This page offers a guide on what you should be doing on your island everyday in order to optimise your time playing the game.
- Look for special visitors - You should always do a quick run around your island looking for special visitors!
Always interact with the special visitors on your island.
- Water Your Plants! - Always take the time to water your flowers. Or, at the very least, water the flowers that you’re looking to crossbreed.
You will get all sorts of fun new flower variations if you water them!
Shake the trees - Shake all of your hardwood and pine trees! Each day, you have the opportunity to find two items of furniture, ten bags of 100 bells and five wasps nests!
Grab DIY recipes - There will always be a washed up bottle on the beaches. You should aim to collect it everyday. Twice a day, you’ll be able to collect DIY recipes from villagers that are crafting things in their homes. You should be able to get one DIY recipe in the daytime, and one in the evening.
Mine Rocks - You should try to mine the rocks on your island daily, since you want to build up a stock of materials, especially iron and gold nuggets. You’ll also get the money rock too which will help in saving to pay off debts!
Try to maximise the amount of materials you get from each rock.
Visit the shops! - You should always visit the shops because you never know what you might find.
Talk to your neighbours - Be neighbourly and talk to each island resident everyday!
Catch fish, sea creatures and insects - You should always take some time out of your Animal Crossing day to catch some bugs, fish and deep-sea creatures. This is the best way to make sure you collect all the creatures available - even the rare ones.
Dig for fossils - Each day, four new fossils will spawn on your island. Make sure you dig them up everyday so you can donate them to Blathers or sell them for big bells.
Collect them all!
Complete Nook Miles+ errands - Doing all of the above will probably complete some of the daily Nook Miles+ tasks you’ll have, but it won’t hurt to spend a bit of time completing some more. Maybe its planting a flower or a sapling. Or it could be selling seashells or catching a Seabass!
Use the Nook Stop in Resident Services - You can earn a maximum of 300 Nook Miles for checking on the Nook Stop everyday. You should also take the time to browse the different things it has on offer.
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