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Halo Infinite

How to Get All Medals

Shane Williams
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This page details everything you need to know about all the different medals in Halo Infinite. Here you’ll find out what ones are available and how to get them under your belt.

You’ll find your medals at the bottom of your player recap screen.

What Are Medals?

Medals are a unique thing in Halo and there’s a large amount you can acquire as you play through your Areana and Big Team Battle matches. Medals are split into several categories and they are the following: Killing Spree, Modes, Multikil. Proficiency, Skill and Style. To unlock these, you’ll need to meet certain requirements during the match.

How to unlock Killing Spree Medals

Icon Name Type Requirements
Halo Infinite Screenshot Killjoy Normal End an enemy’s killing spree
Halo Infinite Screenshot Killing Spree Heroic Kill five enemies without dying
Halo Infinite Screenshot Killing Frenzy Legendary Kill 10 enemies without dying
Halo Infinite Screenshot Running Riot Mythic Kill 15 enemies without dying
Halo Infinite Screenshot Rampage Mythic Kill 20 enemies without dying
Halo Infinite Screenshot Nightmare Mythic Kill 25 enemies without dying
Halo Infinite Screenshot Boogeyman Mythic Kill 30 enemies without dying
Halo Infinite Screenshot Grim Reaper Mythic Kill 35 enemies without dying
Halo Infinite Screenshot Demon Mythic Kill 40 enemies without dying

How to unlock Mode Medals

Icon Name Type Requirements
Always_Rotating_Halo_Infinite.png Always Rotating Normal Capture all zones in a single life
Stopped_Short_Halo_Infinite.png Stopped Short Normal Kill an enemy flag carrier who is about to score
Flag_Joust_Halo_Infinite.png Flag Joust Normal Kill an enemy flag carrier whilst holding the flag
Goal_Line_Stand_Halo_Infinite.png Goal Line Stand Heroic Return a flag near the enemy flag stand
Clock_Stop_Halo_Infinite.png Clock Stop Heroic Stop the enemy from scoring their final points by capturing a zone in Strongholds
Fumble_Halo_Infinite.png Fumble Heroic Kill the enemy Oddball carrier within moments of their victory
Power_Outage_Halo_Infinite.png Power Outage Legendary Steal three Power Seeds in quick succession
All_That_Juice_Halo_Infinite.png All That Juice Legendary Secure three Power Seeds in quick succession
Flawless_Victory_Halo_Infinite.png Flawless Victory Legendary Win every round of a game with 3+ rounds
Stealtacular_Halo_Infinite.png Steaktacular Legendary Win a game by dominating the enemy team
Straight_Balling_Halo_Infinite.png Straight Balling Legendary Carry the Oddball for 1 minute
Perfection_Halo_Infinite.png Perfection Mythic Win a game with 15+ kills and no deaths

How to unlock Multikill Medals

Icon Name Type Requirements
Double_Kill_Halo_Infinite.png Double Kill Heroic Kill two enemies in quick succession
Triple_Kill_Halo_Infinite.png Triple Kill Legendary Kill three enemies in quick succession
Overkill_Halo_Infinite.png Overkill Mythic Kill four enemies in quick succession
Killtacular_Halo_Infinite.png Killtacular Mythic Kill five enemies in quick succession
Killtrocity_Halo_Infinite.png Killtrocity Mythic Kill six enemies in quick succession
Killmanjero_Halo_Infinite.png Killamanjaro Mythic Kill seven enemies in quick succession
Killtastrophe_Halo_Infinite.png Killtastrophe Mythic Kill eight enemies in quick succession
Killpocalypse_Halo_Infinite.png Killpocalypse Mythic Kill nine enemies in quick succession
Killonaire_Halo_Infinite.png Killionaire Mythic Kill ten enemies in quick succession

