Patch 6.2 saw the addition of the Island Sanctuary which is an island that player’s can use to craft, farm and escape from the busy Warrior of Light lifestyle. This page will provide you with the necessary steps to finding Copper Ore.
The Basic Mammet-sized Builders Tools require Copper Ore to craft.
Progress To Sanctuary Rank 4¶
The quickest to increase your rank is by focusing on the Visions which are essentially the Island Sanctuaries Main Scenario Quest. So you’ll want to focus on completing The Coziest of Cabins, Top Crops, Adorable Animals and A Workshop of Wonders as these will not only teach you how to plant crops, capture animals and build but they will reward you with lots of Island EXP. Completing the mentioned quests should easily take you to around Sanctuary Rank 4.
Craft a Islekeeps Stone Hammer¶
Once you’ve reached Sanctuary Rank 4 you’ll need to craft an Islekeeps Stone Hammer in order to mine and obtain Copper Ore. The Islekeeps Stone Hammer requires 3 Island Stones, 2 Island Logs and 4 Bundles of Island Vine. Below you’ll find the locations of these resources:
Where To Find Bundles of Island Vine¶
You can gather Bundles of Island Vine from Sugarcane and Island Apple which are scattered all around the Pristine Pond.
Where To Find Island Stones¶
You can gather Island Stones by interacting with Smooth White Rocks which can be found near the Northward Stream which is located at [X: 18.4, Y: 23.0].
Where To Find Island Logs¶
(1 of 2) Head to this marked location in The Wilds
Head to this marked location in The Wilds (left), and mine Bluish Rocks. (right)
You can gather Island Logs by interacting with Tualong and Mahogany Trees which are scattered between the Pristine Pond and the Eastward Stream.
Once you’ve collected the required resources, hover over the island sanctuary menu, then select the “Sanctuary Crafting Log” Option and choose “Islekeeps Stone Hammer” under Tools. With the Islekeeps Stone Hammer in your possession you’ll now be able to mine Copper, Limestone and Rock Salt.
Copper Ore Locations¶
After you’ve reached Sanctuary 4 and crafted the Islekeeps Stone Hammer you’ll finally be able to venture out into The Wilds and get your hands on some Copper Ore. This ore can be found in two seperate areas. First of which is between the Gentle Slope and Pirate Bay, so head to [X:17.0, Y:14.6] and mine the Bluish Rocks.
Alternatively, you can head down to [X: 30.7, Y: 28.4] and you’ll find Bluish Rocks scattered around the Peak Point area. If you are looking to farm up a large amount of Copper Ore, then it’ll be a good idea to switch between these two locations whilst waiting for the nodes to respawn.
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