You’ll pick up this quest in Chapter 14 after hearing Kyrie’s speech in the Sector 5 Slums. Make your way over to Wall Market and head back to the Gym to find Andrea. You’ll once again be roped into competing against Andrea but this time in the form of Pull-Ups, a mini-game somewhat smiliar to the Squats one back in Chapter 9.
Once again, it’ll take a lot of practice, much more than Squats, to really master it but again, you only need to win the easy match-up with Andrea for the Quest with the Pro Difficulty reserved for another Trophy, Peeress of Pull-Ups.
Rank | Prize |
Trainee | Way of the Fist Vol.III |
Amateur | Magic Up Materia |
Pro | Champion Belt |
(1 of 4) The button combination will change every round
Like with Squats, there’s no simple way of winning at this mini-game but the pointers from that mini-game still apply here with a few more to help you out:
Watch Tifa’s body movements for each button press, this is handy for when the on-screen display vanishes.
Speak out the button presses (or in your head) to help remember the combination and which particular button press you’re on. This is especially more vital with Pull-ups due to the way in which the combination will change.
After the fourth rep, you can usually speed up until you get to the seventh rep at which point you can go as fast as you can manage.
In the Pro difficulty, if you fall down even once, you’ll have to pause and give up to try again, you’ll need to be as perfect as possible. The only time this isn’t valid is if you’re in the lead and Jules falls with a few seconds to go.
Consider muting the game to block out all of the chatter, this can put you off at times, causing you to stumble.
Ignore looking at what your opponent is doing or their score, focus only on your own rhythm.
Some button combinations may be easier for you to remember, if you find one you’re particularly strong with, consider retrying until that one shows up.
A good score to aim for at the end of Round One is around 20 Pull-ups, this will put you in good stead for Round Two.
Jules will end up with around 43-44 Squats so that should be the figure you’re aiming to beat. Jules will usually fall once in both rounds, with their second fall coming towards the end of Round Two which can easily put you off.
Your reward for beating Andrea and completing the quest is the Way of the Fist Vol.III Manuscript, boosting Tifa’s SP by 10.
how dare you assume jules gender is male
Hey billyprimo, thanks for spotting that mishap, we've updated the page accordingly.