There are a number of scenes before you will be able to gain control of someone on Namek, including the arrival of Gohan, Krillin and Bulma, as well as the arrival of Vegeta and even a glimpse at Frieza and his goons. Eventually, at some point, some of Frieza’s nameless goons will come to your ship and start harassing you, putting you into a fight with them. These enemies are not tough at all, but they tend to block quite frequently, so use your melee attacks to break their guard as much as possible. Focus on one at a time and don’t forget that you have Krillin as a support character, so utilize his Solar Flare to get a free stun.
(1 of 2) Frieza’s goons in the forced fight tend to block a lot
Frieza’s goons in the forced fight tend to block a lot (left), Treat the ships like the towers back on Earth (right)
Defeat the two soldiers and some more scenes will happen, where you will eventually be put in control of Vegeta. As pointed out in the little scene right before this, a new destructible is present here on Namek, Frieza’s ships. These are essentially the same thing as the Red Ribbon towers back on Earth, as you sometimes find enemies near them and destroying them with Ki blasts will result in you getting some free items from the wreckage. While you’re in control of Vegeta, you only have a small area to explore, as Vegeta wants to focus on eradicating Cui, so let’s head to the marker to fight Cui now.
Vegeta vs. Cui¶
Well, what is there to say about Cui, other than he’s pretty easy. He’s also pretty basic, as his Super Attacks are generic. Assault Blaster is just Cui firing off a bunch of Ki blasts one after another, while Meteor Crusher is the standard downward spiking melee attack. Think of this battle more of a way to get used to Vegeta, since he plays a tiny bit differently than the other characters thus far (well, not too different). It also doesn’t help Cui that he’s a lower level than Vegeta.
Once the battle is over, there will be a few more scenes, then you’re back in control of Gohan.
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