Cutting Edge Solutions - How to start and complete the Side-Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (FF XIV). Details on where to deliver the Coating Agent.
Speak with Apasa to begin this quest.
A Boy’s Errand¶
Starting NPC¶
Apasa can be found at (X: 11.1, Y: 23.5) in Thavnair.
Nearest Aetheryte: The Great Work
Apasa regards you with mild annoyance
Distribute the coating agent ot the quarry workers 0/3¶
After the conversation with Apasa has come to a close, walk or ride to Giantsgall Ground which is located at (X: 29.1, Y: 9.1). Here you’ll want to give a coating agent to the following people:
- Soft-hearted Stonecutter
- Sinewy Stonecutter
- Sunny Stonecutter
(1 of 3) Deliver the Coating Agent to Sinewy Stonecutter
Report to Apasa¶
Once you’ve given the Coating Agent to all three Stonecutters, report back to Apasa at (X: 11.1, Y: 23.5) to bring this quest to a close.
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