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Baldur's Gate 3

How to Complete the Investigate the Suspicious Toys Quest during Act 3 in BG3

Matt Chard
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As you explore "Wyrm's Crossing" iconWyrm’s Crossing at the beginning of Act 3 in Baldur’s Gate 3, you will come across a dispute outside Arfur’s Mansion between some guests staying at the house, and Arfur. When you ask what the ruckus is about, you will get a choice to Detect his thoughts. It appears he’s worried someone may stumble upon his basement. What is he doing down there that he doesn’t want anyone to find out about? Read below to find out how to start, and finish the "Investigate the Suspicious Toys" iconInvestigate the Suspicious Toys quest in BG3.

Speak to Arfur outside his mansion in Rivington to find out what he’s hiding.

How to start the Investigate the Suspicious Toys quest

Arfur can be found outside his mansion in "Rivington" iconRivington arguing with his guests. When you talk to him, you can ask them what’s the problem, but if you are able to pass the DC 10 Intelligence check to Detect his Thoughts, you’ll find out that something fishy is going on in his basement. Stop talking to him for now, make a quick save, and head straight into his house. Go through the front door and continue straight through into the door at the back. The hatch to the basement can be found here, under the desk to the right of the door, but it will require a Perception check, if you fail it, load up your save and try again. Note: You can find the key to the basement hatch inside the Rosewood Desk in the room upstairs if you’re having trouble opening the hatch.

(1 of 3) Use Detect Thoughts on Arfur to find out that he doesn’t want people in his basement. What’s he hiding?

When you enter the basement, you’ll soon find out the place is rigged with traps, hope you have a Trap Disarm Toolkit on you! Make your way to the back of the room while disarming the traps along the way, and you’ll find a Heavy Chest next to the table. The chest has a trap on it that requires a DC 15 Dexterity check as well as a lock that requires a DC 20 Dexterity check too, so make a quick save before attempting to open this.

Once the chest is opened, you’ll find a Blackmail letter addressed to Arfur demanding he tampers with the toys he makes before giving them as a donation to the refugees. When you’re done looting his place, head back outside and confront Arfur about it. Naturally, he’ll play coy about it at first before begging his hired mercenaries to help him. After he agrees to cough up some extra money for them, they’ll take up the job.

(1 of 4) When you enter the basement, you will find out that the place is chock-full of traps. Make sure you go through here slowly.

This will initiate a battle with the mercenaries which can be a difficult battle depending on your party setup. There will be four of them in total, two melee-focused that consist of a Fighter and a Barbarian, then you have a Mage and a Bard. Focus on the mage and bard first while your highest armor character keeps the melee enemies at bay. The reason for this is the ranged enemies will cause you nothing but problems if left alone, once they’re down, take out the melee enemies. These can deal significant damage to you each turn, so make sure you keep your party healed while dealing with them and take them down one by one.

Where to find the Suspicious Toys

When you’re done with the mercenaries, you’ll find out that Arfur is nowhere to be seen, he must’ve escaped during the battle. Anyway, head over to the Requisition Barn which is situated to the southeast of the mansion, and talk to Manip Nestor. Persuade him that you need to enter the barn, and you’ll be met with a DC 10 Charisma check. Pass the check to get him to let you into the barn, and make your way to the northern corner of the barn on the first floor to find a crate of the toys. This crate will have a trap on it which requires a DC20 Dexterity check to disarm, so quick save, then attempt to disarm the trap. Believe it or not, the crate will talk to you, but you can ignore this as it’s just a creepy thing Arfur does to his “inventions”.

(1 of 2) Persuade Nestor to allow you to search the barn for explosives. If you pass the check, he’ll oblige.

Persuade Nestor to allow you to search the barn for explosives. If you pass the check, he’ll oblige. (left), The suspicious toys can be found in a crate in the corner of the barn, near the bookshelf. (right)

Confront the toymaker Arfur Gregorio

Time to head back to Arfur’s Mansion, and have a little word with him. When you reach the Mansion, Arfur will be near the front door again. Talk to him, and tell him that you found the explosive bears he donated, and he’ll try to worm his way out of it again by attempting to bribe you, but this won’t work, right? Choose any of the top three options unless you want to take him up on his offer, and he’ll play coy. Keep asking him, or select Intimidation (DC 15 CHA) who are putting him up to doing this awful act, and eventually, he’ll give you a lead, the Fireworks Shop in the Lower City. He’ll also tell you to mention that Uncle Felogyr sent you. I guess it’s time to check out the Lower City.

(1 of 2) Intimidate Arfur to let the guests stay at his mansion.

Intimidate Arfur to let the guests stay at his mansion. (left), Then refuse his bribe, and kill him. He has no remorse for what he’s doing, so end him Baldur’s Gate style. (right)

Investigate Felogyr’s Fireworks

You’ll need to be able to access the Lower City to continue the quest and this can be done various ways, but the traditional route is by following and completing the Investigate the Murders quest which you can begin in the Open Hand Temple near the start of Rivington. Eventually, this will lead you to the Lower City.

When you’ve reached the Lower City, follow the southwest path, and you’ll eventually reach Felogyr’s Fireworks. Talk to Avery Sonshal behind the counter and tell him that Uncle Felogyr sent you. This will give you access to the reinforced metal door to your right. Go through the door, and head upstairs, and you’ll be able to purchase the “special” merchandise from Clerk Tamara who’s behind the counter. To find the suspicious toys, you’ll need to get to the floor above, but your password doesn’t give you the privilege for that area, so you’ll have to find an alternative method.

(1 of 4) Felogyr’s Fireworks can be found in the southwest of the Lower City entrance.

In typical Baldur’s Gate 3 fashion, when you can’t talk your way through a problem, you choose plan B, kill them all! If you have a scroll/potion/spell of Greater Invisibility and a character with high stealth, you can sneak your way into the room at the back on the top floor, and steal the “Installation Report” which will update the journal to defeat the Banites. The best way to deal with this encounter is by using a lot of fire. This is due to the place being a literal fire keg full of fireworks,smokepowder, and other explosives. With your character on the third floor (your invisible character) lay some fire onto the smokepowder trail on the floor and enjoy the explosion.

This will take out at least half of the encounter in one attack if not more. Unfortunately, this may lead to that character’s death, but the end result is worth it. Now move the rest of the party to the top floor as quickly as possible, although you’ll have to deal with the two enemies on the second floor first. On the top floor, start taking down the remaining enemies and exploit them anytime one of them stands near an explosive barrel. Also, if any of them stand near a ledge, push them over it to waste their turn, sometimes Avery will stand next to a window which you can use to your advantage to push him into the street.

(1 of 2) Using any fire source on the third floor will cause a chain reaction with the other explosives in the shop which will kill half the shop!

Using any fire source on the third floor will cause a chain reaction with the other explosives in the shop which will kill half the shop! (left), Yeet! Sometimes Avery will stand by an open window. Help him down to the first floor. (right)

Once you’re done murdering the entire store, the quest will be complete, but before you go, make sure you head into the Fireworks Basement first for some extra loot, just make sure you don’t get caught doing so. There is also a hidden lever behind the barrels/crates at the back of the room which opens up a secret wall in the basement leading to a smokepowder stash, although it doesn’t appear to do anything when you blow it up.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Larian Studios
  • Platforms,
    Mac, PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    5 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    14 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is an immersive roleplaying game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It features a rich story with multiple outcomes for almost every encounter, and plenty of character customization features including more races, classes, subclasses and party combinations than you are ever likely to explore. The seemingly endless possibilities and numerous choices that you can make throughout your journey make a helping hand always welcome, and that’s where we come in! This guide features the following:

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