You will encounter the dining room / hall in the castle during Chapter 9 of the main story in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. Here you’ll need to solve a small puzzle to gain access to the Serpent Head, which you’ll need in order to solve the headless statue puzzle in the Grand Hall. To solve the dining room puzzle, you need to ask Ashley to sit in a specific place on one of the tables, while Leon sits in another. We’ll show you exactly what to do on this page.
How to Solve the Dining Room Table Puzzle in Chapter 9 - Resident Evil 4 Remake¶
As you enter the dining room, you will notice the Serpent Head locked behind some bars in a display cabinet in front of you. Turning left you’ll see the dining tables, with two large portraits on the wall at the back of the room. It is these portraits which provide the clue to the puzzle solution, since they display two people sitting with specific items at the table with them. You need to emulate these positions by looking at the table, and having Leon sit in the seat with bread and wine, while Ashley sits in the seat with an empty plate.
Where to Sit Ashley and Leon on the Dining Tables¶
The trouble is, there are two dining tables in this room which both contain replicas of the same items for each seat. However, to solve this puzzle you need to have Leon sit at the correct position on the table nearest the portraits (on the northern side of the room), and Ashley sit on the table nearest the Serpent Head (on the southern side). First, take Ashley to the seat on the southern side and ask her to sit down there, then take your seat as Leon on the other table. You will then need to interact with the bell to ring it, and Ashley will do the same, thereby opening the cage which contains the Serpent Head.
(1 of 5) You can see the portraits at the end of the dining room for clues to the puzzle.
If you’re still struggling with this puzzle, be sure to check the video below for a full demonstration of what to do.
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