Soul Emblems are the medals you unlock as you progress the main story and complete Substories, which can be placed on the Community Boards. Each one of them have stats on them that correspond to the various Communities and you can increase those stats with various Gifts. These Gifts also correspond to the various Communities and have their own values attached to them. The most of a stat you will see on a Soul Emblem by default is 25, but specific items can increase that max to 30. These items, called Secrets of Success, are not that easy to find, although they become a little more common after completing the main story.
(1 of 2) The status screen for Soul Emblems
The status screen for Soul Emblems (left), Give gifts to increase the stats and Friendship level (right)
Gifts will also increase the Friendship of the Soul Emblems, which is the gauge underneath their portrait on each individual Soul Emblem screen. Every Soul Emblem in the game will reward you with items should you reach the Friendship threshold in the bottom right corner of the same screen. These items can help out a lot during the main story, too, since they will sometimes come in high quantities. Also, the third reward given by Soul Emblems, for maxing their Friendship, tend to be one of those Secrets of Success items mentioned above. Lastly, if you place certain Soul Emblems next to each other on the boards, then you may trigger Link Bonuses that give extra points towards the Community Board’s level.
Saiyan Saga Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Goku | Automatically during story |
Gohan | Automatically during story |
Chi-Chi | Automatically during story |
Master Roshi | Automatically during story |
Nam | Complete the Nam the Peddler Substory |
Android 8 | Complete the Gentle Giant Substory |
King Yemma | Automatically during story |
Kami | Automatically during story |
Yajirobe | Automatically during story |
Tien | Automatically during story |
Chiaotzu | Complete the Telekinesis Training Substory |
Krillin | Automatically during story |
Yamcha | Automatically during story |
Piccolo | Automatically during story |
King Kai | Automatically during story |
Puar | Automatically during story |
Mr. Popo | Automatically during story |
Intermission 1 Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Pilaf, Mai, Shu | Complete the Pilaf Gang’s Plan Substory |
Launch | Automatically during story |
Saibaman | Complete the Mysterious Power Reading Substory |
Mercenary Tao, Master Shen | Complete the Familiar Face Substory |
Frieza Saga Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Turtle | Complete the Tough Break for Turtle Substory |
Bulma | Automatically during story |
Vegeta | Automatically during story |
Guru | Automatically during story |
Nail | Automatically during story |
Intermission 2 Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Oolong | Complete the Mystery of the Missing Tail Substory |
Raditz | Complete the Pride of the Warrior Race Substory |
Nappa | Complete the Saiyan Power Substory |
Dodoria | Complete the Power is Justice! Substory |
Zarbon | Complete the Power is Beauty! Substory |
Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jeice | Complete the Ginyu Force Tryouts Substory |
Android/Cell Saga Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Trunks | Automatically during story |
Doctor Briefs | Complete the Easy-Going Genius Substory |
Bubbles | Complete the Bummed About Bananas Substory |
Korin | Automatically during story |
Baba | Complete the Between Worlds Substory |
Android 16 | Automatically during story |
Dende | Automatically during story |
Intermission 3 Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Shenron | Automatically during story |
Ox King | Complete the An Awkward Pair Substory |
Appule | Complete the Filling the Power Vacuum Substory |
Cui | Complete the No Dirty Fireworks for Me! Substory |
Cell Junior | Complete the Little Nightmares Substory |
Buu Saga Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Marron | Complete the Daddy’s Little Girl Substory |
Android 18 | Complete the Anxious Android Substory |
Videl | Automatically during story |
World Tournament Announcer | Complete the Good Ol’ Days Substory |
Supreme Kai, Kibito | Complete the Far Beyond Frieza Substory |
Goten | Automatically during story |
Trunks (Kid) | Automatically during story |
Post-Game Soul Emblems¶
Soul Emblem | Location |
Mr. Satan | Complete the A Father’s Dignity Substory |
Majin Buu, Puppy | Complete the Buu the Bottomless Pit Substory |
Captain Ginyu | Complete the Captain’s Comeback Substory |
Android 17 | Complete the Lone Guardian Substory |
Suno | Complete the Reunion with Suno Substory |
Bora, Upa | Complete the Good Ol’ Goku Substory |
Elder Kai | Complete the Fulfilling a Promise Substory |
Arale-chan, Gatchan, Senbei | Complete the Here It Comes! Substory |
Porunga | Complete the Porunga Part 2 Substory |
Frieza | Complete the Return of the Emperor Substory |
Cell | Complete the Perfecting Perfection Substory |
Dabura | Complete the King of the Demon Realm? Substory |
Android 19, Android 20 | Complete the Shadows of the Red Ribbon Army Substory |
King Cold | Complete the Most Feared of Families Substory |
Babidi, Spopovich, Yamu | Complete the Babidi’s Back Substory |
Pui Pui, Yakon | Complete the Change of Heart Substory |
Bonyu | Talk to Research in Capsule Corporation in Post-Game and finish first Special Training exercise |
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