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Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 - Find Your Belongings Side Quest Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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The tension in the druid grove is high. The Tiefling refugees need sanctuary and succor lest they fall prey to the goblins lurking to the west, while the druids, determined to keep their grove secure from the goblins by invoking a ritual, seek to expel the Tieflings. This is a time for goodly folk to put their heads together to overcome a common threat for the good of all… but where there’s trouble, there’s opportunity, and some are keen to use the chaos for their own benefit. This page will cover the side quest "Find Your Belongings" iconFind Your Belongings in Baldur’s Gate 3,

(1 of 2) Find Mattis in the druid grove, trying to sell fake magic rings.

Find Mattis in the druid grove, trying to sell fake magic rings. (left), In addition to the obvious scam, Mattis and Silfy are also pickpockets - view Mattis’ wares and fail a Perception 10 check so Silfy robs you. (right)

Baldur’s Gate 3 Side Quest Find Your Belongings - How to Start

Along the northeastern edge of the first wilderness area you’ll find the druid grove. When you approach it’ll be besieged by goblins, and after they’re repelled, you’ll be free to enter. After triggering a scene between Aradin and Zevlor, continue north through the grove past a merchant named Arron. If you continue north from here, you’ll find a Tiefling child named Doni. He’s important for the quest at hand, but only after it’s started. He also likes to run off during conversations, so don’t bother talking at him yet.

Instead, head downhill to the east to find two more Tiefling children, Silfy and Mattis. Talk to Mattis and he’ll give you a “lucky” ring and flip a coin repeatedly to show you that the lucky ring is, in fact, lucky. To start Find Your Belongings you’ll need to be victimized by these obvious swindlers, the only problem is, they’re kids - they’re just not very good at what they’re doing. That being the case, you have to avoid calling Mattis out on his bluff and you must peruse his wares. If you make it clear you’re not an easy mark, he’ll stop interacting with you. So, avoid calling Mattis out (you can perform a Sleight of Hand check to show off and pester Mattis with coin flips until he gives you the coin with no trouble) and ask to see his wares. You do not have to buy anything, just look and exit and the other kid, Silfy, will make her move.

Now is the tricky part. You must fail a [Perception 10] check to miss Silfy’s theft. A secondary Perception check (DC 5) is optional - this will allow you to catch Mattis signaling to Silfy, which just helps draw the player’s attention to what’s going on. Silfy will run down a ladder to the north and exit via a hole - which you need to pass another [Perception 5] check to find this hole. Locate the hole if you wish, but don’t bother climbing through it yet (assuming you’re not too large - more on this later). Instead, you must now engage in a second transaction with Mattis and pass the [Perception 10] check to notice Silfy robbing you. Do this properly and you’ll end up confronting Silfy.

(1 of 3) Talk to Mattis a second time and view his wares, then pass the Perception 10 check to catch Silfy in the act.

Here you’ll get some options - do NOT pick the [Athletics 15] check - even if you succeed, your violent reaction will not endear yourself to the Tieflings. Instead you need to pick the option “Relax, I won’t get angry. You didn’t even manage to get anything from me.”. You can also pass an [Insight 5] check to confirm that Silfy is, in fact, scared and remorseful, but this is optional. Once you let Silfy go she’ll inform you that you have in fact been robbed on a previous occasion, and your possessions are now in “the hideout”. Silfy will then run off and this quest will finally start.

To summarize, to start this quest you need to:

  • Talk to Mattis.
  • Ask to see his wares without calling him out on being a scammer.
  • Fail a [Perception 10] check while looking at Mattis’ wares.
  • Talk to Mattis and view his wares again.
  • Pass a [Perception 10] check to catch Silfy robbing you.
  • Do NOT attempt an [Athletics 15] check when confronting Silfy.
  • Tell Silfy to “Relax” and learn your previously stolen possessions are in “the hideout”.

(1 of 2) Down a ladder to the north you’ll find a hole - an entrance the Tieflings are using to reach their hideout.

Down a ladder to the north you’ll find a hole - an entrance the Tieflings are using to reach their hideout. (left), If you have the Mask of the Shapeshifter or similar magics, you can make yourself small enough to fit in the hole. (right)

Baldur’s Gate 3 Side Quest Find Your Belongings - How to Find The Hideout

Whew. Now that this quest is finally started, it’s time to finish it. Finding the hideout isn’t hard, but getting inside can take some doing. If you have the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game, you’d have obtained the "Mask of the Shapeshifter" iconMask of the Shapeshifter as one of this editions’ bonus items. Just travel to your camp and search the Traveler’s Chest - it should be in there. When equipped you can use Shapeshift at will to change your character’s appearance, and in this case, you want to change into a halfling, gnome, or other smaller race. Once done, you can slip through the hole to reach the hideout.

(1 of 3) Alternatively, find a Tiefling child named Doni and talk to him.

If you didn’t spring for the Digital Deluxe Edition, you still have options. From Mattis, head back west and look for Doni. Doni’s not much of a speaker, preferring to grunt, pantomime, and stare into space. You’re here for the latter, so pick the option “Turn around to see what he’s looking at” and you’ll roll a [Perception 10] check. If you pass, you can perform a follow-up [Investigation 10] check to find a concealed entrance, but you can’t open it. If you fail the initial Perception check… it doesn’t really matter, as you need to come back, anyways.

Whether you found the concealed entrance or not, you need to talk to Doni again. Unfortunately, he’s run off. To get him to return, fast travel to the "Overgrown Ruins" iconOvergrown Ruins, then back to the Emerald Cove Environs and enter the grove again. You should find Doni back at his usual haunt. Talk to him again and pass an [Insight 10] check followed by a [Persuasion 10] check and he’ll show you the concealed entrance (if he hasn’t already) and show you how to open it. Best of all, larger characters can use this entrance to come and go as they please.

Make use of it and enter the hideaway, then seek out the ringleader of these larcenous Tiefling children, Mol. She should thank you for going easy on Silfy, and if you pick the dialog option “I’m shy of a few belongings” to complete this quest and recover whatever Silfy pilfered from you earlier. You can also start the side quest ["Steal the Sacred Idol" iconSteal the Sacred Idol] while talking to Mol, if you somehow haven’t had your fill of their antics yet.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Side Quest Find Your Belongings Bug

As of launch (v4.1.1.3624901) this quest is bugged. Not the suspiciously tortuous path to starting the quest, but rather the finale. When you talk to Mol in the hideout, she probably won’t have the option “I’m shy of a few belongings” you need to complete the quest, making this quest impossible to complete. We’ll update this page if/when this bug is fixed!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Larian Studios
  • Platforms,
    Mac, PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    5 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    14 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is an immersive roleplaying game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It features a rich story with multiple outcomes for almost every encounter, and plenty of character customization features including more races, classes, subclasses and party combinations than you are ever likely to explore. The seemingly endless possibilities and numerous choices that you can make throughout your journey make a helping hand always welcome, and that’s where we come in! This guide features the following:

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