Objective | Reward |
Helped Arale get back home | 240,307 EXP, D Medal (x3), Coffee Pot Gift Set (x1), Golden Wheat (x3), Golden Energetic Fish (x5), Arale-chan’s Soul Emblem, Gatchan’s Soul Emblem, Senbei’s Soul Emblem |
(1 of 2) The best place for the Pure Crystals are the Katchin caves
The best place for the Pure Crystals are the Katchin caves (left), so venture inside and break the nodes to find them (right)
You need to be playing as Goku to begin this substory, plus you have to finish Pure Pair in order to unlock it. This substory begins in West Area. Arale and her friends are lost and need to find their way back to Penguin Village. Goku decides to go ask Fortuneteller Baba about the location, since he forgot. Of course, since Baba doesn’t do anything without wanting something in return, Goku offers to get her some gemstones. Specifically, she wants three each of the Pure Crystals - red, blue and green. The best way to get these, should you not have enough by now, is to check the area for drops on the world map (Square/X), then search the mineral nodes on the map in those areas. Once you have all of them, bring them back to Baba to finish the substory. Note that you will receive another Soul Emblem after the cutscene that follows completion.
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