror Image" iconMirror Image spell.
  • A variety of rare spells to purchase from Lorroakan’s Projection in the Sorcerous Sundries.

Choosing Lorroakan

Backstabbing Nightsong and defeating her will reward you with the following.

  • Gather Your Allies: Lorroakan and the might of Ramazith’s Tower will be at your disposal.
  • Inspiration: The Karsus of Our Times (Sage).
  • Nightsong’s Weapon - Generic "Greatsword +1" iconGreatsword +1.
  • Nightsong’s Armor - Generic Plate Armor.

Defeating Lorroakan

This is by far the most difficult fight out of the two. Not only will you fight Lorroakan, but he’ll have the four Myrmidons of various elements with him, Krank, Miklaur, and even Rolan depending on how your game progressed. When you begin the fight with Lorroakan, hover over him to find out that his resistances are through the roof, and he has four siphons on him, one for every element that the Myrmidon represents.

Earthen Siphon will grant immunity to !Poison while also adding 3-24 (Tactician) Poison damage to Elemental Rebuke. Tempestuous Siphon will grant immunity to !Lightning while also adding 3-24 Lightning damage to Elemental Rebuke. Aquatic Siphon will grant immunity to !Water while also adding 3-24 Water damage to Elemental Rebuke. Finally, Scorching Siphon will grant immunity to Fire while also adding 3-24 Fire damage to Elemental Rebuke.

Talking of Elemental Rebuke, this is a Reaction that deals the above damage to you after an attack. Then Lorroakan has Elemental Adept for every element you can think of which means that his spells will bypass any resistances you have towards the elements. So, how do you defeat him you may ask? Well, you have to take the Myrmidons out first, and these come with their own set of problems. The Air Myrmidon has a penchant for silencing the party, so make this one of the first you take out.

(1 of 2) In the battle, you’ll need to defeat each Myrmidon first before you go up against Lorroakan.

In the battle, you’ll need to defeat each Myrmidon first before you go up against Lorroakan. (left), While you’re fighting them, expect area of effect spells like Fireball to come your way. (right)

Then you have the Earth Myrmidon who likes to repeatedly cast Muck to Metal on Lorroakan throughout the battle which will increase his AC by 2 at the cost of 6m movement speed. The !Water Myrmidon can heal, and the Fire Myrmidon can cast "Haste" iconHaste. Also, all the Myrmidons have an elemental attack of their type. Now, every time you defeat a Myrmidon, the Elemental Siphon of that type will disappear from Lorroakan, gradually making him easier to defeat. When they’re all defeated, you can focus on Lorroakan.

It’s best to focus one Myrmidon down at a time if possible, although you may be restricted because of Opportunity Attacks. A Druid such as Jaheira, or Halsin are great for this battle as they can shift into Myrmidons themselves which allows you to hit the weaknesses of the Myrmidons while also not taking damage from the same kind, and if they do take some damage, they can use Lunar Mend to heal themselves. Another great tip is to purchase the "Ring of Regeneration" iconRing of Regeneration from the shop below as this will bring you back up from death’s door every time it’s your turn.

(1 of 2) If you opt to help Lorroakan, you’ll have to fight an outnumbered Nightsong.

If you opt to help Lorroakan, you’ll have to fight an outnumbered Nightsong. (left), Before long, Lorroakan will have what he wants, and Nightsong will be stuck captive for eternity. (right)

While you’re fighting everything but Lorroakan, he’ll be busy hurling area-of-effect spells at you such as "Fireball" iconFireball which will deal significant damage to the party, so you’ll want to try to spread out a little, but still be close enough to focus down a Myrmidon. When the Myrmidons are dead, you can focus on taking out Lorroakan. Give him everything you got, and he’ll go down in no time. You may realize that Rolan, Krank, and Miklaur as they all have lowish health, and shouldn’t cause you too many problems, although if they become a nuisance, you could take them out quickly. After you defeat Lorroakan, loot his body for his weapon and armor, then loot the entire tower after.

Unfortunately, the Nightsong battle is underwhelming, and that’s being kind. She is outnumbered 12 to 1, and won’t last much longer than two turns, so we won’t write a strategy for her.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Larian Studios
  • Platforms,
    Mac, PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    5 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    14 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is an immersive roleplaying game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It features a rich story with multiple outcomes for almost every encounter, and plenty of character customization features including more races, classes, subclasses and party combinations than you are ever likely to explore. The seemingly endless possibilities and numerous choices that you can make throughout your journey make a helping hand always welcome, and that’s where we come in! This guide features the following:

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