Three years has finally passed and the fated day has come, as the party gets ready to go confront the androids. Goku, Gohan and Piccolo arrive in the Far Southern Islands Area, with you gaining control of Goku. Since this is a brand new area, you’re free to explore it, but you’re not going to find anything out of the ordinary here. One thing to keep an eye out for, though, is a recipe in the main city on the big island. Remember that you can see the NPC talk about the recipe while flying around, so once you do, go down and speak with the person to receive the Special Meat Course Recipe.
(1 of 2) While searching for the androids, look out for the NPC that talks of a recipe
While searching for the androids, look out for the NPC that talks of a recipe (left), Fly down and speak to them to receive the Special Meat Course Recipe (right)
When you’re ready to continue, approach the island with the mission marker to view a short scene. You see an explosion in the city, but considering you’re up against androids, you aren’t able to sense their energy. Everyone splits up to see if they can find the androids, after which, you will need to speak with a few people to see what’s going on. After speaking to all three Z Warriors, you will finally meet the androids face to face, although they seem to have gotten to Yamcha already. To avoid anymore innocent lives being taken, Goku decides to move the battle with the androids to another area. Travel to Gizard Wasteland and to the mission marker for a quick scene, then a battle with Android 19.
Goku vs. Android 19¶
Surprisingly, Android 19 is a pretty standard fight, as there’s nothing spectacular about him that sets him apart from any other major fight in the game. Spiky Headbutt is your standard charge maneuver that goes straight, which is nothing you haven’t seen before. Eye Beam sounds exactly like its name; Android 19 will shoot beams from his eyes and it’s really easy to dodge. There isn’t really much else to say here, since Android 19 isn’t that aggressive, but the fight will end prematurely, once you bring his health down to around two bars remaining.
There will be a scene after the fight is over, showcasing Goku’s illness. You will also see Vegeta come in and take over, fighting Android 19 this time. Approach the android to begin the battle.
Vegeta vs. Android 19¶
(1 of 2) Whenever you see the dark aura around Android 19
Whenever you see the dark aura around Android 19 (left), avoid using Ki attacks as they will heal him (right)
This fight is pretty much the same as the previous one, except that Android 19 has one trick up his sleeve. Android 19 can use a skill called Energy Absorption, which sounds just as the name implies. Any Ki used to fire beams or regular blasts at Android 19 whenever he has the aura around him will be absorbed, resulting in his health being restored. One small mistake can lead to a lot of the damage you deal being undone. While Ki attacks can be dangerous, a good old punch to the face is still effective and won’t be useless at all in this fight. Overall, Android 19 is a little more challenging in this fight, but outside of Energy Absorption, he’s still a fairly easy opponent.
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