Where to find all of the Thavnair Sightseeing log lookout points in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (FF XIV).
Thavnair Sightseeing Log Locations¶
Number | Zone | Coordinates | Emote | Description |
20 | Thavnair | (x:26.2,y:33.6,z:0.2) | # Lookout | On top of the eastern building in Yedlihmad (Requires Flying) |
21 | Thavnair | (x:22.5,y:19.6,z:1.1) | # Lookout | On top of the southeastern wall at Kadjaya’s Footsteps (Requires Flying) |
22 | Thavnair | (x:19.9,y:6.9,z:1.2) | # Lookout | On top of the stone quarry Sramul is standing in front of. (Requires Flying) |
23 | Thavnair | (x:29.3,y:24.9,z:0.1) | # Lookout | On top of the largest rock in the formation southeast of The Font of Maya. (Requires Flying) |
24 | Thavnair | (x:26.5,y:24.1,z:0.1) | # Lookout | Near the pool at the Font of Maya marker. |
25 | Thavnair | (x:9.8,y:23.2,z:1.0) | # Lookout | On the chimney extending northwest from the tallest building in The Great Work (Requires Flying) |
Sightseeing log entry “020” - Yedlihmad (Requires Flying)¶
Head to the Yedlihmad Aethernet and fly up to the building northeast to find this Sightseeing Log. However, you’ll need to have collected all of the Aether Currants in this area first to fly, so be sure to check out the All Aether Currents in Thavnair.
(1 of 2) Head to Yedlihmad
Head to Yedlihmad (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of the roof northeast of the Athernet. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “021” - Kadjaya’s Footsteps (Requires Flying)¶
Head to Kadjaya’s Footsteps and fly up to the top of the southeastern wall to find this Sightseeing Log. However, you’ll need to have collected all of the Aether Currants in this area first to fly, so be sure to check out the All Aether Currents in Thavnair.
(1 of 2) Head to Kadjaya’s Footsteps
Head to Kadjaya’s Footsteps (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of the southeastern wall (right)
Sightseeing log entry “022” - Giantsgall Grounds (Requires Flying)¶
Head to Giantsgall Grounds and look for Sramul, then fly up to the roof of the stone structure in front of him to find the Sightseeing Log. However, you’ll need to have collected all of the Aether Currants in this area first to fly, so be sure to check out the All Aether Currents in Thavnair.
(1 of 2) Head to Giantsgall Grounds
Head to Giantsgall Grounds (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting ontop of the wall infront of Sramul. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “023” - The Shroud of the Samgha (Requires Flying)¶
Head to The Shroud of the Samgha to find the Sightseeing Log on top of a rock southeast of The Font of Maya. However, you’ll need to have collected all of the Aether Currants in this area first to fly, so be sure to check out the All Aether Currents in Thavnair.
(1 of 2) Head to The Shroud of the Samgha
Head to The Shroud of the Samgha (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of a rock. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “024” - The Font of Maya¶
Head to The Font of Maya and you’ll find the Sightseeing Log sitting on the wall opposite the statue.
(1 of 2) Head to The Font of Maya
Head to The Font of Maya (left), to find the Sighting Seeing Log sitting on the platform opposite the statue. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “025” - The Great Work (Requires Flying)¶
Head to The Great Work and you’ll find the Sightseeing Log sitting on the chimney of the tallest building. However, you’ll need to have collected all of the Aether Currants in this area first to fly, so be sure to check out the All Aether Currents in Thavnair.
(1 of 2) Head to The Great Work
Head to The Great Work (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of the chimney. (right)
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