Pack Stations in Manor Lords are a means of connecting settlements that you own together. When you connect your settlements using this method, you can share resources between your peoples of two settlements. The following is a breakdown of exactly how Pack Stations function.
Pack Stations in Manor Lords
How Pack Stations Work¶
So, to create Pack Stations, you need to do the following:
- Open the logistics menu in the building menu. From there, select the pack station and then construct it.
- When the Pack Station is constructed, you can assign mules and family to work it.
- Import a mule from the livestock trading post if you have not already done so.
- Get influence and claim the territory you wish to own.
- Create another pack station in your new settlement.
- This creates a caravan network between both of your settlements, able to transfer goods to aid each other.
Now that the pack stations are built, you can assign a family to work the pack station. You can then select resources to send over on the pack mule. Note it works similarly to trading posts, where you can import and export resources between your settlements. So, select what you want to export, and then in your other settlement, select the goods you want to receive, and the pack station should enable a direct trade between the two settlements very easily.
Be aware if you’re sending a large stockpile of goods, then you will need several trips. Pack Mules seem to have a carrying capacity, so it is something to be wary of as you trade lots of goods between settlements.
When your pack station is set, select what items you want to export, and set up a pack station partner to send it to a settlement you need to get the goods to.
Remember that you need a Mule to make the Pack Station work. To get Mules in Manor Lords, you need to purchase them via the Livestock Trading Post. You can import mules for regional wealth. You only need 1 mule per settlement for each pack station you wish to set up. When you have your mule, click on the pack station, go to the advanced tab, and then assign the mule to work at that location. From there, your pack station is fully set up, and you are now ready to trade resources between your empire.
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