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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Villanous Enemies

Jarrod Garripoli
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Villainous Enemies are stronger versions of the normal enemies you fight in the game, and are first introduced in Gohan’s Gumption during the Saiyan Saga of the main story. You can tell Villainous Enemies apart from normal ones, as they have a red aura surrounding them, plus whenever you use your Ki-searching ability, you can tell where they are located. On the world map, the Villainous Enemies are rep1resented as a crown icon if they are in an area. You will not find Villainous Enemies in every single region, as they only appear in a few of them. They will also come in waves, meaning you will have to defeat the first wave.

(1 of 3) Villainous Enemies will have a red aura around them

Once you do this, a second wave of stronger ones will spawn and when those are gone, a final Villainous Enemy will appear. Get rid of that one to finish off all of the Villainous Enemies in that region for good (more on that later). There will be a total of four sets of Villainous Enemies in four regions, which will unlock as you progress in the main story. All of their levels are set in stone, so it might be a good idea to leave them until you complete the main story. The table below shows off their levels, along with the regions they are located. Note that each set will typically spawn after completing a story arc in the main story. The three level ranges shown in the table represent the three sets that will spawn, as mentioned above. So, for the Central Plains Area, you have the initial wave at 30, then the second wave at 38, and the final one at 50.

Region Villainous Enemy Levels
Central Plains Area 30-38-50
Southeast Islands Area 44-55-65
Continent Center Area 65-75-85
Great Western Desert Area 80-90-95
East Ravine Area 100

Upon clearing every single Villainous Enemy from the map, you will get a cutscene and unlock an optional boss. This optional boss will be located in the Land of the
Kais area. He is level 100, so he can be a challenging opponent if your own levels are low. However, if you should happen to have done the majority of the Substories, then your levels should be around 85-90, which is more than enough to defeat the boss. Before heading to the Land of the Kais, make sure you max out the Cooking Community Board and have some Full-Course Meals cooked for you by Chi-Chi. Specifically, you want ones that enhance your fighting capabilities, so focus on Melee ATK/DEF and Ki ATK/DEF. Additionally, you want healing items for your character, like Senzu Beans and stuff that gives percentage HP. Lastly, bring along your two highest support characters.

When you are ready, head to the Land of the Kais (Off-Earth Area) and track down the location of Towa and Mira to begin the optional boss fight.

Optional Boss - Mira

As far as actual optional bosses go, Mira is pretty standard and doesn’t really stand out too much from a regular boss fight in this game. In fact, he borrows quite a few moves from Goku himself, so you should be more than familiar with those. One such move is the Dark Kamehameha, which he seems to do twice in a row, so counterattack after the second one. Later on in the fight, he will also use the Spirit Bomb technique. This hits multiple times, so just because you dodge or block the initial blow doesn’t mean that you won’t get hit again. Outside of those, Mira has Sonic Blow, a melee move, and Android Punch.

(1 of 2) Mira has a lot of moves you might find familiar

Mira has a lot of moves you might find familiar (left), Mira’s Spirit Bomb is his most dangerous move (right)

The latter has him charging in towards you and delivering a medium-range shockwave punch (think Buu’s Megaton Punch). Finish Breaker is not much different than the usual Consecutive Energy Blast maneuver, as Mira will shoot off a bunch of smaller Ki blasts, then finish with a larger one. Note that Mira does have a surge mode, but he doesn’t have any new moves that come from it; he will just do back-to-back Super Attacks and while you know them all, some combinations can prove dangerous. The biggest problem is the Spirit Bomb, as the attack is a bit blinding and any follow-ups can get you caught in those. Despite all of this, Mira is a fairly easy fight that is only really complicated by his high HP.

Once you’ve beaten Mira, both him and Towa will leave, but the Villainous Enemies in the various regions will have respawned. The catch is that they are a much higher level than they were the first time. You can continually refight them over and over, like before, with them respawning once again.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    19 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring coverage of all the sagas and substories while also detailing vital information on all skills and the Community Board.

  • Full Walkthrough of the main storyline
  • Coverage of all Substories
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide
  • All Collectibles
  • All Skills
  • Community Board Breakdown

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