How to unlock Skill Medals

Icon Name Type Requirements
Back_Smack_Halo_Infinite.png Back Smack Normal Kill an enemy by hitting them from behind with a melee
Dogfight_Halo_Infinite.png Dogfight Normal Destroy an enemy aircraft while in one yourself
Chain_Reaction_Halo_Infinite.png Chain Reaction Normal Kill an enemy with a shock chain
Guardian_Angel_Halo_Infinite.png Guardian Angel Normal Save an ally’s life from far away
Kong_Halo_Infinite.png Kong Normal Kill an enemy by throwing a Fusion Coil
Harpoon_Halo_Infinite.png Harpoon Normal Grapple a distant enemy
Odins_Raven_Halo_Infinite.png Odin’s Raven Normal Detect 3+ enemies with a single Threat Sensor
Reversal_Halo_Infinite.png Reversal Normal Kill an enemy who attacked you first
Skyjack_Halo_Infinite.png Skyjack Normal Hijack an enemy aircraft
Splatter_Halo_Infinite.png Splatter Normal Kill an enemy by hitting them with a vehicle
Snipe_Halo_Infinite.png Snipe Normal Headshot an enemy with a Power sniper rifle
Stick_Halo_Infinite.png Stick Normal Kill an enemy by sticking them with a Plasma or Spike Grenade
Ballista_Halo_Infinite.png Ballista Heroic Kill an enemy with a Skewer from far away
Bulltrue_Halo_Infinite.png Bulltrue Heroic Save yourself or an ally by interrupting an enemy’s Energy Sword lunge
Bank_Shot_Halo_Infinite.png Bank Shot Heroic Kill an enemy with a ricochet
Death_Race_Halo_Infinite.png Death Race Heroic Splatter 2+ enemies with a single boost in a Ghost
Cluster_Luck_Halo_Infinite.png Cluster Luck Heroic Kill 2 or more enemies with a grenade
Fire_and_Forget_Halo_Infinite.png Fire & Forget Heroic Kill an enemy with an M41 SPNKR from a distance
Hail_Mary_Halo_Infinite.png Hail Mary Heroic Kill an enemy with a grenade from far away
Mind_the_gap_Halo_Infinite.png Mind the Gap Heroic Kill an enemy by sending them to their death with the Repulsor
Nade_Shot_Halo_Infinite.png Nade Shot Heroic Headshot an enemy immediately after damaging them with a grenade
Pancake_Halo_Infinite.png Pancake Heroic Kill an enemy by flattening them with the Repulsor
No_Scope_Halo_Infinite.png No Scope Heroic Kill an enemy with a Power sniper rifle without zooming
Pull_Halo_Infinite.png Pull Heroic Kill an enemy with a sniper rifle after they get launched by a Man Cannon
Perfect_Halo_Infinite.png Perfect Heroic Kill an enemy with a precision weapon and peak efficiency
Tag_and_Bag_Halo_Infinite.png Tag & Bag Heroic Kill 2 or more enemies while revealing them with the Threat Sensor
Rideshare_Halo_Infinite.png Rideshare Heroic Deliver the objective carrier to the objective after driving a great distance
Windshield_Wiper_Halo_Infinite.png Windshield Wiper Heroic Kill an enemy attempting to hijack a vehicle
Whiplash_Halo_Infinite.png Whiplash Heroic Kill a grappling enemy
Achilles_Spine_Halo_Infinite.png Achilles Spine Legendary Kill an Overshielded enemy by hitting them from behind with melee
Autopilot_Engaged_Halo_Infinite.png Autopilot Engaged Legendary Kill the enemy driver of a moving vehicle with a Power sniper rifle
Grand_Slam_Halo_Infinite.png Grand Slam Legendary Kill 2 or more enemies with a single Gravity Hammer swing
Boom_Block_Halo_Infinite.png Boom Block Legendary Block an incoming projectile by deploying a Drop Wall
Nuclear_Football_Halo_Infinite.png Nuclear Football Legendary Catch an enemy-thrown Fusion Coil
Interlinked_Halo_Infinite.png Interlinked Legendary Kill 4 enemies with a single chain
Return_to_Sender_Halo_Infinite.png Return To Sender Legendary Kill an enemy by deflecting their projectile
Sneak_King_Halo_Infinite.png Sneak King Legendary Kill a camouflaged enemy by hitting them from behind with melee
Ninja_Halo_Infinite.png Ninja Mythic Kill an enemy by leaping over them and hitting them from behind with melee
Quigley_Halo_Infinite.png Quigley Mythic Kill 2 or more enemies with a single S7 Sniper round
Ninja_Halo_Infinite.png Ninja Mythic Kill an enemy by leaping over them and hitting them from behind with melee
Remote_Detonation_Halo_Infinite.png Remote Detonation Mythic Kill an enemy by shooting a grenade

How to unlock Style Medals

Icon Name Type Requirements
Flyin_High_Halo_Infinite.png Flyin’ High Normal Achieve a massive jump in a fully-loaded vehicle
Last_Shot_Halo_Infinit.png Last Shot Normal Kill an enemy with your magazine’s last round
From_the_Grave_Halo_Infinite.png From the Grave Normal Kill an enemy after you die
Reclaimer_Halo_Infinite.png Reclaimer Normal Hijack an enemy vehicle that was once yours
Quick_Draw_Halo_Infinite.png Quick Draw Normal Kill an enemy with a pistol immediately after switching to it
Mount_Up_Halo_Infinite.png Mount Up Normal Assemble a fully-loaded vehicle of two or more allies after honking the horn
Special_Delivery_Halo_Infinite.png Special Delivery Normal Kill an enemy with a Man Cannon- or Grav Lift-boosted grenade
Hold_This_Halo_Infinite.png Hold This Heroic Kill an enemy immediately after dropping a weapon using your remaining gun
Grapple_Jack_Halo_Infinite.png Grapple-Jack Heroic Grapple to and hijack an enemy vehicle
Mounted_and_Loaded_Halo_Infinite.png Mounted & Loaded Heroic Earn a Double Kill with a stationary turret
Lawnmower_Halo_Infinite.png Lawnmower Heroic Destroy an enemy vehicle with the wheels of a Brute Chopper
Pineapple_Express_Halo_Infinite.png Pineapple Express Heroic Kill an enemy with a grenade as a passenger
Partys_Over_Halo_Infinite.png Party’s Over Heroic Destroy a fully-loaded enemy Razorback
Off_the_Rock_Halo_Infinite.png Off the Rack Heroic Kill an enemy with a weapon immediately upon retrieving it from its spawn location
Yard_Sale_Halo_Infinite.png Yard Sale Heroic Kill an enemy who had a Power weapon and a full inventory
Shot_Caller_Halo_Infinite.png Shot Caller Heroic Headshot an enemy moments after Marking them
Ramming_Speed_Halo_Infinite.png Ramming Speed Heroic Destroy an enemy vehicle by hitting it with your own
Deadly_Catch_Halo_Infinite.png Deadly Catch Legendary Grapple a weapon or object to you and immediately kill an enemy with it
Combat_Evolved_Halo_Infinite.png Combat Evolved Legendary Catch a power weapon that was blasted off of a Weapon Pad with a Plasma Grenade
360_Halo_Infinite.png 360 Legendary Kill an enemy by shooting them immediately after spinning around
Driveby_Halo_Infinite.png Driveby Legendary Earn a Double Kill as a passenger
Street_Sweeper_Halo_Infinite.png Street Sweeper Legendary Kill an enemy with the CQS48 Bulldog as a passenger
Fastball_Halo_Infinite.png Fastball Mythic Kill an enemy with the impact from a thrown grenade

How to unlock Proficiency Medals

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Xbox Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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