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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Trophy/Achievement Guide

Jarrod Garripoli
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Dragon Ball Master

This trophy/achievement is achieved upon unlocking all other trophies/achievements in the game. Overall, this is not a challenging game, as the majority of your time will be spent on the main story mode. If you watch all of the cutscenes, then you’re looking at around 35-40 hours there, with maybe another 10 or so hours for getting the remaining trophies/achievements.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Dragon Ball Master

Obtain all trophies.

Trophy icon


Story-Related Trophies/Achievements

All of the following trophies/achievements will unlock naturally as you go through the main story.

Trophy/Achievement Description
Former Foe Win the simulation battle against Piccolo.
Worse For Wear Complete the Saiyan Saga.
Emperor No More Complete the Frieza Saga.
Earth’s New Champion Complete the Cell Saga.
Bye-Bye, Buu Complete the Majin Buu Saga.


Substory-Related Trophies/Achievements

As you progress through the main story, you will unlock side missions called Substories, which are marked on your map with a blue icon. The problem with these Substories is that most of them are only available for a short period of time during the main story, meaning they will be missable after that. The good news is that an update introduced a time machine after completing the main story, allowing you to go back and redo any Substories you missed. Thankfully, you don’t have to do all of them, as the most you have to complete for trophies/achievements is 10 Substories.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Helping Hand

Complete a sub story.

Trophy icon


Villainous Enemies-Related

Near the end of the Saiyan Saga (the first one), you will be introduced to Villainous Enemies. They are stronger versions of the normal enemies you’ve encountered in the game, as they have more health and attack, but they utilize all of the same moves as their normal counterparts. There will be multiple Villainous Enemies present in a region and as you progress in the main story, more will show up in other regions. Note that these Villainous Enemies will be around a set level, with the first set being around level 30 or so (later sets will be higher levels, of course). They won’t go away and since they are at set levels, it doesn’t matter when you do them. Note that upon clearing the first wave of Villainous Enemies in a region, three more will spawn and upon defeating those, one final one will appear.

You know a Villainous Enemy is present, due to the red crown icon on the world map, plus you will see their level and distance should you use your Ki-searching ability. While you only need to defeat 30 Villainous Enemies to get all of the related trophies/achievements, you need to clear all of the Villainous Enemies in order to fight Mira for the Down with the Demon Realm! trophy/achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

A Dark Omen

Defeat your first Villainous party.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

Purging the Plague

Defeat 30 Villainous parties.

Trophy icon


Down with the Demon Realm!

Mira is essentially the “superboss” of the main game and in order to fight him, you will need to clear every single Villainous Enemy in the game. Once you clear the level 95 group of Buus in the Great West Desert Area, there will be one final one in another region. Defeat those and Mira will now spawn in the Land of the Kais. He is level 100 and has quite a bit of health, but you are able to bring two support characters with you. Stock up on healing items, just in case, eat some meals to gain some buffs, then go fight Mira. Overall, he’s not very difficult and once you defeat him, you will be rewarded with this trophy/achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Down with the Demon Realm!

Win the battle against Mira.

Trophy icon


King Kai’s Telepathic Messages

Upon clearing the Saiyan Saga, you will begin receiving telepathic messages from King Kai as you perform basic things in the game. This includes fishing, gathering ingredients for cooking and even collecting minerals/Z Orbs. If you do this often throughout the game after you start getting the messages, then receiving 20 of them won’t take too long.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Voice in My Head

Receive a telepathic message from King Kai.

Trophy icon


Summoning Shenron

Dragon Balls become available after finishing the Frieza Saga, which is the second story arc in the game. You must collect all seven Dragon Balls before you’re able to summon Shenron and make a wish. The Dragon Balls will be spread throughout the various regions and you’ll know where they are by the orange ball icon on the world map. To make it easier to find them, though, in their respective regions, find the same icon on the area map and place your cursor over it, then plant a waypoint. This will lead you straight to the Dragon Ball, making it a lot easier to find.

After making a wish with the Dragon Balls (done via the menu), you will have to wait 20 minutes before the Dragon Balls will be able to be collected again. You cannot cheat your way with this timer, so you will need to spend 20 minutes actually in the game before they reappear. In order to get all of the related trophies, you have to summon Shenron a total of 10 times, so you’ll have to collect the balls and make wishes that many times.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Wish Maker

Summon Shenron from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

Shenron's Favorite

Summon Shenron 10 times from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish.

Trophy icon


Push It to the Limit

Training Grounds are where you can go to learn some of the moves in your Super Attack skill tree. They are indicated on the map by the green muscle icon and can be found in pretty much every region; using your Ki-search ability makes it so you see a blue bit of energy sticking out of the ground, which will be the Training Grounds. On all playable characters’ skill trees, you can use Z Orbs to purchase new Super Attacks, but there are some that cannot be bought with them. These are marked with the same icon as above and you have to go to the Training Grounds to complete a battle before learning that Super Attack. For this trophy/achievement, you have to learn 10 Super Attacks with a single character. You likely won’t be able to do this until you finish the main story, but Goku/Gohan is probably the easiest.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Push It to the Limit

Complete 10 challenges at a Training Grounds location with any character.

