Once you reach the end of the Frieza Saga, you will finally unlock the ability to use the Dragon Balls. These mystical orbs can be gathered to grant wishes, although you are limited in scope to what you can wish with them. There can only really be a single Dragon Ball in a region and you can tell which region by use of the little ball icon on the world map. Upon entering a region, you will see the same icon, which designates the location of the Dragon Ball. However, it is sometimes in a location with something else, so the map will cycle through the icons and you will need to pay attention to see exactly where it’s located.
When you do head to the general location, you may have a little trouble finding the Dragon Ball, as the Ki-searching ability does not highlight them. However, there is a way for you to have the game lead you straight to the Dragon Ball. Open your area map, find the icon on it and place a custom waypoint on the icon. If done right, then you will be led straight to the Dragon Ball and won’t have to manually search for them. Once you collect all seven Dragon Balls, you can go into your menu and choose the Dragon Ball option to be able to make your wish.
(1 of 2) Use a custom waypoint on the Dragon Ball icon on the map
Use a custom waypoint on the Dragon Ball icon on the map (left), which will lead you straight to the orb (right)
Upon unlocking the Dragon Balls for the first time, you will only have a single wish per set. When you reach the Kami’s Successor portion of the main story in the Android/Cell Saga, then the Dragon Balls will be upgraded and have two wishes per set. Finishing the main story will net you one final upgrade, where you will get three wishes per set. After unlocking the Dragon Balls, you will start getting wishes that have you reviving former villains to fight. Otherwise, your main wishes that are always available include asking for money, Z Orbs or rare items. Where you are in the story will determine the amount of money/Z Orbs, as well as the rare items.
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