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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Little Demons, Big Problems

Jarrod Garripoli
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Speak with Dende and get ready for the Cell Games. There will be some scenes, then Goku will head to Kami’s Lookout to meet up with everyone else. You will gain control shortly after that, so travel to the Continent Center Area for more scenes. When you have control again, you’re free to explore the area, if you want, but there’s nothing really new, so head straight for the story marker. After Satan is swatted away like a bug, it’ll be time for the first battle of the Cell Games, with Goku taking the initiative.

Goku vs. Perfect Cell

For the large part, Cell is still pretty much the same as he has been thus far in the game. He has access to Frieza’s Death Beam, with a large number of lasers, but you can dodge by either going to the side or in between them. There’s also Consecutive Energy Blast, a move you’ve likely used (and seen) a lot. He also retains the iconic Kamehameha beam attack (and the Guided Kamehameha) and brings back that multi-hit melee skill, Sonic Blow, as well as Impact Smash. Similar to Android 17, Cell can also use Barrier, which blocks any attacks and Cell’s is a lot bigger, too.

(1 of 2) Cell continues using moves from other fighters

Cell continues using moves from other fighters (left), Cell’s Barrier is a lot bigger than Android 17’s (right)

Cell also has Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon, as well as Assault Rush. The latter is the flurry of kicks special that ends with a roundhouse. Lastly, the super armor move that stuns you for a little bit is a two-parter with Cell, and will be one from now on for Cell. While Cell seems a little more prone to using the melee attacks, which you can do nothing to counter, you can dodge and counter the beam attacks with one of your own. Cell is definitely more aggressive than normal, but he doesn’t have anything you haven’t seen before, so you should know how to handle everything.

After the battle is over, Goku decides to forfeit his match with Cell, in favor of picking his next opponent. When you gain control, walk on over to Gohan and speak to him to begin the next fight.

Gohan vs. Perfect Cell

This fight is pretty much the same as the previous one, except you are using Gohan this time. There’s not really anything to report, as you should be used to Gohan and his playstyle by now.

Upon winning the battle, Cell tries his best to get Gohan angry, but nothing is working. Android 16 steps in to try and help, but is unsuccessful in his plan and ends up having his body dismantled. Meanwhile, Cell ends up creating smaller versions of himself, so step forward when you can to trigger the next fight.

Goku/Vegeta/Trunks vs. Cell Juniors

It’s a three-on-three here, with the Cell Juniors being quite the handful and annoying. Despite them having three targets, they will continually butt in on your personal fights, so you will likely be thrown around quite often by them. In terms of abilities, they don’t have anything new that you haven’t seen before, but one particularly nasty trick is Solar Flare. Now, you’ve probably used this before when you have Krillin as a support character, but it will blind you characters and temporarily stun them.

You will likely be stunned more than once from the Juniors’ Solar Flare

The Cell Juniors also have the Kamehameha beam attack, and you might see all three of them do it at the same time. For the most part, you would just sidestep the Kamehameha when it’s fired by a single Junior, then retaliate with one of your own. Lastly, they know the Destructo Disc, which should be treated as nothing more than a normal Ki blast. Your best bet is to concentrate on a single Cell Junior until you have defeated it, then you will have the advantage over the remaining two. Repeat this until there’s one left, then you will be golden. Don’t forget to use your support characters’ Super Attacks.

There are some scenes after, leading into the last bit of the Cell Games…

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    19 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring coverage of all the sagas and substories while also detailing vital information on all skills and the Community Board.

  • Full Walkthrough of the main storyline
  • Coverage of all Substories
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide
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  • Community Board Breakdown

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