Trophy icon


Tough Enough

During the Cell Saga, you will unlock the Training Room at Capsule Corporation. It starts out as level 1 and in order to reach level 10, you will have to contribute materials, D Medals and Zeni in order to build each level. This might be one of the final trophies/achievements you unlock, due to needing a good bit of the above in order to build each level. For this trophy/achievement, you only need to finish the level 10 challenge, so you don’t need to do any of the others. This level 10 challenge pits you against three level 95 enemies and you can construct a full party via the Triangle/Y button on the screen where you pick the challenge. It’s not entirely too hard, but if doing it at lower levels, bring a lot of healing items.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Tough Enough

Complete a Level 10 challenge in the Training Room.

Trophy icon


Katchin-Related Trophies/Achievements

Throughout all of the main regions, there are caves that have a large boulder blocking their entrances. These are called Katchin Doors in the game and you can almost always find them at the mineral deposits on the map (not all deposits will have a Katchin Door). The catch with these, though, is they require you to be a specific level before you can smash them open. You will know the level of the doors by walking up to them and if you aren’t the right level, then you can’t break them. It’s best to not worry about them prior to finishing the game, since you will most likely be level 80+ with Gohan when you finish the main story, which will allow you to pretty much open all of the Katchin Doors. Inside of these caves are pretty much some D Medals, maybe a Gift and minerals. You only need to break 10 Katchin Doors for all of the trophies/achievements.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Destroy a boulder blocking a cave.

Trophy icon


Full-Course Meals-Related Trophies/Achievements

During Intermission 1, you will be tasked with collecting ingredients for Chi-Chi, which are for a full-course meal. A Full-Course Meal is the best type of meal in the game, with only Chi-Chi being able to make them. They usually require you to make some of the smaller meals before you’re able to make them. In order to get both trophies/achievements, you will need to make five different full-course meals. You get one as part of the main story, so you need to hunt down the rest of them on your own.

The majority of the full-course recipes will come from NPCs out in the world, but you will know who they are as they shout about a recipe as you’re close to them. The rest of the recipes will come as rewards from Substories. For a full list of locations for Full-Course Recipes, visit the following page.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

There's Nothing Like a Home-Cooked Meal!

Make a full-course meal.

Trophy icon


D Medal-Related Trophies/Achievements

D Medals are basically a form of special currency in Kakarot that are needed to do a few things, such as learning new Super Attacks at Training Grounds, as well as increasing the levels of the Training Room later. There are a few ways you can acquire these D Medals, one of which is by finding the hidden ones in each region. There are a set number of them hidden throughout each region and some of them are hidden pretty well. However, this will not be nearly enough to do all of the things you need to do in the game. Outside of the world ones, you can also get D Medals as rewards from Substories, Turtle School Challenges and even from the Z Encyclopedia. The latter two will be your biggest sources of D Medals, since pretty much most things you do naturally throughout the game will contribute towards both of those. You only need to collect 100 D Medals to get all of the related trophies/achievements, so as long as you check the Encyclopedia and Roshi on his island, you will easily get this.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Medal Madness

Collect 10 D Medals.

Trophy icon


Skill Tree-Related Trophies/Achievements

One of the things you can do to increase the potency of your characters in combat is learn new Super Attacks and passive skills on their skill trees. Go to Characters on the menu, then press Triangle/Y to access that character’s skill tree. At the beginning of the game, a large number of abilities will be locked, but more become available as you progress in the main story. Eventually, you will reach a skill that has a green arm icon on it, which requires you to use the Training Grounds to unlock it. Other than that, all other Super Attacks/passives have you spending Z Orbs. To get all of these trophies/achievements, you simply need to learn 100 skills across all characters.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Newfound Power

Acquire a Super Attack or Mastery in the Super Attack Skill Tree.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

A Super Warrior Is Born

Acquire 100 Super Attacks or Masteries in the Super Attack Skill Tree.

Trophy icon


Instant Victories-Related

An instant victory is when you’re boosting while flying and run into a random encounter, instantly winning the battle instead of triggering a normal fight. This only occurs when the character you’re controlling’s level is 5+ levels above the random encounters’ levels. You will automatically get the experience and Z Orbs without actually having to do the battle. You will need a total of 50 instant victories to get all of the related trophies/achievements, which can be a bit of a challenge if you wait too long. The reason for this is because enemies scale to your level in the post-game, so you aren’t going to get it there. Thankfully, there are a few spots during the main story where your character will be higher than the random encounters. Two such instances are when Goku arrives back on Earth during the Saiyan Saga after being revived and when Gohan receives his Power Unleashed form in the Buu Saga.

