Don’t Philter Yourself - How to start and complete the Side-Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (FF XIV). Details on how to help the bespectacled researcher.
Speak with the Fretting Researcher to begin this quest.
Hither and Yarns¶
Starting NPC¶
Fretting Researcher
Fretting Researcher can be found at (X: 21.6, Y: 19.6) in Labyrinthos.
Nearest Aetheryte: Sharlayan Hamlet
A researcher in Sharlayan Hamlet has furiously furrowed brow.
Speak with the bespectacled researcher¶
After you’ve finished speaking with the Fretting Research, you’ll need to talk to a Bespectacled Researcher who is located at (X: 22.1, Y: 34.3).
Head to (X: 22.1, Y: 34.3) to find a bespectacled researcher, then use the Flax-Colored Philte
Use the philter on the bespectacled researcher¶
Following your conversation with the Bespectacled Researcher, use a Flax-Colored Philter on him which can be found in your key items.
Speak with the fretting researcher¶
Finally, return to the Fretting Researcher and speak with her to bring the quest to a close.
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