Objective | Reward |
Helped gather the ingredients | 5,292 EXP, D Medal (x1), Rose Wheat (x2), Gelatinous Egg (x2) |
During Interplanetary Preps at the beginning of the Frieza Saga, you will find that the Ox King has a new substory for you as soon as you step out of the house. He is worried about his daughter, Chi-Chi, so he asks you to check up on her. Head inside the house and speak to Chi-Chi, who talks about the lack of food in the fridge. Report back to the Ox King and he will talk about gathering some ingredients, although he only asks you to get some Carrots and Beast Meat. Carrots are easy to get, as you can buy them from any food vendor.
(1 of 2) Use your Ki sensor to find the deer
Use your Ki sensor to find the deer (left), Keep capturing them until you get the regular Beast Meat (right)
For the Beast Meat, you will need to hunt some down on your own. One of the animals that yield Beast Meat is deer, so you’ll have to find some in the wildnerness. The best area for this is the West Forest Area, as it is all wildnerness. The only problem that comes up is that deer can yield both the base Beast Meat, as well as Select Beast Meat. The latter doesn’t count towards the substory, though, so keep hunting them down until you get the right amount of Beast Meat. When you have all of the items, return to the Ox King to finish the substory.
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