This page will show you all the Openers, and Rotations for Samurai in patch 6.05 in Endwalker.
General Opener¶
General Dragoon Opener.
- Pop Sprint
2-3 seconds before pull.
- Cast True Thrust
- Use a Tincture of Strength
- Cast Disembowel
- Weave in Lance Charge
and Dragon Sight
- Cast Chaotic Spring
- Weave in Battle Litany
- Cast Wheeling Thrust
- Weave in Geirskogul
and Life Surge
- Cast Fang and Claw
- Weave in High Jump
- Cast Raiden Thrust
- Weave in Dragonfire Dive
- Cast Vorpal Thrust
- Weave in Life Surge
and Mirage Dive
- Cast Heavens’ Thrust
- Weave in Spineshatter Dive
- Cast Fang and Claw
for the second time.
- Weave in Spineshatter Dive
for the second time.
- Cast Wheeling Thrust
for the second time.
- Cast Raiden Thrust
for the second time.
- Weave in Wyrmwind Thrust
- Cast Disembowel
for the second time.
- Cast Chaotic Spring
for a second time.
- Finish with Wheeling Thrust
for the third time
Dragoon Level 90 Standard Rotation¶
Dragoon Level 90 Rotation.
At level 90, you’ll want to follow the rotation in the image above whilst weaving in your off-global cooldowns such as Geirskogul, Battle Litany, Lance Charge, and any jumps. These want to be used off cooldown.
Dragoon Level 90 AoE Rotation¶
Dragoon AoE Rotation.
The AoE rotation should only be used when you’re fighting at least three targets, otherwise stick to the single rotation. Weave in your off-global cooldowns when they’re off cooldown, especially the damage increasing ones like Battle Litany, and AoE ones like Dragonfire Dive and Geirskogul/Nastrond/Stardiver.
You would start the fight with the general opener and once that’s completed, you’d move on to the rotation and repeat it.
When we say weave and double weave we’re talking about the global cooldowns.
When you use your normal abilities (weapon skills), you’ll notice that most of them can’t be used until the cooldowns reset (normally 2.5 seconds). The other abilities that are normally on longer cooldowns like Battle Litany and Geirskogul can be used whilst waiting for the other skills to come off cooldown. When you weave a skill, you’re using one of them in between the two weapon skills. Double weave means using two of them in between the weapon skills. This can be tight timing depending on various things like latency, your skill speed or even having to move out of battle mechanics.
Hope this helps.
A tank buster is a large damage attack that is aimed primarily at the tank, which they'll need to use their defensive cooldowns to mitigate it. In some larger battles (8-man, and 24 man) it can target both the tank and the off-tank (second tank) to share the damage. If you're playing as any other job, you'll want to stay away from the tank, although there are situations in the endgame stuff where this doesn't apply.
For your second question, the opener will normally be used against bosses only as you won't have the time against groups of enemies (3 or more enemies). For them, you should be doing your area of effect rotation, which should be Draconian Fury - Sonic Thrust - Coerthan Torment IIRC whilst using your buffs in-between.
You only want to use your opener at the beginning of the fight, then you'll move on to the rotation. The reason for this is that you want to pump out as much damage as possible when all the parties raid buffs are being used. You'll find out that all your buffs (Off global cooldowns) will become available again when the raid buffs are back up for the rest of the party.
So I was sitting here and suddenly thought up another question or two while reading this over and watching a video on YouTube…the first question I have and haven’t been able to find an answer…hence why I’m asking you, when someone says a tank buster…am I supposed to split that damage with the tank? Or am I supposed to get my dumb butt out of the way?
My second question is this, regarding the opener and the rotation. When you say repeat. Do I repeat the opener and then go straight into the rotation, or do I simply repeat the rotation? The issue I’m having is per each mob. When we advance to a next mob, I finish off with whatever action would have came next right? Unless the dots fall off. Then if that happens I repeat the entire opener and rotation. Am I correct in this? Sorry that I sound like such a noob. But to be fair I pretty much am lol. People in the game haven’t exactly been super helpful up to this point. And in novice network I’ve had people flat out tell me to give up and quit. So I appreciate any help you offer me.
It sure does. Thank you very much.
I’m a little confused, would I do the general opener and then do the standard rotation? If not when would I do the general opener? I’m also a little confused over how to weave in actions on a ps4, can you explain this for me please? I’m not a gamer, but I do enjoy this game and would like to play it well.