The campsite has been built! If you haven’t already, you should consider decorating the area surrounding it. More decorations mean your island is more appealing, and prettier islands attract more tourists.
You won’t have any visitors today (on the campsite’s opening day), but you’ll likely have one in the next few days. When there’s a visitor, Isabelle will announce it during the island-wide broadcast. There will also be a tent on the campsite platform to indicate that someone is staying over!
How to Decorate Your Campsite¶
If you’re stuck for ideas on how to decorate, why don’t you try to go for a more traditional campsite feel. If your campsite is in a secluded or woody area, then a campfire and haystack would add to the rustic vibes. A clothing line would also look great!
You can decorate with whatever you like!
If you have a beach campsite, why not give it a more tropical vibe? You could plant more palm trees around it, and make some shell furniture (if you have the DIYs). If you’ve already bought the other DIY recipe sets in Nook’s Cranny, then you’ll now be able to buy the Wildest Dreams DIY set. This will give you some fun new DIYs, including a Hearth recipe. This would be a great decoration for a beach campsite. Though, first you’ll need to find a mystery island that has bamboo on it!
The hearth has a roasting fish on it!
Whatever you decide, you should definitely spend some time decorating with furniture and flowers as this will later help in increasing your island’s rating.
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