Of course, the patch that added the function Time Machine once you finish the main story makes these trophies/achievements a lot easier. You can travel back to an earlier point in the main story and still have your post-game levels, so getting instant victories is a lot easier. This is because the random encounters do not scale during the main story, so they will be a low level. If you can find a cave or something that has a random encounter in it, then you could possibly go back and forth to reset that enemy and continually get instant victories.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Not Worth My Time

Get an instant victory on an enemy.

Trophy icon


Research and Development-Related

During the Android/Cell Saga, you will unlock the ability to build machines via Bulma inside of Capsule Corporation. These machines will first require you to build machine parts in order to construct the hovercar and Robo Walker. These machine parts will need money and certain materials, which can either be bought from the parts vendor or by finding them in the wild. In fact, if you head outside of Capsule Corp, you can find a bunch of said parts right along the wall of the building. However you obtain them, build a machine part to earn Let the Building Begin! For the hovercar and Robo Walker trophies/achievements, you will need to construct all of the necessary machine parts for them before you can build them. Build each of them to earn their respective trophies/achievements.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Let the Building Begin!

Build a machine part.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

Robot Rider

Build a Bipedal Robo Walker.

Trophy icon


Z Encyclopedia-Related

The Z Encyclopedia is a great source to learn all about the world of Dragon Ball, which can be accessed by pressing Triangle/Y on the in-game main menu (not title screen). The Encyclopedia is split into ten different categories that will begin filling up as you do pretty much everything the game has to offer. This includes meeting characters, picking up items, entering new places, fighting enemies and much more. There is over 900 total entries in the Encyclopedia, and you only need 400 to get all of the related trophies/achievements. You will most likely unlock this by playing normally through the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Tell Me More

Unlock an entry in the Z Encyclopedia.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

Fountain of Knowledge

Unlock 400 entries in the Z Encyclopedia.

Trophy icon


Turtle School Challenges-Related

Not too far into the game, you will unlock some challenges related to Master Roshi. To find a list of these, head to your pause menu and go to Story, then press R1/RB until you get to Turtle School training challenges. As you play through the game, you will undoubtedly complete a lot of these, with notifications popping up on your screen when you do. Of course, once you complete these challenges, you will need to report to Master Roshi at his house to turn them in, netting you all kinds of goodies. Do this for 50 challenges to get all of the trophies/achievements. Note that you don’t hand in the challenges one-by-one, but you hand in all of the completed ones at one time.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Turtle School Trainee

Complete a Turtle School training challenge and report to Master Roshi.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

Turtle School Legend

Complete 50 Turtle School training challenges and report to Master Roshi.

Trophy icon


The Power of Friendship

Super Attack Assists are the Super Attacks you can perform for your support characters in battle. Whenever you do have support characters in your party during a battle, hold down R1/RB to bring up their Super Attack menu and press the corresponding button to perform it. Do this 10 times to get the trophy/achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Power of Friendship

Use 10 Super Attack Assists.

Trophy icon


Z Combo Zealot

Z Combos go hand-in-hand with Super Attack Assists, as you will need to do a lot of them during a single battle to fill up the meter surrounding the support character. If you have two support characters, then both of them have to be filled in order to use a Z Combo. You’ll know you can perform a Z Combo when you see the prompt for it on the bottom left portion of the screen. When it’s on there, press both L1/LB + R1/RB to perform the Z Combo. You need to perform a total of ten Z Combos in order to get this trophy/achievement. So, whenever you have access to support characters during the main story, try to work on this. Otherwise, wait until the intermissions or post-game, where you will be able to freely form your party.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Z Combo Zealot

Perform 10 Z Combos.

Trophy icon


Flashy Finish

A Super Finish is a special finish to a battle that is only accessible under specific conditions. To begin, you will need a transformation, the first of which is the Kaio-Ken during the Saiyan Saga. The other thing you need is Surge Mode, so you will require the bar to the right of your health to be full. When you have these two things, get into any normal battle (best to do this against a random encounter) and transform first. This is done by holding L2/LT + R2/RT and pressing the corresponding button. Fight the enemies until your Surge bar is full, then activate it (hold down Triangle/Y until the little scene activates). Note that it’s best to wait until there’s only one enemy left to do this, by the way. With all of these conditions met, finish off the last enemy with a Super Attack (beam attacks work wonders) and if you get a special scene, then you will have unlocked this trophy/achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Flashy Finish

Win a battle with a Super Finish.

Trophy icon
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    19 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring coverage of all the sagas and substories while also detailing vital information on all skills and the Community Board.

  • Full Walkthrough of the main storyline
  • Coverage of all Substories
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide
  • All Collectibles
  • All Skills
  • Community Board Breakdown

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