Objective | Reward |
Helped fix Eighter | 136,715 EXP, D Medal (x5), Ultra Brain Bread (x1) |
(1 of 2) There are more than one purple orb in the vicinity
There are more than one purple orb in the vicinity (left), Keep grabbing them until you get the Burnt Files (right)
During Kami’s Successor, you will have to talk with Chi-Chi to continue the main story. In the North Mountains Area, you will find Eighter doing some daily chores and upon speaking to him, he will tell you that something seems off with the computer inside of his body. Goku decides to go ask Dr. Briefs, but he needs the specs for Eighter before doing anything. Return to the North Mountains Area and go back to the site of Dr. Gero’s lab, which is now in shambles. There should be some purple orbs in the vicinity now, so keep grabbing them until you find the Burnt Files. There’s likely three, at least, so keep grabbing the orbs until you get the key item. As soon as you do grab the files, a Red Ribbon robot shows up, triggering a fight with it and two smaller drones. Defeat all three to bring an end to this substory.
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