The Slayer Form is a shapeshifting form exclusive to Bhaalists in Baldur’s Gate 3. Players who encounter Orin in the Bhaal Temple in the Undercity will stumble upon Orin after completing the Murder Tribunal and Investigate the Murder content. If you end up fighting her, she will transform into a Slayer Form, a powerful demonic beast, with its own actions and more. Here’s a look at the Slayer Form in relation to Orin, and then later on, we will discuss some spoiler heavy stuff and other implications and content around the Slayer Form. So, preview this page with your own risk to spoilers.
The Slayer Form in Baldur’s Gate 3¶
Here’s a closer look at the Slayer Form in Baldur’s Gate 3, featuring the Orin fight and more.
The Slayer Form is something that the majority of players are only going to encounter in the third act of the game, when they face off against Orin. If you step into the Temple of Bhaal and engage with her, she will transform into a Slayer Form, bringing in the bhaalist temple on her side versus your party. So be ready for a fight.
The things you need to watch for are the following skills the Slayer Form has:
- Slay: 6D6+7 Weapon attack
- Let the Slaughter Begin: Do a roar in a 12 meter range. Enemies who fail a Con save are marked, and their deaths make the Slayer Form harder to kill.
- Sumptuous Blood Bath: 3D10 Slashing damage, and targets that fail a Con saving throw bleed for three turns. On a save targets still take half damage.
- Multiattack: 1d4 x4 - A terrible ability, if Orin uses it you’ve been blessed.
Relentless Lunge: Leap and smash into foes, dealing 4d6+7
Bludgeoning damage. On a failed strength save, the target goes Prone for 2 turns. 12 meter range and costs a bonus action.
- 153 Form HP
When you fight Orin, these are the moves you will encounter. The main things you want to handle are the Lunge skill ideally, as that move does a lot of damage, can knock Prone very easily, and is a Bonus Action, making it a very powerful move. It’s very easy for the Slayer Form to deal a lot of damage per turn when using the basic Slay attack with the Lunge, or the Blood Bath with the Lunge. So, make sure to use CC against the target that can stop it from moving. Hold Monster, Mind Blast,
Concussive Smash, etc are all good moves to use against it.
With that said, you have an approximate idea of how the Slayer Form works in Baldur’s Gate 3. Yet, this isn’t a full conclusion to the story. The following chapter is very spoiler heavy, so, we advise only revealing the information on your own terms.
How to Get Slayer Form in Baldur’s Gate 3¶
If you’re playing the Dark Urge, you will get the Slayer Form in Act 2. Or at least can get the opportunity to get it in Act 2. The Urge steps in during the Last Light Inn, with your character getting the overwhelming sensation to kill Isobel, and bring ruin to the Harpers.
If you kill Isobel, then expect a big battle with the Shadows in Act 2. You can also expect the disguised Flaming Fist to die when you arrive back at Moonrise Towers, with his corpse outside Balthazar’s room.
If you manage to resist the urge, then the following long rest, Fel will appear, telling you to kill Isobel. If you did kill her, then Sceritas will inform you that your lord has a gift for you. In which, he grants you the option to turn into the Slayer Form If you weren’t already aware at that point, you now are aware that the Dark Urge is a Bhaalspawn, a reference to the previous Baldur’s Gate games.
This is how we know what the damage numbers do, since we played the Dark Urge in one of our now completed campaigns.
On a side note, if you do the Orin fight with the Dark Urge who has access to the Slayer Form, then Orin cannot use the Slayer Form in combat. What you will find is she has her aggressive Rogue abilities instead. However, Orin is very easily knocked Prone by the Durge’s Leap skill. So, attack her, then leap away from her, yet still hit her with the Leap’s damage and Prone. If she goes prone, hit her with Blood Bath and another Leap, then use your regular attack and Leap to continue her Prone status effect and damage her.
Also, when you fight Orin as the Dark Urge, it does remain a duel between the Chosen Bhaalspawns, which is another interesting tidbit of this fight between the Slayer Form enjoyers.
This about concludes the Slayer Form guide in Baldur’s Gate 3. You now know how this works, how to get it, and what to be aware of if you encounter it in game.
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